Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

260: Are You Willing To Accept My Help?

"But we are not sure, after all, very few tourists are willing to come and watch our non-professional basketball games.

Qi Lin replied to them.

"Mainly because I'm kind of bored."

After the few of them chatted for a day, they went back to their respective houses to find their respective mothers.

The hotel is still reserved by him alone, so when he returns to the hotel, there are only staff members in the hotel.

Qi Lin rarely felt bored in the hotel room.

He searched on his mobile phone, and then found a bungee jumping place nearby. He thought he could go to pass the time, so he set off from the hotel again.

After arriving at the destination, he went directly into the high-rise building without hesitation, but when he entered, someone bumped into him.

After the other party bumped into him, he quickly lowered his head and said to him.

"Excuse me, are you okay?!"

When Qi Lin heard the sound, he lowered his head and glanced. The person who bumped into him was a girl, and the strength of the other party was very small, so he was not hurt.

He replied, "I'm fine."

When the other party heard this, she nodded, and then she still walked forward with her head down.

Qi Lin originally wanted to continue into high-rise buildings, but when he saw that the other party kept his head down and walked forward, as if he didn't see the wall in front of him, he walked over and held the other party's hand

The other party was taken aback, and she began to struggle violently, Qi Lin explained to the other party.

"There is a wall in front of you, if you go in the past, you will bump into it."

After the other party heard this explanation, she didn't continue to struggle, but even so, she still kept her head down, and she didn't intend to raise her head.

Qi Lin felt that the other party was a bit too strange, so she asked the other party: "Why haven't you looked up?"

When the other party heard Qi Lin's question, she flinched, and then she replied Qi Lin.

"I'm fine, thank you, I'll go first."

After Qi Lin finished speaking, she hurriedly turned her head and wanted to leave.

The other party didn't intend to ask for help, and Qi Lin didn't continue to follow the other party. He walked into the high-rise building and was about to go up to play, but was told that the setting above was sudden.

I can't receive guests today.

Knowing this, Qi Lin's mood suddenly became extremely bad. He finally found a fun place, but now he was told that the equipment was broken.

Thinking of this, Qi Lin sighed. He walked out of the high-rise building dejectedly, and then found someone arguing outside.

He didn't intend to go there to watch the fun, but because there were too many people, he had no choice but to hide at the door for the time being.

Then he saw the girl just now, that girl was arguing with others, even when she was arguing, she still kept her head down.

Qi Lin frowned and listened for a while, and then immediately knew the cause and effect of this incident. The cause was that this girl accidentally bumped into this boy again, and she had already apologized

But the boy insisted on her compensation.

The girl is not a fool either, she said that if she wants compensation, she has to go to the hospital to get the examination report, she can pay the examination fee, but she doesn't want to do it privately.

The boy said that he is very busy now, so he is unwilling to go to the hospital for examination.

Now the two of them started to quarrel because of this matter. After hearing the ins and outs of the two people's quarrel, he began to wait for them to finish their quarrel in utter boredom.

Many people were watching the fun in place.

The man didn't want to make things too big, and when he saw more and more people, he gradually lost his patience.

He saw that girls were still trying to reason with him, so he pushed her away impatiently.

"Forget it! I think I'm unlucky!"

The girl didn't expect that the man would suddenly push her away. She didn't take precautions, so she accidentally raised her chin.

Everyone saw her face, but her face was actually pretty. The facial features are exquisite and the face is also small.

It's just that the top is now blue and purple, and it can be seen that the other party has been severely beaten.

Everyone didn't expect the girl's face to look like this, they were all surprised, and the boy didn't expect the girl's face to be beaten so badly, he quickly explained after being stunned on the spot.

"I didn't do this!"

He slipped away immediately after saying this, he didn't want to get into any unnecessary trouble.

Originally, he just wanted to blackmail this girl.

After the girl raised her head for a few seconds, she lowered her head again.

Everyone was very enthusiastic. They saw the girl's face was bruised and purple, so they took the initiative to ask the girl.

"Is there anything we can help with?"

"What happened, do you need us to call the police for you?"

When the girl heard everyone's questions, she shook her head and rejected everyone's kindness.

Qi Lin didn't follow up to ask questions, but she followed behind the girl.

The girl walked with her head down all the way. She almost bumped into passers-by several times, and every time she was scolded, she just bowed her head and apologized.

After he followed for about half an hour, he saw the girl parked in front of the road, so he went up to ask the girl directly this time.

"You really don't need help?"

The girl didn't expect that there was a person behind her.

She was taken aback, and her voice was somewhat familiar.

"You were the one just now..."

Qi Lin heard 990 what the other party said, she nodded to the other party and replied.

"We just met, whether you want to call the police or not, I suggest you go to the hospital to treat the wound on your face. y

When the girl heard Qi Lin's words, she pursed her lips and replied, "Thank you, but I don't need it!"

After she finished speaking, as if she remembered something, she said to Qi Lin: "I don't need your help, so please stop following me.

Seeing the other party's stubborn appearance, Qi Lin hesitated for a moment, and then said to the other party: "Do you really need help?"

When the girl heard the question, she stopped suddenly, and after a while, she asked in a low voice, "Why did you help me?"

Qi Lin thought for a while, and then he replied to the other party: "It may be because I am bored and eager to find something to do, so I will help you.

"If you still refuse me, then I can only turn around and leave."

"My patience is limited, so I will give you one last chance. If you are willing to accept my help, then you can turn back now. If you don't want to, forget it."

After he finished speaking, he took two steps back, giving the girl time to choose.

After about two minutes, the girl began to walk towards him step by step. .

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