Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

251: Let's Just Destroy This World

The two of them became confused, not knowing where to go now.

Not far from the amusement park is a park.

The structure of this park is quite special.

He is connected with a square.

Walking in from the park can walk to the square.

The two of them originally wanted to hang out in the park, but they walked to the square involuntarily, which was different from the situation in the park.

There are old women walking everywhere in the park, and most of the squares are young people. Of course, there are also pregnant women dancing.

The ladies would put a speaker next to them and dance in the square with their male partners.

They are very qualified and only do their own things in a certain corner.

Don't bother the boys and girls who are playing around.

Qi Lin and Xiaodong walked over, the two of them walked around aimlessly, and then came to a stall.

This stall is quite novel, as long as you pay money, you can create whatever you want on the wall.

Qi Lin and Xiaodong stopped and took a look.

When the stall owner saw the two of them stop, he felt that the two of them should be interested in the things on his stall, so he immediately said to the two of them.

"Do you want to try it? Let me tell you, this thing is very enjoyable and can release your stress!"

Xiaodong took two steps back in disbelief. She had seen these small stalls before, saying that they could freely graffiti on the walls, and she had heard people say that they were all scams.

If you want to play with it, just buy some paint and spray it.

Qi Lin was really interested in this, and he wanted to leave some traces of himself here, so he thought about it, and finally nodded and agreed to pay the money.

Just as he was nodding, Xiaodong couldn't help but pause for a moment.

Qi Lin felt a little strange and turned to look at Xiaodong: "What's wrong?"

Xiaodong pulled him aside angrily.

"You still ask me what's wrong, these are deceptive stalls! If you really want to graffiti, I'll take you to buy a tool map ||!

"The money you paid for the tools is about the same as the money you paid for the apportionment fee!"

When Qi Lin heard this, he couldn't help laughing: "But even if I buy tools, I may not be able to graffiti on the wall.

Xiaodong shook her head, she patted Qi Lin's hand and said, "I grew up here, I'm not here for nothing, just wait!"

Qi Lin was a little curious, he thought for a while, but in the end he still didn't take out the money.

The stall owner saw that Xiaodong dragged the person away and then disappeared forever. He stamped his feet regretfully, and waited for the next one to be taken advantage of.

Walked for about five minutes.

The two of them came to a shop.

There are some water and snacks in the store, Xiaodong said to the owner directly as soon as he entered: "Do you have any tools?"

The owner and Xiaodong seemed to know each other, they looked at each other, neither of them said the name of the tool, but they knew what the other was trying to express.

"It's new, it's quite expensive, are you sure you want to buy it?"

When Xiaodong heard this, she nodded with great conviction. Qi Lin wanted to laugh when he saw Xiaodong pretending to be an adult, but he didn't smile too presumptuously, he just slightly curled the corner of his mouth.

Qi Lin saw that Xiaodong had already taken the things, and wanted to go up and pay.

Unexpectedly, Xiaodong directly blocked his hand.

"I'll just buy it!"

Xiaodong's attitude is very firm.

Qi Lin didn't think that Xiaodong wanted to buy tools for himself. He took a look at the set of tools. The tools should be imported from foreign countries, and they looked very expensive.

This little money is not money at all to him.

But it was different for Xiaodong, so he frowned and said to Xiaodong: "It's what I use, I just pay for it."

Xiaodong was still disobedient, so she paid the price given by the shop owner in threes and fives. After getting the tools, she took them out with Qi Lin.

After going out, Xiaodong started to lead the way again.

Qi Lin said to Xiaodong.

"You really don't need to give me money, I have money on me."

When Xiaodong heard Qi Lin's words, she nodded and Qi Lin replied, "I know you are rich, and I know you should be richer than my family, but I just want to buy you a gift myself. "

"The money I just used was earned by myself. You have helped me so much, and I want to do my best to help you buy a gift."

"Can you not reject me?"

When Xiaodong said the last sentence, she turned her head and looked into Qi Lin's eyes.

Qi Lin felt that Xiaodong's eyes were the most beautiful among his facial features, and he could see Xiaodong's eyes staring straight at him. He couldn't say anything and could only nod his head.


Xiaodong gently bent the corner of his mouth.

She brought Qi Lin to a corner of an alley.

"`w see it?"

It was already dark.

The corner of the alley was dim, and Qi Lin couldn't see what was on the wall even if he squinted his eyes. He had no choice but to turn on the flashlight of his mobile phone.

After lighting up the corner of the wall in the alley, he saw the graffiti on it. In fact, this is not graffiti, because there are only a few words used to vent his anger.

【Destroy the world!】

【go to hell!】


There are many words like this.

It's all written in these fonts.

After Xiaodong pointed out these things to him, he smiled a little embarrassedly.

"These are all things I wrote before, and when I first started I wasn't as calm as I am now."

"I know that I have always been pretending to be an adult, but I am actually a child."

"I have no way to express my own negative emotions, so I can only run here and write a bunch of messy (Nonuo Zhao) words."

"Sometimes I would think that the world should be destroyed, but I don't have this idea anymore. If this is really the case, then I won't be able to meet such a wonderful you."

Qi Lin was really surprised by Xiaodong's words. He turned his head to look at Xiaodong. He always thought that Xiaodong was a child, but now he changed his mind.

It's true that Xiaodong is a child, but she also has her own thoughts and thinking. Although she is not an adult, she is already much more mature than her peers.

After Xiaodong finished speaking, he seemed to feel ashamed belatedly.

She eagerly changed the subject: "Ahem, cough, well, you can draw on the wall here!"

"This wall is clean, and you can paint whatever you want."

In fact, Qi Lin really didn't want to draw anything. He just wanted to leave a mark, a mark that he had been here. .

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