Afterwards, things became more logical.

He took the girl to the hospital. In addition to the face injury, the girl also suffered a lot of injuries. It can be seen that she was brutally raped.

After the doctor gave him medicine, she must stay in bed for a period of time.

After Qi Lin received the inspection report, he asked the girl, "Please tell me, how did you get the wound on your body?"

"Is it a punk or someone else?"

When the girl heard this, she glanced at Qi Lin, probably because he was handsome, and brought her to the hospital. She thought Qi Lin was a good person in her heart, so she answered the question.

"It was my husband."

When Qi Lin heard this sentence, he raised his head and looked at the girl in surprise. He didn't expect the girl to get married so early, and the husband is also a person who likes to beat his wife.

"How old are you?"

When the girl heard this, Qi Lin replied, "I am twenty years old this year, and I have a child who is less than one year old.

Qi Lin gasped, he was silent for a while, and then he asked the girl: "Do you need to call the police?"

The girl immediately shook her head: "It's useless to call the police, he is my legal husband, even if he hits me, the police can't do anything to him..."

When she said this, tears began to flow down the corners of her eyes. She was good-looking, but when she cried, it was pear blossoms and rain, which made people heartbroken.

Seeing the sad look of the other party, Qi Lin was silent for a while, and then he said to the other party.

"I still say that, if you need help, tell me now, and I can help you.

"You don't have to worry about whether the police can help you deal with it, you just need to tell me, do you need help?"

The girl lay on the bed and looked at the white ceiling. She was in so much pain that she couldn't move. When she gently pulled the corner of her mouth, there would be a burning pain on her face.

She doesn't want to continue like this.

After making up her mind, she turned to Qi Lin and said,

"Can you really help me? If you can really help me, I hope you can help me, I want to start a new life[!"

Qi Lin nodded. Most of the girl's body was traumatized, so she didn't need to be hospitalized.

They stayed in the hospital for about two hours before being discharged.

The girl brought Qi Lin home, and to his surprise, their family looked quite rich.

"What is your husband's occupation?"

When the girl heard the question, Qi Lin replied, "He is a professional player.

"I can get a lot of subsidies every month, as well as sponsorship and year-end bonuses."

When the girl said this, there was a wry smile on the corner of her mouth, and she said to Qi Lin, "Can't you see it?"

Qi Lin didn't continue to dwell on this topic, he looked around "and then continued to ask the girl: "Didn't you say that there is another child under the age of ten? Why didn't I see it?"

As soon as the girl heard the word child, her expression softened immediately.

"I sent the child back to my mother. Things got a little big last night. I was afraid that the child would be implicated, so I sent the child to my mother first."

"I'll bring him back after the matter is settled."

Qi Lin nodded, and then he began to discuss with the other party what measures he could do.

"The injury report is already available, now you just need to prove that the injuries on your face were all caused by your husband."

"Leave other matters to me."

When the girl heard this, she looked at Qi Lin gratefully.

"Thank you, otherwise I really don't know how I should escape from this sick environment.

"Why do you help me so hard, are you an angel sent by heaven to save me?"

Qi Lin didn't expect that the other party would say something that made Zhang Er puzzled with a touched face, he replied to the other party dumbfounded.

"It's not."

"It just so happens that I'm bored."

"I'm not a nice person either."

After he finished talking about this matter, he took his mobile phone and went to the corner of the living room to make a call.

It didn't take long for him to do everything he could.

He also found a lot of lawyers who are very good at this kind of lawsuit.

All he found were local lawyers, because only local lawyers are more proficient in local laws.

After finishing all these matters, he left with the verification report.

"I will send a divorce agreement tomorrow afternoon, and I will call the police over then."

"You just need to throw the divorce agreement to him to sign in front of the police, and if he doesn't want to, you can tell the brutality you were subjected to in front of the police.

The girl nodded vigorously.

""Thank you!"

After finishing this matter, Qi Lin returned to the hotel room.

The next afternoon, he took the police to the door of the girl's house.

It was not the girl who opened the door, but the girl's husband.

When the other party saw Qi Lin and the policeman behind him, he first looked them up and down, and then he asked them: "What's the matter?!"

Qi Lin heard the other party's words, and he said directly to the other party: "I am your wife's friend, and your wife accused me that she has been subjected to your violence for a long time and now she wants to divorce you


"In order to prevent you from continuing to use violence, I brought the police over."

When the man heard this, he didn't show any panic on his face. He put his hand on the doorknob, then sneered at Qi Lin and said.

"You fart! I never beat my wife. My wife told me that someone outside beat him. Could it be you?!"

When the police heard this, they were confused.

"So what happened to (Dehao Zhao)?"

Hear the police questioning.

The man moved away and spoke to them.

"It just so happens that you are here, so let my wife explain it to you."

After he finished speaking, let everyone enter the house together.

When Qi Lin saw this, he immediately understood that something was wrong.

He went in anyway.

The woman was sitting on the sofa, and there was no new wound on her face, it was still the same as yesterday.

Due to the medicine, the wound on his face looks even more hideous today.

The police frowned subconsciously when they saw the wound on the woman's face.

"Hello, we have received allegations that you have been subjected to violence from your government for a long time, is this true?"

When the woman heard the police's questioning, she flinched, then looked up at Qi Lin, with a guilty and guilty expression on her face. .

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