Xiaodong still doesn't know where Qi Lin is going to take him, but as she walks, she finds that the people nearby are quite familiar.

When she reached the final destination, she couldn't help taking two steps back.

"What are we doing here?"

Hearing Xiaodong's question, he turned to her and replied: "There are actually other solutions to this matter.

Xiaodong resisted a little, she really didn't want to bring her new big brother to this place, but Qi Lin's uncompromising temperament was not something her little resistance could fight against.

So at last the two of them went in together.

When the two of them walked in, they didn't see any adults, only a boy who was about the same age as Xiaodong.

When the other party saw Xiaodong, he first curled his lips subconsciously, then he saw Qi Lin next to Xiaodong, he was stunned for a moment, then he frowned in disgust

"What do you mean?!"

"It's okay to mess around outside, and now you've brought the man back, right?!"

When Xiaodong heard this, her face flushed immediately.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

The boy was sure that his guess was correct, he pointed to Xiaodong and said.

"Hurry up and take your man outside! If you do this again, you don't have to come back here again!"

Xiaodong was trembling with anger, she subconsciously wanted to turn around and walk out, but when she turned around, she thought of Qi Lin beside her, so she stopped again.

The male voice looked at the two of them with disgust.

"Why don't you leave?!"

Qi Lin sighed and shook his head: "Where are your adults? Do I have something to talk to them about?"

The boy glanced at Qi Lin, and then he couldn't help snorting. As a boy in the fourteen or fifteen year old age group, he had to admit that Ji Lin was really handsome.

He has the charm of an adult, and he speaks slowly and methodically. He doesn't look like boys of their age at all, and he always has a childish temperament.

"What's none of your business?!"

Qi Lin still said with a good temper: "I have something to do with your parents."

The boy's attitude is very bad. Although Qi Lin is handsome, he still hates him very much.

Because Qi Lin was standing beside Xiaodong, the two of them seemed to have a very good relationship.

"I see, don't you want to take her away?"

"If you really think so, then you should take her away quickly, we've already annoyed her to death!"

When Xiaodong heard the boy's words, she bit her lower lip tightly. She knew that she was not welcome in this family, but now she was in front of her big brother.

Being said that in front of a dependent person, even if she was very strong, he couldn't help but have red eyes.

Qi Lin stared at the boy sternly: "I'll give you another chance, you'd better call your parents back quickly."

"If you don't call back, you will bear the consequences."

"I remember that your family runs a small shopping mall, right?"

When the boy heard this, he glanced at Qi Lin suspiciously.

"Are you really here to talk to my parents about something serious?"

From a certain level.

The boy also guessed the truth.

Qi Lin just wanted to discuss with his parents about taking the girl away.

But he didn't mean to talk to the boy.

He looked at the boy expressionlessly.

The boy shook his shoulders, and then went to call his parents to come back quickly.

Just now his parents went to visit neighbors nearby, so they are not at home now.

Qi Lin saw that the other party had already called, so he walked slowly into the room, then sat on the sofa, crossing his legs.

His movements are very natural, as if this place is his home.

The boy looked at Qi Lin in bewilderment, he still couldn't understand this unrestrained temperament, just when he was about to say something, the door of the house was opened.

Following the sound of the keys being placed on the cabinet, the voices of the boy's parents also rang out.

"Why did you call us back so soon?"

"What's wrong?"

They asked as they walked into the living room.

When the boy heard his parents' questioning, he immediately vomited out of his stomach what had just happened, as if he had found his backer.

It wasn't until the two adults entered the living room that they really saw Xiaodong's uncle and aunt.

He had seen photos of these two people. In the photos, these two people smiled kindly. Judging from their faces, neither of them looked like bad guys.

In reality, these two people look much meaner than in the photos.

"Who are you?"

Uncle and aunt looked at Qi Lin warily.

They have never met this person, let alone discussed any important matters with this person.

The boy saw that his parents didn't know Qi Lin, so he immediately pointed to Xiaodong and said, "I knew it! You really hired him!"

"You are so shameless! It's fine to go out and mess around every day, and find a man who is so much older than yourself!"

"He can be your father!"

When Xiaodong heard this, her face flushed with anger, and after answering her for a long time, she only said one sentence: "It's not like this!"

But obviously, no one believed Xiaodong's words.

Uncle, aunt, and their son looked at Xiaodong with disgust.


"I don't care how you play outside, but you can't bring people to our house!"

"You really think this is your home! Hurry up and take him away! What a bad luck!"

Xiaodong's tears fell out of his eyes unexpectedly.

She felt that what happened at this moment was the most embarrassing thing in her life.

Qi Lin shook his head while sighing. He took out a few documents from the document bag next to him and put them on the table.

"Let's talk about it after you read these things."

After the uncle and aunt heard it, they raised their eyebrows and glanced at the documents on the table.

"What is this?"

Qi Lin didn't intend to answer, he was still sitting on the sofa leisurely, and his uncle and aunt couldn't help their curiosity, "They stepped forward and picked up the documents and began to read them.

The more they looked at them, the worse their expressions became. After about five minutes, they suppressed their anger and asked Qi Lin.

"what do you mean?!"

Qi Lin shrugged his shoulders and replied to them: Isn't the black and white words in the document already written very clearly?"

Uncle and aunt took a deep breath: "We can read! What do you mean when you take out this document?!"

"what you up to?!"

Qi Lin smiled and said to the two of them: "Actually, the matter is very simple. I am a friend of this little girl. I heard that she is not doing very well with you, so I want to take her away from you. ".

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