Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

250: I'm Afraid You Think It's Too Naive

"Don't worry, I will let them have to take care of you."

When Qi Lin said this, he showed a smile that was bound to win.

Although Xiaodong didn't know what kind of method Qi Lin used, but seeing Qi Lin's look that he was determined to win, she felt that Qi Lin would definitely do what he said.

Get this done.

Both of them suddenly didn't know what to do.

They walked aimlessly on the street.

In fact, there are quite a lot of interesting places here.

It's just that Qi Lin plays too many things, and it's hard for him to get interested in playing.

Generally, every time he goes to a country, he will go to the more distinctive or famous scenic spots in the local area.

Yesterday he had already seen all the famous and distinctive scenic spots.

Although he said he didn't go in to take pictures, but he has already recorded it with his eyes.

So now he has no place to go.

According to this progress, he would leave this place in a day or two at most. Thinking of this, he couldn't help turning his head to look at Xiaodong.

Xiaodong didn't know his plan, seeing Qi Lin turned to look at her, she showed an innocent and childish smile.

After seeing this smile, Qi Lin took a deep breath and asked Xiaodong, "Is there anything you want to play?"

Xiaodong thought about it seriously, and then she replied to Qilin: "There is an amusement park near here, why don't we go there and play?"

Qi Lin has been to the amusement park many times, but he did not reject Xiaodong's proposal. Xiaodong should not have been to the amusement park very much. This is the first time the other party has made a request, so he will naturally not object.

And he was leaving in a day or two, he didn't really want to disappoint Xiaodong in the little time left.

Thinking of this, he nodded to Xiaodong.

"Let's go, you lead the way."

It is daytime now, so Xiaodong is not lost.

She accurately brought Qi Lin to the amusement park.

This amusement park is not at all what Qi Lin thought.

He thought it was an amusement park for adults, but he didn't expect it to be a children's playground.

Not to mention roller coasters in the amusement park, there is not even a pirate ship that eats chicken, and there are a bunch of non-exciting games in addition to trampolines and carousels.

Xiaodong was obviously very excited when he came to this amusement park.

She took Qi Lin to wander around. Although she was very happy, she never took the initiative to propose which project she was going to. Qi Lin saw her restraint, so Yu Jian took the initiative to ask her.

"What project do you want to play?"

Xiaodong shyly replied Qi Lin: "I can do it, do you want to go to that project? Is this amusement park too childish for you?"

When Qi Lin heard this, he smiled and replied to Xiaodong: "It's okay, this place is also pretty good, we can't just hang around here all the time, it's a waste of time, which project do you want to go to?"

This time Xiaodong said the rides he wanted to play.

In fact, she has always wanted to play on the carousel, which can be found almost everywhere.

She has longed for someone to play this ride with her countless times, but she has never found anyone who can play this ride with him.

In fact, she can play by herself, but she seems to have an obsession, she must find someone to accompany him.

Xiaodong once thought that she would never find such a person, but now she realizes that it's just that the time has not come yet.

Qi Lin didn't know what was going on in Xiaodong's mind. When he heard that Xiaodong wanted to play on the carousel, he took Xiaodong along without saying a word.

This is a children's paradise, there are many children younger than Xiaodong queuing here, and they are accompanied by their parents.

Some of their parents play with mobile phones, some chat, and their attention is basically not on their children.

For adults, the rides in the children's playground are too childish, they are not interested at all.

Instead of playing with your children in the amusement project, it is better to let the children play by themselves, and they look down at their mobile phones next to them.

Xiaodong saw that the group of parents had all become low-headed people, she turned to Qi Lin and asked, "Why don't you wait for me?"

When Qi Lin heard the question, he couldn't help but smiled and asked Xiaodong, "Why?"

"Don't you want me to ride the carousel with you?"

When Xiaodong heard Qi Lin's question, she lowered her head in embarrassment and replied, "No, I'm just afraid that you think it's too childish. If you don't want to play, you can sit beside me instead of accompanying me."

Qi Lin shook his head, he did not answer with words, but proved himself with actions.

After he bought the tickets with Xiaodong, he queued up next to them for about half an hour before finally arriving at them.

The two of them chose the closest wooden horse, sat on it and started having fun.

At the beginning Xiaodong was still a little cautious, but later on she began to let go, and she opened her hands to feel the freedom at this moment.

After getting off the carousel.

She still has a sense of inadequacy.

Qi Lin felt that Xiaodong didn't seem to be able to play, so he asked Xiaodong: "Do you want to go back and play again?"

Xiaodong really has more to say, but she doesn't plan to have enough fun at once, she wants to save this surprise for the next time.

"Thank you, if you are really my brother, how wonderful it would be."

When Qi Lin heard this sentence, he froze for a moment. He originally wanted to tell Xiaodong later that he was leaving in two days.

Now it seems that it is better to say after leaving the amusement park.

He doesn't really want to make Xiaodong feel sad for him, especially when the atmosphere is very comfortable.

Soon, they started playing other projects.

In addition to trampolines, there are go-karts.

The previous rides were not dangerous, and there were many children playing around, chatting while playing.

After playing for two or three hours, it was already evening when they realized it.

The children's playground is almost closed at this time.

Xiaodong was a little reluctant, she looked at the amusement park with pity in her eyes, Qi Lin saw how reluctant she was, she couldn't help but said to Xiaodong.

"It's okay, come and play earlier next time, and you can play longer."

When Xiaodong heard this sentence, she nodded very vigorously.

"When the time comes, let's come and play together!"

Xiaodong didn't know that Qi Lin was leaving in two days, so there was a hint of innocence in her words.

Hearing this sentence, Qi Lin frowned subconsciously, but he didn't say much, just smiled.

The two walked out of the amusement park side by side. .

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