Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

212: Are You Okay? Did You Have A Nightmare?

Qi Lin didn't know what Jian Bai was thinking, he thought that Jian Bai was yelling because he was having a nightmare.

"Are you all right? Did you have a nightmare, or a headache?"

"Yesterday when I let them go, I stewed sober soup, remember to drink it later."

Jian Bai nodded in a daze, and then she went to the bathroom to wash up.

Jian Bai didn't mention what happened yesterday until both of them finished washing and sat at the dining table.

"I'm really sorry last night...I was drunk at the time, so I took you into the grove.

When Qi Lin heard this, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise: "You really don't look drunk, if you didn't throw up "I still can't believe you're drunk"

Jian Bai's face was completely red, she felt that she was really ashamed last night.

She doesn't look good when she drinks, no matter how much she drinks, her face will always be fair.

And even if she drinks too much, she still has her own consciousness, but it is easy to drift to other places.

Thinking of her actions last night, Jian Bai wanted to dig a hole to bury herself.

Qi Lin saw Jian Bai's embarrassment, and he changed the subject in time: "Actually, I wanted to ask this morning, where is the secret base you mentioned?"

Hearing Qi Lin's question, Jian Bai's mood dropped a lot. "She was silent for more than ten minutes before Qi Lin replied: "I did have a secret base before.

"It's an abandoned factory. I like it very much. When I was young, I would go there to vent any unhappiness or grievances."

"I went out to go to school later, and then I graduated and worked for two years before I came back. After I came back, the abandoned factory disappeared."

"I heard it was because it was more dangerous, so I directly pushed the waste factory away."

"The place I took you to yesterday is the place where the former abandoned factory was. Don't you see any traces of the abandoned factory?"

When Jian Bai spoke, there was a wry smile on the corner of his mouth.

Qi Lin didn't know how (cecf) he should comfort Jian Bai, he thought about it, and finally just patted Jian Bai's shoulder.

Jian Bai quickly cheered up again, she smiled at Qi Lin and said, "It's okay, it's not a big deal in the first place."

After Qi Lin had breakfast in the villa, he went back.

Originally, he rested here last night only because he was too tired. Now that the rest is over, he should be able to go.

Two days passed.

When Qi Lin was arranging things in his study, he saw Jian Bai's personal information that he had obtained before.

He originally wanted to take the information paper and shred it, but when he picked it up, he found that Jian Bai's birthday was just a week away.

Qi Lin had a good impression of this girl, and the incident after the banquet really made him feel very funny.

He thought for a moment, then called his assistant.

"Boss Qi, what's wrong?"

Qi Lin replied to the assistant: "Prepare a car, and we will go to the same countryside we have been to before."

The assistant was silent for two seconds, and then Qi Lin asked: "Is there anything else that hasn't been done before, and I can help you with it.

Qi Lin directly refused: "No, I will go with you."

The assistant will not question the boss's decision, and after getting a definite answer, he goes directly to prepare the vehicle. .

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