Hearing Xiaodong's words, Qi Lin was stunned for a moment, then said dumbfounded: "Of course it's true.

Xiaodong didn't say anything more.

But it was obvious that she was quite curious about this place.

Soon, the waiter brought the food.

Qi Lin, who was a little puzzled by Xiaodong, asked, "Why are they open so late?"

When Qi Lin heard Xiaodong's question, he smiled and replied to Xiaodong: "It's not that they are open late, it's because we want to come here to eat, that's why they are open so late."

After hearing this, Xiaodong realized that Qi Lin's identity might not be as simple as she imagined.

But she didn't think that much, she was still young, so she couldn't think too much.

After dinner, they went back to the hotel together.

After resting in the hotel for one night, Qi Lin took Xiaodong out the next day.

"Let's go."

Xiaodong didn't know where Qi Lin was taking her, she didn't ask, and just followed Qi Lin.

Qi Lin first went to see a person, this person was a lawyer, and he asked his assistant to help him find him. If he wanted to help Xiaodong, he had to call 120 to find a local lawyer.

Only a lawyer can help Xiaodong get out of this situation.

Xiaodong didn't know what Qi Lin was thinking, she thought that Qi Lin had met her friend, so she sat obediently beside her the whole time, looking very obedient.

After briefly explaining a few words to the lawyer, he nodded to the lawyer and said.

"Okay, that's about it. Let her tell you about other things in person."

The lawyer also nodded, and he turned his head to look at Xiaodong who was beside him with an obedient face and said, "Hello."

Xiaodong didn't expect that the other party would take the initiative to greet her, she was a little taken aback, and then said to the lawyer: "Hello, brother."

The lawyer showed a gentle smile, and then he said to Xiaodong: "I'm the one my brother invited here to help you. Can you tell me about your family's situation?"

Hearing what the lawyer said, Xiaodong immediately glanced at Qi Lin beside him, who looked at her with encouraging eyes, Xiaodong thought for a while, and finally nodded.

She told all the information the lawyer wanted to know, and the lawyer recorded all the information in the notebook while listening to (adca).

After roughly understanding it, he said to Xiaodong: "Okay, I understand."

Xiaodong glanced at Qi Lin timidly. Qi Lin lowered his head and pondered for a while, then he asked the lawyer: "How sure are you of success?"

The lawyer thought for a while, and Qi Lin replied very cautiously: "Actually, the success rate is not high, about half and half. After all, they didn't do anything too serious, and Xiaodong didn't have any evidence."

When he said this, he sighed slightly: "Without any evidence, it is quite difficult to help this girl.

"Although it's not very good to say this, I still have to say that you'd better be mentally prepared, and you may fail."

Qi Lin wanted the lawyer to help Xiaodong get rid of the two guardians, but now that there is no evidence and the guardians have not done too much, it is very difficult to succeed in this matter.

The lawyer he hired is already the lawyer with the highest success rate in the local area.

Qi Lin thought about it for a while, and then he replied to the lawyer cautiously.

"Okay, I probably understand."

Afterwards, the two of them chatted for a while, and the lawyer left.

Now it was just the two of them sitting face to face.

Xiaodong hesitated for a while, and finally she asked Qi Lin seriously: "Is that brother you called to help me just now?"

Qi Lin was still thinking about something, and when he heard Xiaodong's question, he nodded without thinking.

Xiaodong was a little moved, she didn't expect Qi Lin to take her words seriously, in fact, she didn't think such a thing could be done.

After all, she is still underage, and she cannot get rid of her guardian when she is underage, and she also knows in her heart that although her uncle and aunt treated her badly, they did not abuse her.

In this case, it is obviously impossible to break away from uncle and aunt.

Thinking of this, Xiaodong tried her best to raise a smile and said to Qilin: "It's okay, in fact, I just said that at the time. I have lived through these years, and two years later will not be a big deal."

"Thank you for your willingness to help me, but it's really unnecessary."

Qi Lin didn't expect Xiaodong to say that. He looked into Xiaodong's eyes, and then he asked Xiaodong: "Do you really think so? If it's not because you can't stand the two of them, you will be in the middle of the night Wandering out at your own peril?"

When Xiaodong heard this, she fell silent. She really couldn't bear the ignorance of her uncle and aunt. When she was at home, these two people acted as if they hadn't seen her.

Sometimes when she came back late, they would just lock the door, and every time he had to make a little noise to wake them up.

When this happened, uncle and aunt would point at her nose and curse, and make her kneel down and reflect.

Over time, she developed a different emotion towards her uncle's and aunt's home. She would rather wander outside for a while than go home.

She actually lied just now, she didn't want to last another two years at all, but she also heard what the lawyer said just now, the lawyer said, "The success rate of this matter is only E.

Xiaodong could even feel that this was the highest probability.

Hearing the lawyer's tactful tone, she knew what the lawyer meant was that they would lose this lawsuit in all likelihood.

If so, why go to court?

Xiaodong said those words with this thought in mind, but now that she heard Qi Lin's question, she became unsure.

Qi Lin seemed to know what Xiaodong was thinking, he said to Xiaodong: "You don't have to think so much, I will help you no matter whether the lawsuit succeeds or fails

"So you just need to speak out your truest thoughts, and you don't have to think so much for me, and don't hold such pessimistic thoughts."

Xiaodong listened to these two sentences, and she nodded earnestly towards Qi Lin: "Then what should we do now? Didn't the big brother say that this lawsuit will lose in all likelihood?"

When Qi Lin heard Xiaodong's question, he raised the corner of his mouth towards Xiaodong and replied, "Didn't I already say it? I am a person with money ability?"

Xiaodong didn't quite understand the meaning of these three words, so he was taken away by Qi Lin.

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