Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

244: Don't Worry, My Banknote Ability

"Are you still unwilling to tell me about your family?"

After the girl was silent for a few minutes, she finally spoke.

"I said I don't want to say it, but you can't help me if I say it. Instead of making you worry, it's better not to say anything in the first place."

Hearing what Xiaodong said, Qi Lin laughed, and then asked Xiaodong: "How do you know I can't help you if you don't tell me?"

Little "940" Dong was silent again.

When she spoke again, she had already begun to tell her own story.

Her story is actually very simple, not so bloody, and not so complicated. Her parents had a car accident a few years ago and both passed away. The driver who caused the accident was fully responsible, so she lost a lot of money.

But because she was too young, she couldn't hold that sum of money by herself, so her uncle and aunt took over her and reached that sum of money while adopting her.

It was okay at the beginning, and everyone got along happily, but later on, problems began to erupt.

Uncle and aunt have two children themselves, and their children are particularly disliked by Xiaodong, so they often bully Xiaodong at home.

Xiaodong was not a person who would allow others to bully her, so when she was bullied, she didn't fight back and scolded her. When she was pushed down and cut her arm, she just threw the jar on the child's back.

This action happened to be seen by my uncle and aunt.

After the two of them saw what she was doing, they beat her up without saying a word, and after that time, the way they looked at her became very strange.

Sometimes he beat and scolded her at every turn. Xiaodong's psychological endurance is quite good, and she didn't think it was a big deal.

It's just that she doesn't want to go home anymore.

This time, she was accidentally kidnapped for fun, and she knew that even if her uncle and aunt knew about it, they wouldn't care about her, so she didn't want to say it at that time.

After listening to this experience, Qi Lin was silent for a few seconds, and then he asked Xiaodong: "If possible, how do you want me to help you?"

When Xiaodong heard this question, her breath gradually became short of breath, she looked at Qi Lin's face and said: "If you can really do it, then I want you to help me get out of this family... "

When Xiaodong said this sentence, her eyes seemed to be on fire, directly illuminating her face.

Qi Lin felt that Xiaodong's eyes were really beautiful, so he replied to Xiaodong with a smile.

"Okay, I promise you, I will do it."

When Xiaodong heard this, she stood up excitedly from the ground: "Is what you said true? You are not lying to me, are you?"

"I asked the people at the police station before, and they said that if I want to leave them, I have to wait until I grow up to eighteen."

When Qi Lin heard this, he replied mysteriously to Xiaodong: "Don't worry, I have money."

Xiaodong tilted her head in doubt, obviously, she didn't understand what Qi Lin's so-called super power was.

But because of Qi Lin's answer, she began to become a little excited and looking forward to it. Qi Lin saw Xiaodong's anticipation, and he couldn't help asking Xiaodong: "So why are you relying on me?"

"Aren't you afraid that I'm a bad guy?"

Xiaodong glanced at Qi Lin's face, she shook her head firmly and replied.

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