Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

202: This Bowl Of Noodles Should Not Be So Bad

After two minutes, she said to Qi Lin and his assistant: "Wait for me, I'm going out to buy something.

Naturally, Qi Lin and his assistant had no objection. After the designer left, the assistant asked Qi Lin cautiously, "Are you sure you want to eat here?"

The assistant felt that he couldn't accept this place, and Qi Lin probably couldn't accept it either.

Qi Lin heard the assistant's question, he glanced at the assistant, and then asked the assistant: "You don't seem to like this place very much?

The assistant bowed his head and replied: "I can't say I don't like it, I just think the food here may not be particularly hygienic."

"In case you eat and damage your body..."

Qi Lin laughed and replied: "Other people can eat 123, why can't I eat it? My body is not weaker than others."

"If you don't want to eat it, you don't have to eat it."

The assistant shook his head quickly, Qi Lin ate it all, how could he not eat it.

When the two of them said this, the designer ran back.

She came back with a handful of chopsticks in her hand.

"Here you are! These are disposable chopsticks, which are relatively clean and hygienic."

Qi Lin looked at the designer in surprise.

He didn't expect that the other party would take the initiative to buy disposable chopsticks, just to make them feel at ease.

"thank you."

The designer waved his hand indifferently.

"What's the matter? In a small rural place like ours, we usually use the chopsticks that everyone uses. I've already gotten used to it, so I don't think there's anything wrong with it."

"But you are different. What you use outside should be disposable chopsticks, or special cutlery such as knives and forks."

"It will be put into the disinfection cabinet for disinfection. It is much cleaner than ours. Now it is impossible for you to be like us. 11

After the designer came here, he obviously talked more.

Qi Lin smiled and nodded while listening. They were chatting, and the boss served all three bowls of noodles.

"Your faces!"

The designer nodded, and then put the two enlarged boards in front of the two of them (ccda).

"I think you should eat more, but it doesn't matter if you don't finish it. I don't know if this place suits your taste. If you don't like it, just take a bite." 1

Qi Lin heard the designer's words, but he didn't speak, he just started with disposable chopsticks.

The assistant saw that Qi Lin had already moved his chopsticks, so he didn't hesitate, took out the disposable chopsticks and started eating noodles.

The assistant was different from Qi Lin, he didn't have any expectations for the taste of this bowl of noodles, he made it feel like a strong man cut off his wrist even though he was eating.

When the designer saw his appearance, she couldn't help laughing.

"This bowl of noodles should not be so bad, don't you have a heroic look..."

When the assistant heard this, he scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Have it?"

The designer nodded while suppressing a smile: "Yes, if I didn't know that this is a bowl of noodles, I would have thought I was forcing you to take poison."

The assistant's face turned red all of a sudden, he shook his head and said to the designer: "It's not that exaggerated..."

In order to ease the embarrassment, he began to eat the noodles in the bowl slowly.

It may be because his expectations for this bowl of noodles were too low, so after eating the taste of the noodles, he was pleasantly surprised. The texture of the noodles is very springy, and the key is that the seasoning of the soup is very good. .

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