Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

205: He Must Have A Self-Defense Weapon On Him

When the designer arrived, she turned to Qi Lin and said, "Thank you!"

Qi Lin shook his head with a smile. In order to facilitate contact, the two of them also exchanged phone numbers.

After watching people go upstairs, he asked his assistant to drive him back to the villa.

Just halfway there, he heard the phone ring.

He glanced at the note above, then answered the phone and asked.

"What's wrong?"

The designer's voice was very low.

"My house seems to have been broken into, can you come over and take a look for me?"

When Qi Lin heard this, his brows immediately frowned, and he said to the designer: "You stay outside the door first, or you go downstairs and wait for me.

The designer hurriedly replied to 22 and said, "Okay! I'll wait for you downstairs!"

Qi Lin could hear the trembling of the designer's voice, and he said directly to the assistant in the front seat: "Hurry up and send me back to the place just now."

The assistant didn't know what happened, but he didn't ask, he just drove the car back to the original location.

As soon as they arrived at the original location, they saw the shivering designer downstairs.

After the designer saw the two of them, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"thank you all!"

Qi Lin asked the designer directly.

"How did you find out there might be a thief in there?"

Designer Qi Lin replied: "I had already opened the door, but I found someone inside the room turned on the lights, and a lot of things fell on the ground."

"I think thieves sneaked into my house and are searching for things now.

When Qi Lin heard this, he nodded and asked the designer: "Then did you call the police? Did he find out?"

The designer shook his head: "I don't think there should be any. I opened the door and took a look, then quickly covered the door."

"I also pretended to make a phone call and said that I would wait downstairs for Phoenix Express."

Qi Lin touched the designer's head, and then he said to the designer: "You did a good job! I'll go up now"

Hearing Qi Lin's words, the designer quickly grabbed his clothes.

"No! The thief dared to enter my house so blatantly to steal things, which means he must have a self-defense weapon on him.

"If you go, what if you get injured?"

Qi Lin replied to the designer: "Don't worry, I won't get hurt."

The designer was still worried, but Qi Lin insisted on going, she had no choice but to follow behind.

After arriving at the place, Qi Lin pointed to the door, and then he mouthed to the designer and asked, "Is this the place?"

The designer nodded quickly, she hid behind the assistant and Qi Lin nervously, Qi Lin took the designer's key and started to open the door.

After quickly opening the door, he saw the thief who was calling 670 to count as running away. Qi Lin went up and kicked the thief without saying a word.

The opponent didn't expect Qi Lin to be so fierce. After he was kicked to the ground, he quickly took out the knife on his body, trying to threaten Qi Lin with the knife.

It turned out that it was of no use at all.

Qi Lin was not threatened at all, and easily removed his hand. The thief could feel that his hand was dislocated, and he yelled loudly.

"Ah!!! Damn! Who are you!"

Qi Lin didn't answer him. After he took the utility knife from the thief's hand, he tied the thief with the belt next to him.

At this time, the police also arrived.

As soon as they entered the door, they saw the subdued thief. .

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