Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

231: You're Injured, I'll Take You To The Hospital

Qi Lin pushed Jian Bai back, and then he ran up and kicked the guest away.

Although the guest looked big, he was actually strong on the outside and strong on the outside. He was kicked by Qi Lin for about half a meter. Just when he was about to struggle to get up, he felt his hands were being stepped on.


After a burst of screams.

The guest stabbed Qi Lin's leg with a knife in the other hand.

Originally, Qi Lin could hide, but at this time the security guard came up from behind, and the security guard pulled him aside, which affected his movement and caused the guest's knife to cut his calf.


The fabric is scratched.

Qi Lin clearly felt a tingling pain in his calf.

The rest of the security guards immediately stepped forward. They snatched the guest's knife, and then desperately suppressed the guest who was stabbing non-stop.

"do not move!!!"

The police also arrived at this time, and they quickly arrested the person who injured someone with a knife.

Jian Bai ran up to Qi Lin with lightning speed.

"Are your feet okay?~~!"

Jian Bai directly lifted the scratched fabric on Qi Lin's pants, and she shed tears when she saw Qi Lin's calf was scratched.

"You said why are you so stupid, why are you talking to him? Wouldn't it be better to just let the security guard deal with it?!"

"Let's go, I'll take you to the hospital!"

Qi Lin took a look at the wound on his calf. In fact, his wound was not that serious. It was just rubbed by a sharp blade. At most, he only needed two or three stitches, and it was not a big wound at all.

He can even walk into the hospital by himself now.

But seeing that Jian Bai was so worried about him, he thought about it for a while, and still pretended to be sick and leaned against Jian Bai.

"Actually, I'm fine..."

Jian Bai wiped away tears while crying: "You're bleeding, and you still say you're fine! I'll send you to the nearest hospital right now!"

Qi Lin hooked his lips and did not speak. The police were very kind and sent them directly to the hospital, and asked them to remember to help record a statement afterwards.

The condition of the wound was just as Qi Lin guessed, only two or three stitches were needed, nothing serious.

When Jian Bai saw the stitched wound, her tears began to drip down unconsciously again. Qi Lin saw her crying with her mouth closed, and he asked helplessly: "It's not that you were injured, why did you cry?" so smart?"

Jian Bai replied while crying: "..." If I was hurt, I wouldn't cry! It's because you were hurt that I would cry!"

When Qi Lin heard Jian Bai's words, his eyes suddenly became dark: "What do you mean by this sentence?"

Jian Bai was taken aback for a moment, then she closed her mouth and did not continue speaking.

Qi Lin's wound is not serious, he just needs to go back and recover, so the two of them first went to the police station to record a statement.

That guest has been imprisoned, because he intentionally wounded someone with a knife, so (Zhao's good) should not be unexpected, he should be sent to prison.

After Qi Lin and Jian Bai simply recorded a statement, the two of them left.

"Are you going back?"

When the two were sitting in the car, Jian Bai suddenly asked Qi Lin.

Qi Lin originally thought that Jian Bai would not speak to him before returning home, so he paused, and then replied to Jian Bai with a smile: "Of course, my current situation is not suitable for staying outside."


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