"Happy birthday!!!"

Just as Jia Taotao was looking at the decorations in front of her, several men suddenly came from behind her.

Xia Taotao was taken aback again, she felt that these voices were somewhat familiar, and when she looked back, she found that it was the boy group she had been paying attention to recently.

She covered her mouth in surprise: "My God!!!"

The men's team personally held the birthday cake and sang the birthday song to Xia Taotao. After singing, "Zero Nine Three" said at the end.

"Happy birthday to you."

Qi Lin said beside him, "Make a wish."

Xia Taotao was moved to tears again, she tried her best to suppress her sore nose, closed her eyes, and clasped her hands together: "I hope Mr. Qi Linqi can stay by my side forever.

After Xia Taotao finished speaking, she blew out the candles on the birthday cake in front of her.

The ceremony was over, Qi Lin thought it was time to get excited, he clapped his palms, and then everyone started playing.

The DJ, the men's team, and other small partners all started to sway to the music, and Qi Lin stretched out his hand towards Xia Taotao.

"Would you like to dance with me, beautiful lady?"

Xia Taotao covered her mouth and Qi Lin replied, "Of course!"

After dancing, the two of them sat next to each other comfortably, holding hands like young couples in love.

Xia Taotao leaned against Qi Lin, she asked Qi Lin, "Did you prepare this surprise for me?"

Qi Lin didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Otherwise, who else would I prepare for?"

Xia Taotao breathed a sigh of relief, and she said to Qi Lin: "I was really angry and wronged because I thought you didn't love me at all. If you loved me, you wouldn't have given me a villa at all."

"Even if you just send a few bouquets of flowers, it is more sincere than you send a villa.

Hearing this, Qi Lin frowned and asked, "Why? Isn't a villa more expensive than flowers?"

Xia Taotao snorted a few times: "Don't try to fool me, the most important thing you need is money. Is there any difference between buying a villa and buying flowers?"

When Qi Lin heard this, he scratched his head guiltyly. To be honest, there was really no difference.

Seeing that Qi Lin was speechless, Xia Taotao continued to speak to Qi Lin: "So when I saw you giving me the villa, I was really angry, and I called you several times just to Questioning you..."

"As a result, you didn't pick up any of them, so I was even more angry."

Qi Lin felt very wronged: "I couldn't answer it at the time, if I did, I would be exposed."

"In order to prepare this surprise for you, I searched a lot of information on the Internet."

Xia Taotao smiled happily: "I know, that's why I'm so happy, I'm glad you didn't perfuse me, I'm glad you prepared such a good gift for me.

When she said this, she took the initiative to kiss Qi Lin: "I tell you this mainly to express my inner happiness. I am really very happy. You just need to know this.

4.3 Everyone else is playing crazy, only the two of them are sitting next to each other.

"Aren't you going to play with them?"

Qi Lin asked Xia Taotao.

Xia Taotao immediately shook her head and replied, "I have time to play with them anytime, and I must cherish the time with you."

Qi Lin patted Xia Taotao's head helplessly: "But this party was originally prepared for you by me.".

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