Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

240: I Don't Know How To Order Food, And I Have No Money

Seeing the girl's expression of reluctance to stop, Qi Lin asked the girl, "Do you want some more?"

The girl quickly shook her head, touched her chubby belly and replied, "I can't eat any more, I'm going to vomit."

Qi Lin nodded and didn't say anything else. After finishing all the barbecues in his hands, he was ready to pay and leave.

Although the barbecue here is expensive, it tastes good, so Qi Lin was willing to give the money. Just when he was about to leave, he felt that the corner of his clothes was being pulled. 30

Qi Lin looked back and found that the girl was holding his clothes.

"What are you doing?"

When the girl heard Qi Lin's question, she asked Qi Lin, "Can you take me in?"

Qi Lin gasped: "What are you kidding?"

The girl's eyes turned red quickly, she took a deep breath, and then Qi Lin said: "I really have nowhere to go, can you take me in for a while?"

Qi Lin originally wanted to refuse, but seeing the girl's pitiful appearance, he finally couldn't help but agree softly.

"Okay, whatever you say is what you say, follow me."

Qi Lin took her directly into the hotel, and he even opened a room for her, which was next door.

Although there were a lot of small rooms in his suite, it was inconvenient for single men and widows, so he booked another room.

After finishing those few words at the barbecue stand, the girl became dumb again. After Qi Lin opened the room, he handed the room card to the girl.

"I live in the room next to yours. If you encounter any danger, you can call me, but if it is other ordinary things, there is no need to call me."

After Qi Lin finished speaking, he took the elevator directly back to the hotel room. He slept too long today, so he couldn't fall asleep when he came back.

He just stayed up until dawn, and then fell asleep when the sky was getting dark, and when he woke up again, it was already afternoon.

He yawned and slowly got up from the bed.

After getting up and washing up, he was about to go downstairs to the restaurant of the hotel for lunch, but when he opened the door, he saw a girl squatting in the corner.

Qi Lin was taken aback. After he saw the girl's face clearly, the memory of last night slowly came back. He rubbed his temples with some melancholy.

"What are you squatting here for?"

When the girl heard Qi Lin's question, she stood up slowly.

Because of the numbness caused by squatting here for too long, she could only stand up slowly while leaning on the wall.

"I'm waiting for you."

Qi Lin raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Why are you waiting for me when you have nothing to do? If you are hungry, go eat by yourself. The 240 girl blushed in embarrassment. After a while, she replied in a low voice: "I I don’t know how to order food... I don’t have any money with me..."

Qi Lin was stunned, and after a while, he said to the girl: "I forgot to tell you, forget it, come with me, let's have dinner together first."

The girl nodded.

Qi Lin looked at the girl who silently followed behind him, and felt a little uncomfortable.

This girl looks to be at least fifteen or sixteen years old, an age of puberty.

But this girl doesn't seem to be going into puberty at all. .

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