Qi Lin shook his head: "They made such a big fuss, the police will definitely come later, and we will definitely not be able to eat An Sheng's barbecue.

"Don't worry, there is no barbecue, we can eat other things."

After Qi Lin finished speaking, he took Xiaodong to the shop on the side of the road, which was open 24 hours a day.

"Hello, my phone is out of battery, can I charge my phone?"

There was a man at the front desk. He was playing games on his mobile phone. When he heard Qingmi's words, he waved his hand impatiently, meaning that he didn't want to help.

Qi Lin calmly took out the cash and put it on the table.

"I won't charge in vain."

When the front desk saw Qi Lin's cash on the table, his eyes lit up all of a sudden, he received the cash on the table in lightning speed, and then said with a completely different face from before: "Of course Okay, what's the model of your phone?"

"I can charge everything here.!"

Xiaodong stared dumbfounded at the front desk's 360-degree face change. Qi Lin smiled and handed over the phone. He was already used to this kind of thing.

After the front desk helped charge his mobile phone, he took Xiaodong to buy snacks in the store. Xiaodong looked eagerly at the various jerky and candies in the store.

Qi Lin bought all these snacks without hesitation, but he didn't give Xiaodong all of them.

"I'm going to take you to another place later, don't eat too much, just fill your belly.

Xiaodong nodded obediently, and then she opened a package of jerky and started eating.

After waiting for ten minutes, Qi Lin went to the front desk to get his phone back.

Now the battery of the mobile phone is only at 5%. Although it is not much, it is enough for him to borrow a power bank.

After packing all the mobile phones and snacks, Qi Lin took Xiaodong out of the shop, and while eating the jerky, Xiaodong asked Qi Lin vaguely: "What are we going to eat?

Qi Lin replied mysteriously to Xiaodong: "Take you to eat something delicious.

Then Qi Lin took Xiaodong into a taxi, and after sitting for about half an hour, the two of them arrived at the entrance of a restaurant.

Xiaodong blinked his eyes and looked at the signboard at the entrance of the restaurant, which said [Five-star Private Kitchen Shop].

Qi Lin walked in directly with Xiaodong. There was a boy with his head down in a daze standing at the door. When he saw someone coming in, he immediately showed a flattering expression and said to them: "Hello, two guests!"

"Excuse me, is Tao Mr. Qi?"

Qi Lin heard the waiter's question, he nodded to the waiter, and the waiter saw his response, his smile became more enthusiastic.

"The private room is ready for you, please follow me."

After speaking, the waiter took the two of them into a private room.

This private room has an antique look, as can be seen from the screen, the store has really put a lot of thought into the decoration (well done) and repair.

After Qi Lin glanced briefly, he withdrew his gaze in a lack of interest. He had seen too many good things, and this small private room really couldn't arouse his interest.

Xiaodong and Qi Lin felt completely different, this was the first time she came to such a high-end private room, and she looked excitedly at the decorations around the private room.

"Is all of this true?!".

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