Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

241: I Can Be Your Guide, I Grew Up Here

Girls don't even know that the hotel has a restaurant.

You must know that his daughter can now call out the names of major luxury brands!

Qi Lin only felt that this girl was really pitiful.

The girl didn't know what Qi Lin was thinking, she followed Qi Lin quietly.

The two arrived at the entrance of the hotel restaurant together.

They just found a table in the corner and sat down. The hotel restaurant is a buffet type, and they just go and get what they want.

It is already afternoon, so there are few people in the restaurant.

After the two of them ate for a while, Qi Lin wiped his hands, and then he said to the girl: "I don't know what's going on in your house, so you definitely can't live with me all the time.

"I'm leaving here in a few days. You won't be able to stay here for a few days. If you want, you can tell me about your family's situation."

When the girl heard what Qi Lin said, she just pursed her mouth and didn't speak. Qi Lin saw her as dumb, so he sighed and didn't say anything, just got up quietly and prepared to go back to the room.

As soon as he stood up, he saw the girl standing up too, and he asked the girl helplessly, "Aren't you going to follow me these days~.?"

The girl nodded silently.

Qi Lin frowned and thought for a while, finally he sighed and went back to his room directly.

When he pushed open the door of his room, the girl was still standing outside the door watching him quietly.

"Are you really planning to follow me all the time?"

The girl still didn't speak, Qi Lin had no choice but to let her into the room together.

"I'm going to go out later. You stay in the hotel room. If you're really bored, you can go to play nearby."

"If you don't have money, I can give you money."

After he finished speaking, he took out a wad of cash from the side screen.

The girl's eyes fell on the cash for a few seconds and then left, her eyes were still fixed on Qi Lin.

While taking clothes from the closet, Qi Lin said to the girl, "You don't really want to go out with me, do you?"

He said while going to the bathroom to change clothes.

After changing, he saw that the girl was still staring at him.

"I am very familiar with this place, if you want to travel, I can take you there."

The girl finally spoke.

Qi Lin lowered his head and pondered for a while. He felt that this was indeed a good idea. Although he had made some strategies, he was still not very familiar with the local area.

If the girl is familiar with this place as she said, then he can take the girl out for fun.

Thinking of this, he asked the girl as if confirming: "Sir, are you sure you are familiar with this place?"

The girl nodded vigorously, she thought for a while, and then gave a very favorable evidence. (money is good)

"I grew up here so I know what's fun and what's not.

Qi Lin believed the girl's words, he pointed out the door, and asked the girl to change her clothes and prepare to go out.

By the time the two of them went out together, it was already half an hour later.

When he walked to the door of the hotel, Qi Lin said to the girl: "I know what your real name is, so I'll just call you Xiaodong."

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