Jian Bai was silent again, and after two minutes, she seemed to finally summon up her courage and said, "Then you...then would you like to come to my house?"

"Of course, that villa was originally yours too, uh...I mean..."

Jian Bai was a little incoherent, Qi Lin looked at her for a while, then interrupted her, and asked her: "Are you afraid that it will be inconvenient for me to be alone, so you want to take care of me?"

Jian Bai's face was red again, she didn't answer, just nodded with her mouth closed.

Qi Lin replied with a smile: "Okay, then I'll go to your house."

The two returned to Jian Bai's house together. After Jian 377 Bai opened the door, she quickly closed it again. Qi Lin was locked outside with a dazed expression on his face.

"What's wrong?"

Jian Bai heard Qi Lin's question outside the door, and while she was packing the clothes in the living room, Qi Lin replied.

"My house is really messy, you wait outside, and I'll bring you in after I finish cleaning up!"

After Jian Bai finished speaking, she picked up all the clothes and stuffed them into the cabinet as fast as she could in her life. This morning, in order to go out early this morning, she took out all the clothes and piled them on the sofa.

She didn't expect that Qi Lin would come to the house in the afternoon, so she didn't clean up when she went out. Now, it looks like a doghouse.

Jian Bai didn't want to ruin his image, so he put all the clothes in the room into the cabinet as much as possible.

After about ten minutes, she inspected every corner of the living room before opening the door.

Seeing a little calm Jian Bai, Qi Lin asked teasingly, "Have you finished tidying up?"

Jian Bai cleared his throat, and then replied: "Of course."

Qi Lin chuckled, then lifted his foot and walked in.

The villa was a bit different from when he came before. When he came, the villa was still empty. This time, a lot of things were added to the villa.

"I didn't expect you to have a (cife) interest in life."

Jian Bai replied with a smile: "Living alone, it's normal to have a sense of ritual.

"By the way, are you thirsty, let me pour you a glass of water."

Qi Lin nodded, and then Jian Bai went to the kitchen to pour water for him.

He glanced at the surrounding environment, and then sat on the sofa next to him. As soon as he sat down, he felt that there was something under the sofa. He got up and lifted the sofa cushion, and then saw the triangular fabric.

He was silent for a brief moment.

Jian Bai also came out with water at this time: "Water..."

As soon as she came out, she saw the fabric under the sofa. She took a quick breath, put the water glass on the table, then ran to the sofa at the fastest speed, grabbed the fabric and put it on her body.

"I... uh..."

It was also rare for Qi Lin to have red ears. He coughed, then changed the subject and said, "Do you usually cook at home?"

Jian Bai nodded and replied, "Do it."

Qi Lin also nodded, he did not continue to find other topics,

Jian Bai took advantage of this moment to quickly stuff the fabric into the cabinet upstairs.

After going downstairs, she looked at Jian Bai who was sitting on the sofa, and the embarrassment in her heart was almost overflowing. She stood on the stairs with some hesitation, and she was hesitating whether to go down to the first floor. .

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