Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

245: We Haven't Eaten The Barbecue Yet

"You look so good-looking, you can't be a bad guy, all the bad guys I've seen are ugly."

Qi Lin couldn't help but started laughing, Xiaodong was still too young, and children's words always made people easily elated.

After he finished laughing, he wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"Forget it, let's see if we can get out.

Xiaodong looked up at Qi Lin suspiciously and asked, "Why don't we go back after the sunrise the next day?"

Qi Lin pointed to the surroundings, and then pointed to the sky: "03 You are really planning to spend the night in this wilderness, anyway, I don't have such intentions, and I'm hungry."

Xiaodong still had some doubts in her heart, but seeing that Qi Lin had already started to move forward, she didn't continue to ask questions, and walked directly with Qi Lin.

As he walked, Xiaodong's stomach started to make a gurgling sound.

Xiaodong blushed so hard that she wanted to suppress the growl in her stomach.

But this thing is beyond her control, so she can only let the cry in her stomach resound through the silent atmosphere.

"Are you hungry?"

Xiaodong was a little embarrassed to admit: "Well..."

Qi Lin turned his head to look at Xiaodong's shy face, he said to Xiaodong dumbfounded: "What's so embarrassing, I'm hungry too." The ten meals I ate in the afternoon have already been digested by me .

"After we go out, we must find a restaurant to have a good meal."

When Xiaodong heard this, she also nodded silently,

In the afternoon, she was not full yet. She saw Qi Lin stand up and was about to leave. She was afraid that he would not be able to keep up with him, so she hurriedly stood up.

The two of them walked for nearly an hour.

Qi Lin had a good sense of direction, so after an hour, they finally got out of the small road and saw a bicycle parked not far away, Qi Lin smiled and said to Xiaodong: "It seems that we don't need to spend the night in the wilderness .

Xiaodong turned her head to look at Qi Lin's side face, she suddenly said blankly: "You are really amazing, there is no one as powerful as you among the people I have met."

Qi Lin burst out laughing directly: "How could it not be?"

"And don't look at me with such admiring eyes anymore, I just led you out of the path.

Having said that, Qi Lin still enjoyed Xiaodong's adoring gaze, and the two of them rode their bicycles back to the street.

There was a supper stand on the road, and the stomachs of the two of them were already flattened by hunger.

So the two of them sat down directly at the barbecue booth. Just as they were about to eat a hot barbecue, the people nearby started drinking and making trouble.

At the beginning, it was just a quarrel between you and me 870-sentences, and then it started to push and shove. There are only a few night snack stalls, and the tables and chairs are all placed in the stalls.

Those few people didn't care about anything as soon as they got into a fight, and they smashed anything around them.

These people act like crazy when drunk.

In order to avoid being affected, Qi Lin quickly pulled Xiaodong back, and saw that the incident was getting worse and worse, and some people even saw blood.

Qi Lin didn't continue to grumble, he took Xiaodong away directly.

Xiaodong was led by Qi Lin and walked forward, she asked with a confused face: "Aren't we going to wait here for the barbecue?".

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