Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

179: How Many Years Have You Signed With The Company?

When Nana said this, she smiled slyly: "The company has been urging me to renew my contract with them, but I have not renewed it, just to have a good chat with my agent."

When Qi Lin heard this, he nodded, and then took the initiative to ask Nana: "How many years have you signed with the company?"

Nana Qi Lin replied: "It's not too long, five years, if you want to sign again, you have to sign for fifteen years."

Qi Lin raised his eyebrows in surprise. He thought it would be ten years at most, but he didn't expect to triple it. Seeing Qi Lin's surprised look, he couldn't help but snicker.

"Why are you so surprised? They didn't expect me to be so popular now. They think I have a strong development prospect.

14 "So it is absolutely impossible for them to give up on me easily. If they want to sign me, they must contract me for the next fifteen years."

When Qi Lin heard this, he didn't respond. He was also a capitalist before.

If it were him, he would probably do the same.

Even going too far, it is possible to directly sign with the other party for 20 years, so he is not qualified to question the company's decision.

"Okay, so you're going to talk to him on the day of the Lectra art show?"

This time it was Nana's turn to be surprised.

"How did you know I was going to talk to him that day?"

Qi Lin didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Sometimes he felt that the other party looked mature that didn't match his current age, but sometimes he felt that the other party was actually quite naive.

"Didn't you find that you have an extraordinary obsession with holding an art exhibition recently?"

When Nana heard this, she thought about it carefully, and then she stuck out her tongue and said, "Well, it seems that's right, I really want to have a chat with him on the day after the art exhibition, if he If you are willing to loosen the rope that binds me, then I will continue to renew the contract."

When Qi Lin heard this, he nodded and didn't ask any more questions. Many things don't have to be asked clearly to understand.

Seeing that Qi Lin didn't intend to continue asking questions, Nana asked Qi Lin, "Why don't you continue to ask me?"

Qi Lin turned to look at Nana: "Why should I keep asking you?"

Nana tried hard to think about it, she put her hands behind her [then Qi Lin questioned and said: "Shouldn't you ask me why I have to let my agent change instead of leaving this company?"

Qi Lin shook his head: "You seem to want me to know the answer."

Nana admitted without hesitation: "I said so much just to make you ask me this sentence."

Qi Lin: "Why do you want 080 to let me know?"

Nana looked at Qi Lin in surprise: "You are so smart, can't you even think of the answer to this question?"

After she finished asking, she answered the phone again: "Okay, I'll tell you directly, because you're leaving in a few days, so I want to let you know, anyway, it's okay if you know, even if you say Few people believed it even when they went out.

Qi Lin was not at all surprised by this answer. He turned his head and looked at Nana with an expectant expression, looked into the other's eyes and asked, "Then why do you have to keep your manager?"

Nana replied without hesitation. .

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