Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

222: Why Did He Fall In Love With Me?


"Why is he looking at me?"

Jian Bai has seen other women in Qi Lin, they are all good-looking, and each has their own characteristics, she will be compared to those women, and she will be miserable.

So she never thought that Qi Lin liked her.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what is he looking at me for?"

Qi Lin didn't know Jian Bai's entanglements and doubts in the villa.

After returning to his home, he washed and went to bed.

He made an appointment with Jane Bai at ten o'clock in the morning, and he planned to go out to pick up Jane Bai at 9:30 tomorrow morning.

The next day, Qi Lin was woken up by the alarm clock, he took care of himself sleepily, and then drove out to pick up Jian Bai himself.

Originally the assistant wanted to follow, but was rejected.

Today is date time, and he doesn't want light bulbs bothering him.

After the assistant was rejected, he also walked away very sensible.

When he arrived at the downstairs door of Jian Bai's villa, Feng took out his mobile phone and dialed Jian Bai's phone number.

"I'm already downstairs with you."

Jian Bai was putting on makeup, and when she heard this sentence, she was so frightened that her eyeliner almost crooked, she put down the eyeliner in a hurry, and then ran to the window.

Sure enough, a Maybach was parked downstairs.

"Why are you here so early?"

Qi Lin heard Jian Bai's question, and he replied to Jian Bai: "Isn't today a date? Of course I will come to pick you up earlier."

Jian Bai didn't know how to respond, she tidied up the messy desktop in a hurry, and then she said to Qi Lin: "Give me another ten minutes, I will go down in ten minutes


Qi Lin replied patiently: "It's okay, I have plenty of time, just take your time."

After Jian Bai responded, she hung up the phone, and she began to put on eyeliner at the fastest speed in her life. When she finally went down, it was (chce) half an hour later.

She was a little embarrassed and said to Qi Lin: "I'm sorry, I didn't expect it to take so long..."

Qi Lin didn't mind at all, he opened the co-pilot's door for Jian Bai: "It's okay, didn't I tell you? What I need most is time."

Jian Bai originally wanted to sit in the back seat, but Qi Lin helped her open the passenger door, so she had to get into the passenger seat and sit.

Qi Lin returned to the driving seat. She had just pulled up the seat belt by herself when she saw that Jian Bai seemed to be in a daze. The seat belt on her body hadn't been fastened yet.

He thought for a while, then leaned over to help Jian Bai pull up the seat belt.

Seeing Qi Lin approaching suddenly, Jian Bai stopped breathing. It wasn't until Qi Lin put on his seat belt that she finally took a big breath as if she could breathe.

"Ahem, where are we going now?"

Jian Bai covered his mouth as if to cover up and asked.

Qi Lin didn't notice anything wrong, he looked ahead and replied to Jian Bai: "It's still early, I'm going to take you to a movie.

Jian Bai asked Qi Lin suspiciously: "Shouldn't movies be watched at night?"

When Qi Lin heard this, he gave a low laugh: "It seems that I should watch it at night, but I was afraid that you would think that I took advantage of you, so I changed the time to watch the movie to morning.

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