Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

185: After Finishing This Vote, You Can Rest

When Qi Lin heard the question, he looked at the front desk thoughtfully. At this point, he had already found out that something was wrong.

There are too many homeless people here, and most of them are strong men. The homeless people here are as familiar as they are back to their own home.

It means that the little sister at the front desk has been here more than once.

In this case, the other party also asked him to accompany him. It can only be said that the other party's purpose is not just to let him come here.

Logically speaking, Qi Lin should refuse at this time and retreat in time.

But he didn't do that, who told him to be too idle?

And he really wants to know what he wants to do here.

Many 17 thoughts floated through Qi Lin's mind, but in fact it only passed for two seconds.

"Okay, then I'll accompany you in."

After Qi Lin finished speaking, he was about to follow the receptionist into the alley.

All the homeless squatting in the alley stared at the two of them.

Although they didn't move, the aggressiveness in their eyes was so strong that it was hard for people to ignore their eyes.

He followed the front desk all the way to the deepest point, and then he saw a log cabin.

"Your friend lives here?"

The little girl at the front desk nodded.

"Yes, do you want to throw it away?"

Qi Lin raised the corner of his mouth and replied with a smile: "No, this is your friend's house after all, so it's definitely not good for me to go in."

The front desk quickly shook his head and replied, "How could that be? If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here today to deliver food."

"Come in."

Qi Lin didn't continue to refuse, he stretched his waist, and walked in with the front desk.

After entering the house, he found that the lights were not turned on in the house.

"do not move."

Before he could move, a hard object was placed on the back of his head.

It is conceivable that this object is definitely not a good thing.

Qi Lin slowly raised his hands.

"Speak up if you have something to say."

The little sister at the front desk said next to her.

"Take out all your valuables.

Qi Lin was not surprised by this situation.

He guessed that the little sister at the front desk deliberately wanted to lure him here, and then cheat him, an outsider.

"I don't have much money with me, I only have a wallet, do you want it?"

There was a man standing behind Qi Lin. After hearing what Qi Lin said, Qi Lin immediately replied, "Take it out! I warn you, you'd better not make any small moves."

When the man spoke, he even moved his wrist, indicating that he could put Qi Lin to death at any time now.

Qi Lin didn't have any intention of resisting, he took out his wallet.

After the little girl at the front desk took the wallet, she immediately glanced at 230 for the amount of banknotes in the wallet.

"Haha! I knew this time the guest was a fat sheep!"

"After finishing this vote, we can have a good time again!"

The front desk couldn't be happier, even the voice was full of joy.

The man behind Qi Lin was relatively calm, he was not dazzled by money.

"Do you have anything else on you?"

"Hand over your phone."

Qi Lin reluctantly took out his mobile phone, and he also took out all the electronic devices on his body.

Neither the front desk nor the man expected Qi Lin to be so cooperative.

They thought they needed to do something to get Qi Lin to cooperate. .

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