"It should be almost the same. Next, I will trouble you to help this child deal with it."

Xiaodong was listening in a daze, and she could feel that what these two people were talking about was about her.

But she didn't know exactly what these two people were talking about. After the two of them finished eating and left the hotel restaurant, Xiaodong asked Qi Lin: "What are you talking about?"

Qi Lin patted Xiaodong's head: "It's not a big deal. After I leave, I can't continue to follow up on your family affairs, but I entrusted your family affairs to the big brother just now."

"In the future, if you have anything to do, you can go to that big brother directly, and he will help you solve it."

Having said that, he also took out a box from the bag he was holding, with a pattern printed on it.

"Four Nine Seven" Xiaodong knew it was a mobile phone box, she looked at Qi Lin in surprise: "You bought me a mobile phone?"

Qi Lin nodded, and he asked Xiaodong gently: "Don't you want to contact me in the future?"

Xiaodong hurriedly shook her head, she was at a loss: "Of course I want to contact you, but you have helped me so much, I really don't know how to thank you.

Xiaodong was fifteen years old, not five, and she knew that the lawyer brother must have helped her for no reason. Qi Lin probably paid a lot of money to hire those ten lawyers.

It was precisely because of this that she felt even more guilty.

She thought she had troubled Qi Lin a lot.

If she accepts another mobile phone, she really doesn't know how to repay Qi Lin. When Qi Lin saw Xiaodong's expression, he took a deep breath and pinched Xiaodong's face.

"You usually think too much, what's the use of thinking so much?"

"I help you because I like you, if I don't like you, I won't help you.

Xiaodong pouted a little aggrieved: "But aren't friends all mutual? You helped me so much, but I couldn't help you."

Qi Lin shook his head and replied: "No, haven't you been using your way to repay me all the time?"

"You took me to see the scenery, took me to graffiti, and chatted with me, these are the ways you used to repay me.

"The two of us have different things, so the things we can give back are also different.

Xiaodong half-understood, "Then did I help you?"

Qi Lin hugged Xiaodong: "Of course."

Xiaodong finally accepted the mobile phone. She really wanted to contact Qi Lin, and there was Qi Lin's contact information in the mobile phone.

Qi Lin was going to the airport in the afternoon, and Xiaodong stayed with him until the end. After watching Qi Lin check in, she left the airport step by step.

She silently set a goal in her heart: she must travel everywhere in the future to see what Qi Lin sees.

Qi Lin didn't know what Xiaodong was thinking. After he got on the plane, he planned to take out the blindfold and take a rest.

As a result, when he was taking the blindfold, he saw the box that Xiaodong gave him today.

He just remembered that Xiaodong seemed to let him get on the plane and opened the box.

Qi Lin didn't hesitate, he put the blindfold aside, and then took it apart.

Chapter 295 The Goal of Pursuit

There are some small souvenirs in the box, in addition to some handmade souvenirs, there is also a white letter.

He picked up the letter directly, and then opened the cabinet.

The contents of the letter are actually unremarkable, most of them are wishing him well and wishing him happiness and success.

In the end, Xiaodong also wrote her future goals in it. When Qi Lin knew that Xiaodong's future goal was to travel around the world like him, he couldn't help laughing.

He didn't expect that what he said would have such a big impact on Xiaodong, but he didn't think there was anything bad about it, regardless of whether this ideal would change in the future.

At least now Xiaodong will work hard to improve in this direction.

After reading this letter, Qi Lin put on the blindfold and rested.

This journey is over.

He is about to embark on his next journey.

When Qi Lin woke up again.

The plane has gradually come to a stop.

Not long after, he got off the plane with the crowd.

This country is a small country.

However, there are quite a lot of people who usually come to travel.

Because the singing and dancing culture here is very famous.

So there are many people who like to travel here and chase stars.

When Qi Lin got off the plane, it was just eight o'clock. He found a restaurant to eat at random, and he found a local restaurant.

Originally, he was already very hungry, but because the food in this restaurant was really bad, he lost his appetite after eating half of it.

After eating, he took a taxi to the door of the hotel he booked.

As soon as he arrived at the door, he saw a group of bodyguards standing at the door of the hotel.

Near the bodyguards were girls in short-sleeved shorts.

He looked at it with some doubts, but he didn't look at it for long, he really wanted to lie on the bed and rest now.

Every time after flying, he wants to lie in bed and sleep for a day and a night.

Thinking of this, he walked into the hotel without hesitation.

As a result, he didn't take a few steps, and the bodyguard who was blocking the girl just now ran over to stop him.

"Who are you?! You can't go in here!"

Qi Lin glanced at the bodyguard strangely. He turned on the phone and glanced at the name of the hotel in front of him, and then glanced at the navigation displayed on the screen of his phone.

After confirming that it was correct, he replied to the bodyguard.

"I'm a guest who booked this hotel, so why don't you let me in?"

When the bodyguard heard this, he frowned and said.

"Impossible, we have already booked the entire hotel."

Qi Lin frowned when he heard this, and he had a very bad premonition in his heart.

But now he just wants to rest on 5.8, he sighed, and then said to the bodyguard: "I haven't received any news of checking out, nor have I received any calls from the hotel."

"If you stop me again and don't let me in, then I can only call the police."

The bodyguard hesitated, and after a while, he said to Qi.

"Then wait a while, I'll ask the manager of the hotel now."

Qi Lin saw that the bodyguard's attitude was quite good, so he didn't continue to make things difficult for the other party, and asked the other party to call the hotel manager.

Not long after, the hotel manager came to the front of the letter with the bodyguards.

"Hello, sorry, are you the guest who reserved our hotel room?"

Qi Lin nodded, and then handed over his mobile phone. .

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