Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

223: Watching Horror Movies With Jian Bai

Jian Bai's face turned red again: "I don't think so, don't talk nonsense..."

After the two drove to the cinema, Jian Bai looked around, and she found that there were very few people in this cinema, and there was only one front desk.

Qi Lin noticed that Jian Bai was observing, and he explained beside him: "This cinema is a private cinema, so there are relatively few people."

Jian Bai suddenly realized, no wonder he didn't even see a single customer here except the cleaners and the front desk.

After the two went to the front desk, Qi Lin directly took out a card. After the waiter took the card, he manipulated it skillfully on the computer, and then he returned the card to Qi Lin again.

Qi Lin clicked on the screen in front of him, and then he asked Jian Bai: "What movie do you want to watch, just choose it on it."

Jian Bai glanced at it twice. She actually doesn't like watching movies very much, so she doesn't have high requirements for movies.

After swiping twice, she casually pointed to a movie.

When Qi Lin saw the name of this movie, he raised his eyebrows in surprise and asked Jian Bai: "Do you like watching ghost movies?"

Jian Bai blinked in confusion: "Is this a ghost movie?!"

Because the cover and name of this movie were so normal, she didn't even know it was a ghost movie.

Qi Lin smiled and replied to Jian Bai: "This movie is quite popular recently, and the horror plot in it is quite scary. Do you want to watch it?"

Jian Bai's expression immediately became indescribable. Just as she was about to ask for another one, Lin led her directly to the front desk.

Once the front desk knew the movie they were going to watch, they quickly arranged it for them.

"Okay, you just go to the third hall."

Jian Bai swallowed hard, and she kept praying in her heart that this movie would not be too scary.

Qi Lin is a very ceremonial person. Before going in to watch a movie, he also bought two very large buckets of popcorn and two extra-large Cokes.

Jian Bai's originally nervous mood was relieved a lot because of Qi Lin's actions.

"You seem nervous?"

Hearing Qi Lin's question, Jian Bai shook his head reflexively.


Qi Lin glanced at Jian Bai: "Are you sure?"

Jian Bai nodded firmly: "I'm sure!"

……ask for flowers……

The two walked into the cinema side by side, sat on a long sofa, and started watching a movie.

At the beginning of the movie, it was very normal and ordinary. Originally, Jian Bai was on guard against this movie, but because the first half of the movie was too normal, she directly forgot that this movie was a ghost movie.



A scream sounded, which was the sound from the speaker.

Jian Bai was startled by the sudden sound, she glanced at the screen, a dead face suddenly appeared on the movie screen, this face was full of craters and bloodstains.

It is not difficult to see that he was tortured to a certain extent before his death.

Jian Bai began to feel terrified, she couldn't help hugging her knees tightly, and stared at the protagonist group in the movie.


In the movie, one of the protagonists was pushed directly down the stairs.

The sound just now was the sound of the flesh hitting the ground.

The camera directly gave a close-up of the front.

Man is the husband of death on the spot. .

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