Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

213: Do You Have An Abandoned Factory?

This time they gained experience, avoided a lot of detours, and arrived in the countryside within a short time.

This place is still the same as when they came a few days ago, it can be said that basically nothing has changed.

When the assistant arrived, Qi Lin asked, "What are we mainly doing here?"

Qi Lin replied to the assistant: "Help me find out if there was an abandoned factory in the small forest near the site before?"

The assistant nodded, his work efficiency is very high, - it didn't take long to ask.

"It does exist, but I heard it has been dismantled now."

Qi Lin replied to the assistant: "Then help me ask the owner of that abandoned factory, I have something to do with him.

After the assistant heard Qi Lin's request, he continued to help Qi Lin.

Qi Lin sat resting in a small hotel by the side of the road, while his assistant ran up and down asking for news.

This time, it took about two hours before he asked for the information of the boss of the abandoned factory. After asking, he directly brought the boss to Qi Lin.

The boss of the abandoned factory didn't want to come with his assistant at first, but he gave too much, so he couldn't hold back and followed him. As he walked, he asked the assistant: "Where are you taking me? Yes?" Do you need me to do anything!"

The assistant didn't answer a word. After bringing the boss of the waste factory to Qi Lin, he stood beside him.

Qi Lin saw the assistant who was sweating profusely, and he said to the assistant: "Thank you."

Then he said to the owner of the abandoned factory: "Did you have an abandoned factory before?"

When the boss of the abandoned factory heard the question, he scratched the back of his head, and then replied: "There is indeed such a thing, but it was demolished a long time ago, what's wrong?"

Qi Lin said to the boss of the abandoned factory: "Do you have any photos of the factory? The more the better, the clearer the better."

The boss thought for a while, and then Qi Lin replied: "It seems that there is, before the demolition, my son said to take a few photos as a souvenir, so I took a few.

"So what are you asking me for?"

Qi Lin replied concisely: "I want to pay for these photos of you."

The boss had an incredible expression on his face: "Why are you buying these photos?!"

...asking for flowers...

Qi Lin didn't answer, he reported an amount directly.

"Is it enough to buy these photos of you?"

The boss kept these photos and could only pile up dust. When he heard that someone wanted to spend a lot of money to buy his photos, he quickly nodded and replied: "Enough is enough! I will go back and find photos for you right now!"

The boss was also very efficient. After about half an hour, he took a lot of photos and handed them to Qi Lin. The photos were placed in a biscuit box, and the lid of the biscuit box still had a lot of rust.

The assistant didn't let Qi Lin hold the biscuit box himself. He took the biscuit box from the boss and checked it. After confirming that it was correct, he transferred the money to the boss.

The boss saw the amount displayed on the phone screen [he clicked on the phone screen and smiled with eight teeth and said: "So why do you buy these photos?"

"I don't know if these photos can be sold for a few cents when they are sold as waste products, but you still spend tens of thousands of dollars to buy them."

When the boss said this, he held his mobile phone screen vigilantly: "Since the money has already been given to me, you can't take it back!".

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