"Do you really want to learn?"

As soon as Qi Lin finished speaking, the little girl at the front desk couldn't wait to answer: "If you want, of course I want to learn!"

The little sister at the front desk had already said so, and Qi Lin didn't refuse her, although he didn't know what to learn from just two dishes.

After taking the ingredients out of the refrigerator, I carefully taught the little sister at the front desk.

After the little sister at the front desk successfully copied a dish that was exactly the same as "460", the two of them realized that there were too many dishes on the table for the two of them to eat.

"Uh... what about these noodles?"

The little sister at the front desk was obviously a little overwhelmed.

After brushing away the annoying hair, she replied: "Otherwise... let's give these to the homeless people on the side of the road."

Qi Lin looked at the little girl at the front desk in surprise, and asked, "Are there any homeless people around here? Why didn't I see it?"

When the little sister at the front desk heard this, she smiled and replied to Qi Lin: "Of course I have, I'll take you there to see it later!"

After she finished speaking, she looked left and right, then took out an insulated bag and poured all the noodles into it.

After packing the noodles one by one, they put the bag filled with noodles into a very large incubator.

"Let's go!"

Qi Lin asked suspiciously: "Aren't you at work? Will it be okay to leave now?"

The little girl at the front desk replied, "I've already left work. If I hadn't finished get off work, I wouldn't have come to the back kitchen with you."

The two chatted and walked out of the hotel door

Qi Lin looked around, except for the passers-by who were running here, he didn't see any homeless people nearby,

He glanced at the front desk and asked, "Where's the bum?"

The little girl at the front desk beckoned and said, "Come with me!"

After she finished speaking, she quickly walked into the alley.

Qi Lin almost lost his way following her, the alleys here are too similar, if it is not someone who comes here often, it is easy to get lost.

The little sister at the front desk is obviously a frequent visitor, and her steps are very firm.

Qi Lin didn't ask questions, and he wasn't interested in inquiring about other people's privacy.

After walking with the front desk for more than ten minutes, he finally arrived at his destination.

Looking at the group of people crowded in the alley in front of him, Qi Lin felt a little confused. He didn't expect that there were so many homeless people near the hotel...

The front desk saw Qi Lin's blind eyes, she smiled at Qi Lin and said, "Did you expect there to be so many homeless people here?"

"I didn't know before, I only found out later, let's go."

When Qi Lin heard this, he turned to the front desk and asked, "So you came here by mistake?"

The front desk nodded: "It's about right."

Qi Lin was not going to go in. There were too many homeless people here. Many people had noticed the two of them, so he didn't really want to go in.

Anyway, there are already a lot of homeless people here, they put the pasta here, and these people will get it by themselves after 4.5.

"Put things here."

Qi Lin's suggestion.

The little sister at the front desk rejected him.

"How can I do that, I have a familiar friend, and I want to give him what I made.

When the front desk said this, she asked Qi Lin cautiously.

"Can you go with me?".

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