Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

209: Are You Sure It's Really This Way?

"Although I haven't been there for a long time, I believe that you will absolutely like that place!"

When Jian Bai said this sentence, her eyebrows raised slightly, and Qi Lin could see that she was very happy now, and under the influence of Jian Bai, he also began to be happy.

The two of them walked for about half an hour, but still didn't see any place that looked like a secret base.

Qi Lin couldn't help but asked "Zero Zero Seven" Jian Bai: "Are you sure we are going in the right direction?"

Jian Bai replied Qi Lin without hesitation: "Of course! I used to come to this place often, even if I close my eyes, I can find it here!"

"It will take about an hour to walk there."

Qi Lin was taken aback, and he said to Jian Bai dumbfounded: "Otherwise, we'd better go back, walk for more than an hour to get there, and then walk back from there again, it may take a long time to watch."

"What if I get lost?"

Jian Bai pouted with some grievances: "It is impossible for me to lead you on the wrong path..."

Seeing that Jian Bai was reluctant to go back, Qi Lin thought for a while, and walked with her. While walking, he chatted with Jian Bai about topics that were not worth talking about.

They chatted like this to pass the time. After walking for more than an hour, they still haven't arrived at the secret base.

Confusion rarely appeared on Jian Bai's face. She looked at Qi Lin and said, "No, logically speaking, we should be here now."

Just as Qi Lin was about to speak, he smelled the smell of alcohol on Jian Bai's body. An ominous premonition arose in his heart immediately, and he asked Jian You, "How much wine did you drink just now?"

Jian Bai replied clearly: "Not much, I just drank five, six, seven or eight glasses of red wine, don't worry, I'm not drunk!"

Qi Lin is still a little worried, but he and I are not in the mood to worry about it now.

Because they might have lost their way, just as he was about to call someone to pick them up, Jian Bai held him tightly.

Jian Bai stared into his eyes vigilantly, and then asked him: "What do you want to do?!"

Qi Lin sighed and replied to Jian Bai: "We have to call someone to pick us up. If we continue to go inside, we will die here..."

Jian Bai shook his hand unconvinced: "How is it possible?! It's such a small place, I can walk out with my eyes closed!"

"Don't worry, I won't lead you astray, I'll take you back now!"

Qi Lin was still a little worried, but Jian Bai had already started to walk back.

He had no choice but to follow up first, and then he found that following Jian Bai, the more he walked, the more something went wrong. They didn't seem to be walking back, but more like walking to another place.

"Are you sure it's really this way?"

"Otherwise, I'll ask someone to pick us up first, and we'll come back tomorrow to have a look. y

When Jian Bai heard this, she turned to Qi Lin and said, "Impossible! It's the 3.5 roads, I won't remember it wrong, vomit!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she vomited directly.

Qi Lin hurried over to check the situation, and handed the tissue on his body to Jian Bai. While vomiting, Jian Bai said that it was absolutely impossible for him to go the wrong way.

Only then did Qi Lin realize the fact that Jian Bai was already drunk, but when the other party was drunk, people couldn't tell at all. .

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