Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

204: Since You Invited Me, Of Course I Will Go

Seeing the depressed mood of the designer, Qi Lin thought for a while and said to the designer: "No, you do have talent in this area, talent and hard work should not be confused.

The designer didn't expect Qi Lin to say that, she was stunned for a moment, then Qi Lin said: "But I just don't have talent, you don't need to comfort me, I know it's because I don't have talent, so I believe hard work can make up for it."

When the designer "Zero Zero Seven" said this, she had a big smile on her face. Qi Lin frowned slightly, and he replied seriously to the designer.

"You may have misunderstood me. I didn't say this to comfort you. I do think you have talent. 11

"I've read all the plans you submitted before. People without aura can't come up with so many such plans."

"I don't know how you judge whether you have talent or not, and I can't interfere with your judgment, but according to my standards, you are talented."

The designer was moved by what Qi Lin said. She pursed her lips and said to Qi Lin: "Many people have said that I have talent, but I don't believe it. I don't know why you say I have talent, but I can't help but want to believe it." .

When the assistant heard this, he thought for a while, and said to the designer: "Actually, I also think you are very talented. If you don't have talent, there is no way for me to take a fancy to your design at a glance. venue."

The designer smiled at the two of them and said, "Thank you."

There really isn't much to do in the countryside.

There are only a few places to walk around.

After wandering around for more than half an hour, they decided to go back to the venue first.

After returning to the venue, the three of them chatted while supervising the staff to decorate the venue.

It was already twelve o'clock in the evening when the staff finished all the venues.

Qi Lin looked at the time on his watch, and said to the designer: "Tomorrow is the Chinese New Year, you should celebrate the New Year here, right?"

Unexpectedly, the designer shook her head, and Qi Lin replied: "My family is gone, so I usually spend the New Year outside.

Qi Lin didn't expect to get such an answer, he was stunned for a moment and then said to the designer: "I'm sorry..."

The designer shook his head and replied: "What's so embarrassing, I never think it's something shameful, if someone asks, I'll just say it directly. 11

After Qi Lin listened, he thought about it carefully, and then his designer asked: "Then are you coming to the banquet tomorrow?"

The designer was taken aback for a moment, she knew there would be a banquet here tomorrow, but she didn't expect Qi Lin to invite her.

"Are you sure you want me to go?"

Qi Lin nodded: "If you want, you can come and play together tomorrow."

Of course, the designer will not refuse. Others are surrounded by people during the Chinese New Year 4.8, and she is the only one who celebrates the New Year alone. Although she doesn't think there is anything wrong with it, sometimes she still feels a little lonely.

"Okay, since you have already invited me, of course I will go!"

After the designer finished speaking, Qi Lin said to the assistant beside him: "Let's go, take her home.

The assistant didn't say anything else, he drove the designer directly to her downstairs. .

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