Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

210: Which Advertisements Are Enough For The Company To Make A Lot Of Money

"How could I dislike you? I'm afraid that when your fans know about our relationship, they will come to your door one by one and prepare to kill me.

Gu Han's words were teased inside and out, but he succeeded in pleasing Qiao Jingjing.

"It's not certain, then you have to cherish me, otherwise if the fans find out, I'm afraid they will come to your door and break your paint."

Gu Han watched the other party put on airs like a young lady, and Sui Chang made a gesture of invitation with a sense of humor.

"Then invite our Miss Qiao Jingjing to come and have dinner at the restaurant."

"Okay, seeing how good your service is, I reluctantly agree."

Qiao Jingjing raised her chin slightly, her eyes were full of smiles.

The two had a sweet lunch, Qiao Jingjing saw that the time was almost up, and had to prepare to catch up with the next banquet.

Before that, I had to do my makeup, so I left in a hurry after lunch.

Gu Han simply tidied up, checked the time and was about to go home to find Rongqing.

As soon as he entered the house, he heard a familiar voice from inside.

Gu Han took a closer look, and it turned out that Song Qian and Tong Wenjie were whispering something.

It looks very harmonious.

"Miss Tong is here."

Gu Han walked over with a smile, saw that the other party looked a lot rounder, and asked with a smile.

"What's the matter during this time, it looks like she's plumped up a lot.

Tong Wenjie also understood her figure, and the other party could tell it at a glance, so she smiled and said indifferently.

"It's not that you haven't come to me these few days. I'm really depressed, and I can only turn my grief and anger into appetite."

Gu Han was just asking casually, but who knew that the blame would be on him, so he typed with a smile.

"That being said, I really have to arrange a few fat-reducing meals for you."

Tong Wenjie's eyes lit up, but thinking of Gu Han's hard work outside all day, he was still not willing to tire him out.

"Forget it, I'll do it myself and ask you to help. I'm afraid I'll exhaust you by then."

Gu Han originally wanted to rush to do it, but Tong Wenjie seemed to have made up his mind, so he didn't let him intervene at all.

He couldn't even enter the kitchen, so he had to stand outside the kitchen door and said helplessly.

"Sister Tong, my cooking is really not bad, you have to trust me."

Tong Wenjie didn't turn her head, and her voice came from inside the door.

"Even if you can't eat it after cooking, it doesn't make sense. Let you do it. Don't worry, I have learned a lot of new dishes at home these days, and I will give you a taste when the time comes."

Song Qian persuaded from the side. "Since Tongtong has said so, don't worry about it.

Gu Han had no choice but to let Tong Wenjie work alone in the kitchen.

Seeing Song Qian sitting in the living room, watching TV, she walked over to accompany her very naturally.

"I really watched the game 467 you mentioned, it looked very interesting, but it was a bit complicated to play.

Song Qian understood that he designed this game himself, so he was very careful with his words and sentences when speaking.

"Your game looks like it's free, can you really make money?"

"Don't worry, it's still in the public beta period, so the recharge entrance has not been opened.

Gu Han explained patiently.

"After the public beta time has passed, it will be opened when it is officially launched, and as far as the current traffic is concerned, the advertisements loaded in it are already enough for the company to make a lot of money.".

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