When the two of them were chatting, Qi Lin had already eaten half of it. The taste of this bowl of noodles was really good, which suited his appetite.

The designer didn't expect Qi Lin to like eating noodles so much, she asked Qi Lin, "I can't tell...you can accept this kind of street food."

When Qi Lin heard the designer's words, he smiled and replied to the designer: "Before I made money, I also grew up eating these foods. If I couldn't even accept these foods, I would have starved to death long ago." .”

When the designer heard this, she shrugged her shoulders and replied: "It's not necessarily because of my professional relationship. I often see some rich people, and their attitude is the same as yours at ten o'clock."

"There are some people who are self-made, but let them eat now what they used to eat, and they won't want to.

"They feel that their current status can only eat high-end restaurants, such as caviar, such as steak and so on.

When the designer said these words, there was a trace of sarcasm in her eyes, Qi Lin thought for a while, and then asked the designer: "So you know my identity?"

When the designer heard the question, she was taken aback for a moment, and then she replied with a smile: "Of course I know, to cooperate with others, at least you must know the identity of the other party..."

Qi Lin nodded and replied: "You are right, so you mean you didn't expect me to be so down-to-earth?"

The designer replied: "So to speak."

Qi Lin couldn't help asking curiously: "Since you didn't expect me to be so down-to-earth, why did you bring me here to eat?"

The designer thought for a while, and then Qi Lin replied: "If I have to say a reason, it is that after I met you, I think you should be worthy of the appearance of some rich people I have met before."

"Well, it's actually a woman's intuition."

"I was just asking if you want to eat, if you refuse, I will definitely not bring you here.

They chatted while eating, and the atmosphere of the two chatting was very good.

All three of them ate all the noodles in their bowls.

When the designer saw that there was only soup left in the assistant's bowl, she couldn't help but said in a teasing tone: "Is it so delicious?"

...asking for flowers......

When the assistant heard the question, he cleared his throat and replied: "It's really good, I'm really hungry

When the designer heard this, she laughed, and after they finished eating, they were going to go out for a walk and visit the place.

"So you were born here?"

The assistant asked the designer curiously.

The designer nodded: "I was born here, and then I also studied here, and then I went out of here after I was admitted to a university in another place.

When the assistant heard what the designer said, he couldn't help but nodded and said in admiration: "You are really amazing."

The designer smiled and shook her head, and she replied to the assistant: "I used to think that I was very good, but after I went out, I realized that there are actually many more good people than me.

"Others say that I am smart and talented, but only I know that my intelligence and talent are earned through hard work."

The designer lowered his head and looked at the ground while talking, as if he was caught in his own memories. .

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