Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

258: Sichuan Opera Face-Changing Service

But before the big star came, he called the people around his father and successfully learned that the person who lived in their hotel was the richest man in the world.

That said, he could literally change the name of their hotel with the flick of a finger.

Although the big star has a big temper, he is not an arrogant person. He knows that sometimes people have to be able to stretch and bend.

He said a lot of persuasive words in his heart, and then knelt down on the ground with a plop.

The hotel manager and staff members stared at each other silently, but they didn't say anything, they just stood by obediently, this kind of thing is not something they can discuss.

"I'm really sorry, please forgive me.

After the big star finished this sentence dryly, he said other words of apology.

After Qi Lin heard a few words, he began to yawn. Seeing the other party kneel down so easily, he suddenly felt a little boring.

He waved his hand and said to the big star: "Forget it,~ that's it.

When the big star heard Qi Lin's words, he was relieved immediately, and now he was afraid that Qi Lin would let him do other things again.

"Okay, I'll ask the manager to clear out a presidential suite for you right now."

After the big star finished saying this, he hurried away with his staff.

The hotel manager can't leave yet, he has to clear the presidential suite for Qi Lin to live in, but he has no intention of leaving now, he is very curious about Qi Lin's identity.

Qi Lin could see that the manager of the hotel was curious, but he didn't mean to satisfy the curiosity of the other party. He asked the other party directly: "How long will it take to clear the room?"

The hotel manager is still very professional, he replied with his head down.

"In five minutes, I'm going to have them clean it right now."

Just as he said, Qi Lin was taken directly to the presidential suite within five minutes.

Qi Lin yawned again, he was really sleepy, he had to sleep for a while, so he said to the hotel manager.

"If you have nothing to do, don't bother me. I hope that the opening of the door like that just now will not happen again."

"If there are any..."

When Qi Lin said this, he showed a meaningful look.

How could the hotel manager dare to offend Qi Lin? When he heard the last sentence, the respectful Qi Lin immediately replied: "Don't worry [it will never happen again like what happened just now]

Qi Lin then went back to the room to rest.

The hotel room door was shut.

The hotel manager breathed a sigh of relief, he just wanted the staff to take care of the big star, only to find that the big star had taken people out of the hotel.

In this short period of five minutes, the big star has already led people away.

The hotel manager felt that this matter was very strange. Logically speaking, their hotel is a national chain hotel, and the boss here can be said to be a famous boss with a face and a name.

Even if the person who came came with a high status, it would be impossible for the big star to kneel down to make amends, but the big star said he would kneel, which made him very curious about Qi Lin's identity.

But curiosity is curiosity, and the business that should be done should not be forgotten.

Qi Lin fell asleep until the next morning.

When he woke up again, the outside sunlight had already penetrated through the window.

He stretched out comfortably on the bed, and he slept very comfortably last night.

The reason why this hotel can be chained is reasonable. The mattress is soft and comfortable. It may be because there are no residents in the hotel, so there is no noisy movement around.

After washing up, I was ready to go out for dinner.

As soon as I went out, I saw the staff standing at the door.

He was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the staff.

"What are you doing standing at the door of my room?"

When the staff heard Qi Lin's question, he replied Qi Lin.

"Sir, I'm sorry to scare you. It's like this. Because our hotel has a special structure, we're afraid that you won't be able to find the hotel restaurant, so we'll wait here for you first.

I have to admit that the service of this hotel is really good.

Even the hotel restaurant has helped him think of it.

Qi Lin did not refuse the staff's kindness, he nodded and asked the staff to help him lead the way, and the staff took him to the hotel restaurant and walked away.

This hotel restaurant is not like other hotel restaurants, they are not in buffet style.

0......seeking flowers......

There is a menu on the hotel restaurant, which has everything in it. In addition to steak, there are many local specialties, desserts and drinks are also available.

After Qi Lin ordered a few meals casually, he started playing with his mobile phone.

The hotel manager has been paying close attention to Qi Lin. This morning he received a call from the hotel boss who asked him to make Qi Lin feel satisfied during his stay.

After receiving this task, he immediately did everything he could do, for fear that Qi Lin would be dissatisfied with the service attitude of their hotel.

After eating, Tu was ready to go.

As usual, he wanted to take a stroll around the nearby famous attractions. Just as he was about to go out, the hotel manager hurriedly chased him with a smile.


"Excuse me, where are you going now?"

Hearing the hotel manager's question, Qi Lin raised his eyebrows.

"I'm going out for a while, what do you want?"

The hotel manager shook his head with a smile inside.

"Of course not. When will you come back here? Do you want to have dinner with us?"

The attitude of the other party is too enthusiastic.

Qi Lin felt that this overly enthusiastic attitude was a little troublesome, so he waved his hand at the other party: "I don't know, you don't need to prepare in advance, and you don't need to be so enthusiastic. Just follow the way you treat ordinary guests.

After saying this, he walked out directly, ignoring the reaction of the hotel manager behind him.

After leaving the hotel, he went directly to the famous local attractions.

The most famous local attraction is a lake "not far from the hotel.

However, Qi Lin didn't intend to use his own two legs. He stopped a car on the road and spent ten minutes to reach the scenic spot.

There are already many people near the lake, and Qi Lin guessed that they also came here to travel like him.

He squeezed into the crowd and watched the lake for a long time before he walked out from the crowd again.

Just when he took out his mobile phone and planned to set a destination.

Qi Lin's hand was pulled suddenly, he subconsciously turned his head to look, and found that it was a strange woman who was holding his hand.

"What's the matter six?".

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