Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

249: People’S Hearts Are Inherently Complicated

When uncle and aunt heard this, they were taken aback for a moment, they didn't expect that Qi Lin came here because of Xiaodong.

The ambiguous eyes came out from their eyes again, and their eyes kept lingering on Qi Lin and Xiaodong.

Qi Lin tapped his fingers on the table impatiently.

"You better put away your recent disgusting eyes, please remember that your niece is only fifteen years old this year.

When uncle and aunt heard this, they didn't dare to continue to guess.

"Don't you just want to take her away? Yes! Anything you want!"

This document is an acquisition contract, and the acquisition contract was not signed with them, but with another company.

As long as Qi Lin signs it and the contract takes effect, he will immediately merge with another company to take over their shopping mall.

Uncle "227" and aunt wished that Xiaodong would be taken away quickly.

When they thought that the other party had done so many things just for Xiaodong, they breathed a sigh of relief.

This document is not a joke. Once Qi Lin really signs it, the careers of the two of them will be completely over.

When Qi Lin heard what the two of them said, he asked them teasingly: "Are you really not at all reluctant?"

The two of them shook their heads and replied, "No, no, if you want to take her with you, we agree with it."

Xiaodong stood by and listened, she didn't cry any more, her expression had already become numb, since she was a child, she had heard too many such words.

She herself has complained, resented, even dissatisfied and cried and wronged, but so what, the matter is a foregone conclusion, and there is no way to change it.

What she thinks most now is to run away from Aunt Jiufu.

And she's about to finish it.

Xiaodong found himself not happy at all when he was about to complete this task.

Qi Lin was keenly aware of Xiaodong's mood, and after thinking for a while, he replied to his uncle and aunt: "Forget it, I changed my mind.

When the uncle and aunt heard this, the expressions on their faces paused.

"what do you mean?"

Qi Lin smiled and replied to the two people: "If you do this, wouldn't it be equivalent to letting you take off?"

"That's not okay, let me think about it... Otherwise, you should continue to take in Xiaodong in the future, but you can't raise him in the same way as before."

"Starting today, you have to give her a separate house, and you have to give her money on a regular basis every month."

When the uncle and aunt heard this, their mouths had already opened into an O-shape. Because they were surprised, the two of them did not speak for a long time.

After about a few minutes.

It was as if they had found their voices.

"You're not crazy, are you?!"

"Why should we give her money?!"

When Qi Lin heard these two questions, his face immediately pulled down.

"According to the information I got, you used the accident compensation money from Xiaodong's parents, so you were able to successfully build the mall.

When Xiaodong heard this, she raised her head in surprise. She never knew about it, and she always wanted to get back her parents' compensation for the accident.

Uncle and aunt obviously didn't expect Qi Lin to know about this matter, they were a little guilty and deliberately pretended to be righteous.

"So what? We have raised Xiaodong for so many years, so what if we get some money? Don't we need money to raise a child?!"

The more uncle and aunt talked, the more confident they became. Seeing the two of them being so confident, Qi Lin even laughed directly.

"But as far as I know, the two of you often abuse her. It's fine if you always eat leftovers. You still don't let her study."

"From childhood to adulthood, the money you spent on her, I guess not even one percent of the money you took?"

Uncle and aunt stopped talking, the fact is indeed like this, they can't refute at all.

"Anyway, we won't take money. If you really like Xiaodong, why don't you just take Xiaodong away?"

"Why stay with us?!"

Qi Lin was too lazy to talk nonsense with the two of them: "Anyway, I will continue to stay here for two days. In the next time, you can seriously consider it."

"Do you want your career and family, or choose to keep Xiaodong by your side?"

After he finished speaking, he got up and walked out.

He left the document on the desktop, and he led Xiaodong straight out of the door...

After walking out, Xiaodong looked at the endless sky, she suddenly didn't know which way to go.

"Why are you standing still all of a sudden?"

Hearing Qi Lin's question, Xiaodong came back to her senses. She looked at the sky in a daze, and then Qi Lin asked: "Didn't you say that you want to help me get rid of them?"

Qi Lin nodded and replied, "I did say that."

Xiaodong wanted to ask Qi Lin why he changed his mind later.

When she was about to open her mouth to ask questions, Qi Lin suddenly asked her: "Are you happy when they agreed to my request to take you away?"

Xiaodong was stopped by the question, and she recalled her mood at that time.

In fact, she was not happy at all, she felt like an ugly duckling, she didn't know what she was doing every day, she just drifted around in a daze.

The only idea is to grow up as soon as possible, as if she can get better in this way.

"No...I'm not happy at all, and I don't know why, obviously this is something I've been thinking about, but I'm really not happy at all."

Qi Lin touched Xiaodong's head with some pity: "It's because you resent them and depend on them a little bit. You hope they won't let you go so easily, and you want to jump away from them."

"This paragraph seems to be contradictory, but in fact it is not contradictory. People's hearts are inherently complicated.

1.8 Don't you want to stay with them and see how they hate you and have to take care of you?"

When Xiaodong heard Qi Lin's question, she couldn't help imagining that scene, and then she found that it seemed to be really good.

Thinking of how his uncle and aunt who hated him so much had no choice but to take care of him, Xiaodong felt a distorted joy in his heart.

These people hate and dislike themselves so much, then she makes them have to take care of themselves!

Thinking of this, Xiaodong nodded to Qilin without hesitation.

Seeing Xiaodong nodding, Qi Lin raised his head and laughed. He felt that Xiaodong was really a very innocent person with a good personality.

If it were him, he would have already thought of one hundred and eight ways of revenge.

How can I still be as ignorant as I am now. .

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