At that time, the attitude of the other party was also very bad, and the hotel manager asked the hotel manager to get rid of him as soon as possible.

He originally thought that the other party was just an ordinary hotel guest, but now that he thought about it, it was impossible to solve this matter with ordinary methods.

Qi Lin didn't hesitate, he dialed the company directly.

After negotiating with the company for about half a minute, he hung up the phone.

The hotel manager thought that Qi Lin had retreated after knowing the difficulty, but he didn't expect that the other party was still sitting on the bed after half a minute of calling, without any intention of moving.

He frowned, forced a smile on his face and said, "Sir, what is your plan here?"

When Qi Lin heard the hotel manager's question, he smiled and replied to the hotel manager: "Why are you in such a hurry? Wait here with me for ten minutes.

The hotel manager had a smile on his face, but he was already cursing in his heart, he didn't want to wait here at all.

If he continues to wait, the big star will definitely be impatient, and he still doesn't know if he can keep this position.

But he is not good at driving people out directly with strong means.

If this is the case, there will be a scandal in their hotel the next day.

Those who can afford a presidential suite must not be those who are short of money.

The reason why the hotel manager can achieve this position is because he is very accurate in seeing people [He knows that Qi Lin is definitely not someone he can easily offend.

Once he really used strong means to drive people out, the negative news about the hotel would never stop, so he had to solve this matter as safely as possible.

Although he didn't know what Qi Lin asked him to wait for, since Qi Lin asked him to wait, he would wait a little longer.

Thinking of this, the manager and several staff members stood aside.

Qi Lin couldn't sleep now, he picked up his phone and glanced at it, and then started playing stand-alone games.

The hotel manager thought he was sending a message on his mobile phone, but when he glanced at it, he found that he was playing a stand-alone game.

He started cursing again in his heart, he didn't know what Qi Lin wanted to do, just when he was about to ask, there were footsteps outside.

When he heard footsteps, he immediately glanced outside, and found that the big star brought someone over.

The hotel manager thought that the big star was impatient, so he brought someone over. Thinking of this, he re-entered the room without hesitation and said to Qi Lin.

"I'm really sorry, the son of our big boss has also come here, otherwise (ajfb) we will pay you a hundred times the compensation, what do you think?"

When Qi Lin heard this, he replied directly to the hotel manager.

"I don't need compensation at all, and how do you know he came to drive me away.

Hearing this, the hotel manager thought to himself: The nonsense must be here to drive you away, otherwise, could it still be here for me?!

But he didn't dare to say this sentence, so he could only stand there and worry.

Seeing that the big star was already standing at the door, he had no choice but to walk out in a hurry, and then whispered in the big star's ear.

"I'm really sorry, this guest insists on not leaving, no matter how much compensation we give, he is not willing, and I really have no choice.

After the big star heard this sentence, he didn't answer, and directly pushed the hotel manager away.

The hotel manager was terrified when he saw the big star's posture.

The hotel manager thought that the big star wanted to go in and drive people away.

Just when he wanted to go in and stop it, he found that the big star had no such intentions at all.

"You are Mr. Qi?"

The big star asked with an ugly face.

When Qi Lin heard the question, he nodded slightly.

The big star's complexion instantly became even uglier. The hotel manager didn't know what the big star wanted to do.

He was afraid that the conflict between the two sides would escalate again, so he rushed into the room, trying to pull the big star out first, but he didn't expect the big star to apologize directly to Qi Lin.

"I'm sorry, this incident was my fault."

"I'm moving out of here now."

When the hotel manager heard this, he almost thought his ears had made a mistake.

He looked at the big star and Qi Lin in shock, his eyes flicked back and forth on the people on both sides. Before he could figure out the reason, he heard Qi Lin say to the big star.

"Then how?"

"I can do this kind of thing by myself, don't you think?"

The hotel manager felt that the world was a fantasy.

He originally thought that the big star came to find fault, but he came to apologize, and the most important thing is that Qi Lin did not accept it!

The hotel manager was turbulent in his heart, and his face was numb. He took a few steps back silently, and then began to think about the reasons for all this.

After thinking about it for a few seconds, he thought he knew why it was like this.

Qi Lin's status is likely to be much more noble than he imagined, that's why the big star came to apologize.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, the big star gritted his teeth and asked, "Then what exactly do you want?!"

"Isn't it enough that I moved out? What do you want to do to our family's hotel?!"

Hearing this, the hotel manager took a silent breath. This sentence confirmed his conjecture that Qi Lin's identity was indeed much higher than he imagined.

At least to the point of being able to do anything to the big star family business at will.

Thinking of this, he began to feel rejoicing involuntarily.

Fortunately, he did not use hard methods. If he did use hard methods, the consequences would be disastrous.

Qi Lin glanced at the big star, and then he said to the big star: "Your people disturb my sleep, how about this, you kneel down and say something nice, if you don't leave, I will forgive you."

The big star didn't expect Qi Lin to be so vicious, he stared at Qi Lin, with the word incredible written on his face, Qi Lin couldn't help laughing twice when he saw the other party's surprised look.

He is not a good-tempered person, the other party repeatedly kicks his nose and face, if he doesn't clean up the other party, the other party will really think he is a sick cat.

"Are you kidding me?!"

Qi Lin shrugged his shoulders and replied, "If you think I'm joking with you, then you can leave this room at any time."

"But I can assure you that next time this hotel will not be called by this name."

When the big star heard this, his teeth were about to be crushed by himself, "He believes that Qi Lin is a person who can do these things.

He just received a call from his father, who said that there is a guest in the hotel that they can't afford to offend, and he must go there immediately to make amends, and try his best to calm the guest's anger.

Otherwise their consequences would be disastrous.

His father did not reveal Qi Lin's identity. .

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