The more Xia Taotao thought about it, the more wronged she became, her eyes were already turning red.

"How could he do this?!"

"It's so perfunctory to me. I'm so looking forward to it today. I've been waiting since morning."

Xia Taotao was talking, she wanted to take out her mobile phone to contact Qi Lin, and asked why Qi Lin was so perfunctory to her.

Qi Lin did not answer Xia Taotao's call, and Xia Taotao made three calls in a row, but no one answered.

"Boss Qi should be busy now, why don't you go into the villa area to have a look?"

Xia Taotao took a deep breath, the villa area in front of her didn't even have a single light in the villa except for the street lights.

She didn't want to go in to see it at all, but after all, it was a gift Qi Lin was going to give her, Xia Taotao didn't want to be so perfunctory and left.

She sighed and replied to the assistant: "Forget it, you can take me in."

Xia Taotao had no expectations for the appearance of this villa area, it was just a villa anyway, no matter how beautiful it was, it couldn't look much better.

The assistant brought the dejected Xia Taotao to the entrance of the villa. The door lock at the entrance of the villa is a combination lock. He said to Xia Taotao: "The password is your birthday, you can open it yourself."

When Xia Taotao heard this, she barely felt better. Qi Lin did it with care in this matter. She didn't refuse the assistant's proposal, and went up to open the door by herself.

The inside of the villa was pitch black, she frowned and asked the assistant, "Where is the light? The lights are not turned on, what do I think?!"

The assistant's voice sounded behind her, "Take two steps, and the light switch will be on the right."

Xia Taotao pursed her lips and walked into the villa. The villa was really too dark, she couldn't see clearly, she suddenly regretted it.

Instead of looking at the villa alone here, she might as well find a few little sisters to go shopping and eat for her birthday.

Xia Taotao absent-mindedly turned on the light while thinking.


"Happy birthday!!!!"

"Bang bang bang!"

The salute sounded, accompanied by a blessing.

Xia Taotao was taken aback, she took two steps back, seeing a large group of people suddenly appearing in front of her, her brain hadn't reacted yet.

"You... you..."

Qi Lin appeared at the end, and after everyone stopped, he said to Xia Taotao: "Happy birthday!"

·Ask for flowers...

Xia Taotao really shed tears this time, she cried and said to Qi Lin: "You are too bad! I thought you were really so perfunctory..."

Seeing Xia Taotao crying so badly, Qi Lin quickly went up to comfort Xia Taotao: "This is your birthday, how could I be perfunctory, I have not forgotten it.

"I threw you a party, I hope you like it."

Xia Taotao still cried miserably, but this time she was moved to cry, seeing Xia Taotao crying so hard, Qi Lin reluctantly took Xia Taotao's hand and walked forward: "Okay, okay, we won't cry.

"I'll take you to the front, which is the party I specially prepared for you."

After the lights came on, Xia Taotao finally saw clearly what the inside of the villa looked like.


Xia Taotao was really surprised. In addition to the swimming pool, there are many beautiful and novel decorations in the villa, and there is also a very large disco platform.

Xia Taotao was really surprised. In addition to the swimming pool, there are many beautiful and novel decorations in the villa, and there is also a very large dancing table. .

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