Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

259: Where Do You Go After Watching The Game?

When the strange woman saw Qi Lin's face, she shyly handed out her mobile phone, which contained the contact information of social software.

Realizing that the other party wanted his contact information, Qi Lin shook his hand at the other party and said, "Sorry, no contact information."

With a disappointed expression on the woman's face, she asked Qi Lin, "Why? Do you have a date?"

When Qi Lin heard the woman's question, he smiled and did not answer.

After he walked away, he turned on the phone screen again, intending to screen the next destination on it. He kept swiping the phone screen, and after choosing for a while, he couldn't choose where he was going to wait.

After finally choosing the next destination, he was about to stand up and walk forward when someone patted his shoulder.

Qi Lin felt that someone was calling him, he looked back, and found that the one who patted his shoulder was a "703" man who was 1.9 meters tall.

He was stunned for a moment when he saw the other party, and then he asked the other party: "What's the matter?"

The other party showed a shy smile, and then he replied to Qilin: "Can you take a photo for us?"

Qi Lin didn't reject the other party, but just took a photo, which was not difficult for him.

He took the other party's mobile phone, and then helped the other party take a few photos with his friends.

The other party was very happy. He chatted a few words in dialect with a few friends, and then he said to Qi Lin.

"Thank you for helping us take pictures, and taking pictures of us so beautifully."

Qi Lin smiled and shook his head, saying that the other party does not need to thank him. He decided to choose the gymnasium as his next destination. He just saw a basketball game in the gymnasium on his mobile phone.

It has been a long time since he went to watch a basketball game, and Qi Lin thinks this can be used as an entertainment to pass the time.

After the other party thanked Qi Lin, he left with his friend and Qi Lin also took a car to the gymnasium. It was already two hours later when he arrived at the gymnasium.

As soon as he got out of the car, he went nearby to buy food. He was afraid that if he didn't eat enough, he would faint on the seat later.

After entering the gymnasium, he sat directly in the first row of spectator seats. Money can make money. After he decided to watch the stadium competition, he immediately bought a ticket for the first row of spectators at a high price. .

After sitting in the first row, he began to cross his legs and wait for Bizu to start.

The game didn't start that fast, there was still more than half an hour before the start of the game.

He was playing with his mobile phone while killing time, and while he was playing, he suddenly heard a sentence in his ear.

"Isn't this the friend who helped us before?"

Qi Lin didn't feel that this sentence was talking about himself, but when he heard someone talking near him, he subconsciously raised his head.

Immediately afterwards, he discovered that those people were the ones he met just now and asked him to take pictures for him.

When these people saw him looking up, they immediately raised their hands to greet him.

Qi Lin froze for a moment, then smiled and nodded at them.

Those people didn't seem to be planning to just greet him, they walked up to Qi Lin, and Qi Lin said.

"Are you interested in basketball too?"

When Qi Lin heard the other party's question, he bent his mouth.

Qi Lin smiled and replied to the other party: "I just prefer to watch basketball games. I don't know how to play myself."

They laughed out loud when they heard this.

"A lot of people are like that."

"Where are you going after the game?"

Qi Lin didn't know what they wanted to do. Hearing their question, he thought for a moment, then shook his head.

"I don't have anywhere to go."

After these people heard Qi Lin's words, they looked at each other. Immediately afterwards they said to Qi Lin: "Wait a minute, do you want to stay and play?"

Qi Lin didn't expect that they would invite him, after all, he just took a photo for them.

"Playing basketball in the gym?"

Several of them nodded.

Qi Lin felt a little surprised: "Isn't that good?"

One of the other party heard Qi Lin's words, and Qi Lin replied: "There is nothing wrong with this. We often invite some amateur players to play basketball with us."

"If you are interested, you can stay and play with us later."

After the few of them finished speaking, the referee behind them called them.

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore, we have to hurry up and prepare."

After the few of them put down these words, they immediately turned and walked towards the referee.

The game will start soon.

These people are quite powerful.

He scored six points directly in the opening game.

After that, no matter how their opponents chased them, they never let their opponents surpass themselves.

There is only one game in the stadium today.

After the game, everyone was full of enthusiasm.

Qi Lin originally wanted to walk out of the gymnasium with everyone, but when he thought of the invitation from those people just now, he hesitated for a while, "In the end, he stayed in the gymnasium.

The staff has now let the audience leave in an orderly manner. Seeing that Qi Lin was still sitting in his seat, he asked Qi Lin suspiciously.

"Aren't you going, sir?"

Qi Lin heard the question from the staff, and he replied to the staff: "Someone just asked me to stay here and play basketball with them."

When the staff heard this, he nodded suddenly. It's not like this kind of thing had happened before, so he quickly believed it and left.

Qi Lin continued to sit in his seat. He waited for half an hour before those people came out from the backstage.

Those people walked and talked to the referee, and they saw Qi Lin after they came out, and when they looked at them in surprise, Qi Lin said.

1.9 "Why didn't you ask the staff to tell us, we thought you were gone."

When Qi Lin heard what they said, he raised the corner of his mouth and replied.


After finishing speaking, several of them started to play basketball.

Qi Lin said that he is not very good at playing, but in fact his skills are still good. Even in the face of professionals, he can still win a few balls from their hands.

They played basketball for an hour.

After the fight, everyone was covered in sweat.

They sat on the ground and started introducing themselves to each other.

"Are you a tourist here?"

When Qi Lin heard their question, he nodded, and after nodding, he saw the surprised expressions of those people.

"We were just guessing."

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