Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

242: No One Will Compete With Me For The Position

"You are fifteen years old, right?"

The girl looked at him and nodded silently.

When Qi Lin saw this girl, he couldn't help feeling pity for her just like seeing his own children grow up.

He stopped a car casually, and got into the back seat of the car with the girl.

"Don't you know which places are fun in this area? Take me to the most fun places first."

When the girl heard Qi Lin's words, she nodded vigorously again, and after thinking for a while, she said to the driver.

"Let's go to the East Tower!"

The driver responded, "OK!"

Then they hit the road.

I drove the 940 for two hours, and it only took one hour to drive.

But because the road was too congested, the original one-hour drive was abruptly extended to two hours.

After arriving at the place, the girl got out of the car with Qi Lin.

They looked at the East Pagoda, which was full of human heads, and they all fell silent.

Qi Lin cleared his throat and asked the girl, "Didn't you say it's fun here?"

The girl was a little embarrassed, she grabbed her clothes tightly, and then Qi Lin replied: "I didn't expect so many people to come here today, usually this is the most fun place."

Hearing the girl's nervous defense, Qi Lin couldn't help laughing. After a while, he said to the girl: "It's okay, but there are too many people here. Let's change the location."

Xiaodong felt the same way.

When they stand here, they feel that they have nowhere to stay, let alone play here, so they can only go to the next destination.

Fortunately, the next destination is not far from the East Tower, and they can just ride their bicycles there.

They don't want to continue to take a taxi, they have just sat for two hours, and they are still feeling dizzy.

It took almost an hour to ride the bike.

They finally arrived at the next destination, this place is a park, there are usually few people, and there are quite a lot of recreational facilities.

It's a pity that everything seems to be against them today.

The park was also full of people, and many families took their children out to play in the park.

The girl saw that the park was full of people, she was silent again, these two places were all decided by her, but after she came, she realized that there were too many people.

Seeing the girl's dejected look, Qi Lin couldn't help reaching out and touching Xiaodong's head: "It's okay, how about it, let's go around first, anyway, I came here to see the scenery."

Xiaodong nodded, her mood was still very low.

The two of them were cycling around the neighborhood together. It was almost night now, so the wind had gradually cooled down.

They blow the wind while riding, and they have a very wanton feeling.

They rode for another half an hour and felt tired, so they stopped to rest.

Just as they were looking up at the moon, Xiaodong suddenly became excited. She pointed to a path with bright eyes and said, "I think this one place, these ten places can lead to the innermost part of the park."

"If we walk in from here, no one will compete with us."

In fact, Qi Lin doesn't really want to go to the park anymore, but when he saw that Xiaodong wanted to go in so much, he thought about it. It's still worth going in with Xiaodong. .

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