Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

253: What Happened To The Two Things I Told You Earlier?

When Xiaodong heard this, she couldn't help asking: "Am I also one of the interesting people you met?"

Qi Lin replied with a smile: "Of course."

The two chatted one after another.

Not long after, they returned to the hotel together.

After arriving at the hotel entrance.

The two of them stopped-down together at the same time.

Xiaodong's tears suddenly fell.

"I miss you so much."

Qi Lin was silent for a while.

"But I have to go."

Xiaodong kept nodding: "I know, so I didn't mean to ask you to come down, I just... just couldn't help being sad."

Qi Lin didn't know how to comfort the other party, he thought for a while, then stopped a car on the side of the road, and went to the side to make a phone call.

Xiaodong didn't know what Qi Lin was doing, and now she was full of thoughts that she was going to lose her only friend.

After Qi Lin finished making the phone call, he led Xiaodong to the side of the car.

"Let's go, I'll take you to another place."

When Xiaodong heard this, she nodded, then turned to Qi Lin and asked, "Where are we going?"

Qi Lin kept it mysterious and said, "You'll know when you arrive."

This time, the two of them sat in the car for three hours.

Xiaodong originally thought that they were going to a place that was very close, but she didn't expect to sit for three hours. When she got there, her whole body calmed down a lot.

After getting out of the car, she looked up at the tall buildings in front of her.

It doesn't look like a company here.

After Qi Lin took her out of the car, he led her in directly.

Go into the hall, there is no one in it.

Xiaodong was walking beside Qi Lin, she kept looking around, but she didn't see any representative words here, so she didn't know where it was

Qi Lin brought her near the elevator, Xiaodong walked to the door of the elevator, she finally couldn't help asking again.

"What the hell is this place? What are we doing here?"

Hearing Xiaodong's question, Qi Lin answered this time: "The top floor is the observatory."

Xiaodong's eyes widened in surprise. She had heard of it, but had never been there.

"What did you bring me here for?"

Hearing Xiaodong's question, Qi Lin smiled, "I want to show you how big the world is."

Xiaodong still didn't quite understand what Qi Lin meant, so he didn't continue to explain.


The elevator doors opened in front of them.

Xiaodong walked in with Qi Lin.

It was the first time for her to come to this kind of place, she was at a loss, she didn't know where to put her hands, her eyes were fixed on the numbers on the elevator.

After the number on the elevator jumped to the top floor, the elevator door opened, and she and Qi Lin walked out together.

This is a very large rooftop, in addition to the telescope, there are a lot of professional equipment, and even many models.

See things that you haven't seen before.

Xiaodong's eyes didn't know which thing should be placed on it. Everything here was very novel to her. Seeing Xiaodong's interest, Qi Lin asked her with a smile.

"how do you feel?"

Xiaodong blushed and nodded, replied: "It looks like fun."

Qi Lin brought Xiaodong to the front and motioned her to take a look at the telescope. Xiaodong was a little shy, but she followed Qi Lin's instructions to take a look.

Chapter 293 The Untouchable Star

Seeing this, she was immersed in it directly.

The stars seen through a telescope are completely different from the stars seen with the naked eye.

Qi Lin saw Xiaodong watching the show mesmerizingly, so he smiled and just sat beside him.

They watched here for more than an hour.

"How about it?"

When Xiaodong heard Qi Lin's question, she reluctantly turned her gaze back.

"It's so beautiful."

Qi Lin nodded: "I brought you here to let you know that there are relatively few things and things you can see now, and my departure may be a big event to you now.

"But when you grow up, you realize that it's just the little things that happen to you in your life.

After Xiaodong finished listening, she froze for a moment, and then she burst out laughing.

"So you brought me here specifically to comfort me?"

Qi Lin didn't expect Xiaodong to think so, he pondered for a moment, then nodded and admitted: "It really means [I don't want you to be immersed in a sad mood.

"I've already told the people here that if you still want to come in the future, you can come anytime."

0...... Ask for flowers......

Xiaodong covered his mouth in surprise: "Really?"

Qi Lin nodded seriously: "Of course, when have I lied to you?"

I know I will come again in the future.

Xiaodong immediately decided not to continue watching.

She wants to accompany Qi Lin well.

Seeing Xiaodong's actions, Qi Lin asked Xiaodong: "Are you going to continue watching?"

Xiao Dong curled his lips and replied, "Didn't you say so? From now on, as long as I want to come, I can come anytime.

"In this case, I want to spend more time with you."

The two sat on the roof, they chatted and looked at the stars, Xiaodong now regards Qi Lin as his friend, and she talked a lot about some small things in the past.


In fact, these things are all goose bumps, but Qi Lin is willing to listen, and she is also willing to talk, and the atmosphere between the two of them is very good.

They stayed on the rooftop until late at night, and they didn't leave the rooftop until both of them felt that they had enjoyed their stay.

The next day, they were all in the hotel, and they didn't want to go to other places to play, so they just stayed in the hotel all day.

Wait until it's time to leave.

Xiaodong suddenly knocked on Qi Lin's door mysteriously.

Qi Lin opened the door and saw Xiaodong, he asked Xiaodong: "Aren't you going to take me to the airport?"

Xiaodong nodded and replied, "Yes, but I want to give you a gift. Don't open this gift yet. Can you open it after you get on the plane?"

Of course Qi Lin had no objection, he took the box that Xiaodong handed over, and put the box in the small bag.

Then he said to Xiaodong: "Let's go, get ready, let's go down for dinner."

He and Xiaodong went to the hotel restaurant together, and when they got to the hotel restaurant, Xiaodong saw the big lawyer brother he had seen before.

The other party saw them and immediately got up and nodded to them.

After Qi Lin walked over, he said directly to the other party: "How are you doing what I told you to do?"

The lawyer directly took out two documents from his briefcase. Qi Lin picked up the two documents and took a closer look. When he found that there was nothing wrong with it, he returned the documents to the lawyer Kuai.


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