Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

233: Is There Anything You Want To Tell Me?

Qi Lin seemed to see her embarrassment, he raised his head and said to Jian Bai who was on the stairs: "Why don't you stay there, come down and chat.

When Jian Bai heard Qi Lin's words, she nodded at Qi Lin. After returning to the first floor, Jian Bai sat on the sofa on the first floor with some embarrassment, not knowing what to do.

If it hadn't happened just now, she would have already started to take the initiative to find a topic.

But the problem was what happened just now, it was so embarrassing, she didn't know how to start a new topic again.

Just when she was hesitating, Qi Lin took the initiative to speak.

"You don't have anything you want to tell me-?"

Qi Lin took the initiative to ask Jian Bai, Jian Bai didn't expect Qi Lin to turn passive into active, she was stunned for a moment and then began to hesitate.

In fact, she has something to say, but she doesn't know how to say it. She is sure that she likes Qi Lin, but she doesn't know what to do if she wants to speak in this situation.

Qi Lin saw Jian Bai's melancholy and entangled appearance, he sighed deeply, and then said: "My answer is still the same as before, I like you, if I don't like you, I won't go out with you , will not prepare birthday presents for you.

"If you like me too, you just need to say one thing now, so do I."

After Qi Lin finished speaking, he sat quietly on the sofa and looked at Jian Bai, waiting for your answer.

Jian Bai began to feel shortness of breath, and her neck and face slowly turned red.

She knew very well that Qi Lin was already a family man, and even had a daughter.

But she still couldn't resist her heart, she just fell in love with Qi Lin.

Jian Bai doesn't want to continue to lie to others, anyway, she can't fight anyone, so it's better to be honest and tell Qi Lin what she thinks directly.

" too..."

After saying this sentence slowly.

Jian Bai breathed a sigh of relief, that's great! She finally managed to speak out, she thought she couldn't speak out.

Just when Jian Bai was happy, Qi Lin suddenly laughed, and Jian Bai froze all of a sudden, she looked at Qi Lin with a puzzled face.

Qi Lin said to Jian Bai: "Thank you."

After Qi Lin said this sentence, he stood up from the sofa. Jian Bai still remembered that his foot was injured. When she saw Qi Lin stand up, she quickly got up from the sofa and wanted to go up to support Qi Lin .

……………… Ask for flowers..…

Unexpectedly, as soon as she walked up, Qi Lin hugged her waist and Qi Lin gave her a deep kiss.

"Then let's be together."

Jian Bai was still a little stiff at the beginning, but later she began to let go.

After being honest with each other, the space between the two of them is not as awkward as before.

Even if the two of them do not speak, the air will not be full of embarrassment, but full of ambiguity.

Qi Lin's foot was slightly injured, so he had to rest at Jian Bai's place for two weeks.

After a good rest, he decided to go abroad again.

After Jian Bai knew about this, she frowned at Qi Lin and asked Qi Lin, "Why? Didn't you just go out a while ago?"

Qi Lin nodded and replied to Jian Bai: "That's true, that's right, I just wanted to come back for a year. Now that the year is over, I should go out again for three years.".

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