After being mentally prepared.

The hotel manager knocked on the door.

"button button"

The star's impatient voice came from the hotel room.

"Who is it?"

The hotel manager hurriedly squeezed his voice and said.

"staff member!"

After waiting for a few minutes, the star opened the door. As soon as he opened the door, three words were written on his face, which was impatience.

He asked the hotel manager, "Why?"

The hotel manager didn't dare to waste time, he told everything that happened just now, including Qi Lin sleeping in this hotel room.

Star was very angry when he found out about this, he stared at the manager and scolded: "Are you a fool?! What does he say?!"

"Is it me or is he paying?! I tell you, I have to throw people out in five minutes.

Hearing this, the hotel manager replied very melancholy.

"But this matter itself is our hotel's fault. We really have no way to drive people out for no reason."

The star sneered, and he replied to the hotel manager with his arms around him.

"I don't care what method you use, anyway, no guests are allowed to stay when I'm here."

The hotel manager made a sad face and didn't speak. Star stared at the hotel manager and closed the door again.

If stars are just ordinary stars, then they still have tricks to deal with.

But the problem is that this star is not the only star.

The star is the son of the owner of their hotel chain.

It is precisely because of this that they let the stars book the hotel every time and obey everything.

The star refused to let anyone stay in the hotel room and the hotel manager had no choice but to run to the door of Qi Lin's hotel room dejectedly.

After he stood at the door and made sufficient mental preparations, he knocked on Qi Lin's door.

The hotel manager knew in his heart that the guest would be angry if he knew he was going to be kicked out again, and he was the one to bear the anger of the guest.

The hotel manager knocked on the door three times back and forth, but Qi Lin didn't hear a single sound, because he had already fallen into a deep sleep.

The hotel manager waited at the door for half an hour, but still didn't see anyone open the door.

He started to panic, he thought Qi Lin probably didn't open the door on purpose in the hotel because he knew he was going to come over to touch people.

If this is the case, it must be the hotel manager.

He didn't want to bear the wrath of his boss' son.

Be scolded by the guests, or be fired by the hotel.

Anyone with an IQ knows how to choose between these two options.

So the hotel manager didn't continue to hang around the door.

He quickly called the staff to come and unlock the lock.

Their hotel has several master keys, which can open all the rooms in the hotel.

After the hotel manager got the master key, he opened the door directly with several staff members.

Originally, he thought that Qi Lin should be sitting or standing inside, but unexpectedly, Qi Lin was still lying inside.

The hotel manager was stunned. At this moment, Qi Lin frowned and opened his eyes.

The movement of these people entering the door was too great.

Even though he had already fallen into a deep sleep, he was still woken up.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the hotel manager and several other staff members standing motionless in front of him.

Qi Lin rubbed his temples and sat up.

"What are you doing"~?"

After the hotel manager realized that he had misunderstood, he thought of a set of words in his mind.

"I'm really sorry, because you didn't respond when we knocked on the door, so we can only open the door and come in."

Qi Lin himself was woken up in the middle of his sleep, and he was not weak at all when he got up. Hearing what the hotel manager said, his face was extremely bad.

"You mean because I didn't open the door, so you opened the door of my room directly?"

Hearing this, the hotel manager swallowed hard.

He knew that this was really unreasonable, but he didn't want to be dismissed by the hotel, so he nodded and replied with Qi Lin.

"I'm really sorry, but we still can't rent a hotel room to you.

"We will compensate you ten times the price of the hotel room. What do you think of renting a hotel room in a place farther away?"

When Qi Lin heard this, he laughed straight away. He glanced up and down the hotel manager repeatedly, and then he asked the hotel manager: "So what you mean now is that you want to use money to send me off?"

The hotel manager did not speak, and faced Qilin with a tacit attitude. He was also very wronged in his heart. The person who forgot to notify was neither he nor the person who would not let the guests live in the room.

Why should he be caught in the middle and scolded everywhere?!

The hotel manager felt wronged, but he didn't show it on his face.

In order to be able to continue working in the hotel, he also desperately tried his best.

Seeing the embarrassing expression on the hotel manager's face, Qi Lin rubbed his brow again, took a deep breath, and suppressed his pressure from getting up.

"`]Didn’t you let me live here just now? Why did you go back on it all of a sudden?”

Hearing Qi Lin's question, the hotel manager hesitated for a moment.

"It's like this, our side has already been taken down first, so..."

Qi Lin interrupted the manager impatiently.

"I know that this place has already been reserved, but this is your hotel's own negligence, and you didn't notify me of this matter in advance.

"Is there any problem with me continuing to live here?"

Hearing this, the hotel manager sighed. Up to now, he can only tell the real situation of this matter.

"Okay, then I won't go around with you anymore, (the money is good) I am also very embarrassed here, the son of our boss who lives in our hotel.

"He has special requirements for the accommodation environment, not to mention you, even his own staff don't live in this place."

"So I may still have to trouble you. Of course, leave the hotel. The compensation from our side will definitely be in place.

Qi Lin raised the corners of his mouth again, why people always like to talk about money in front of him, and he has never lost in money competitions.

Thinking of this, he said to the hotel manager.

"So you mean you don't want me to live here, but your boss' son doesn't want to live here?"

The hotel manager didn't speak, he closed his mouth tightly, just like before, he acquiesced to this matter.

Until the cause and effect of this incident, Qi Lin did not continue to negotiate with the hotel manager.

He had just seen the person who booked this hotel in the front lobby. .

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