When you see the expression on a woman's face.

Qi Lin had already guessed what would happen next, but he didn't speak, just looked at the woman silently.

The woman didn't speak either, and finally her husband asked softly: "Quickly answer, they say I have long-term violence against you, please tell them if I have."

When the woman heard this, she looked up at her husband. Her husband's voice was very gentle, but there was a clear warning in his eyes.

Thinking of what her husband said to her today, her whole body trembled slightly.

Then she shook her head at the policeman standing next to her: "No, my husband did not commit any violence against me."

When the policeman heard this, he glanced at the woman: "Then how did the marks on your face come back?"

The woman took a deep breath, and she replied to the police: "It was I who had conflicts with other people, but it's all right. My husband has always been very good to me, and we have never had conflicts."

The police did not fully believe what the woman said. After all, they have been in this profession for a long time. They have seen many women who have been subjected to violence and dare not accuse their husbands of 907.

That being said, the fact that the woman didn't accuse her husband left them in the dark.

So they could only turn their eyes to Qi Lin.

Qi Lin's reaction was not that great.

He looked at the woman quietly, and then asked her.

"I ask you again, are you really free from violence from your husband?"

The woman kept her mouth shut quietly. She didn't even dare to look into Qi Lin's eyes. She only dared to lower her head. Seeing that the other party was so silent, Qi Lin didn't continue to ask questions. He said to the policemen next to him.

"Excuse me, let's go."

Several policemen also knew that there would be no consequences for them to stay here.

They nodded at Qi Lin, and then said to the woman's husband.

"I'm really sorry, it seems that we misunderstood, so we will leave first.

After the few of them finished saying this, they wanted to turn around and go with Qi Lin.

Unexpectedly, the woman's husband walked up to Qi Lin in the next second.

"Hey! You haven't apologized to me yet, you are the one who convinced me.

"I did not commit any violence against my wife. You are so anxious to call the police to accuse me. After discovering that it was a misunderstanding, shouldn't you apologize?"

When Qi Lin heard what her husband said, he stared up at him blankly, and after a while he shook his head to answer.

"I don't think it's a misunderstanding."

After he finished speaking, the atmosphere between the two became obviously tense.

The few policemen did not expect that the two of them would suddenly confront each other. They glanced at the person on the left and then at the person on the right. In order to prevent the two from fighting, they could only step forward and speak.

"This gentleman is just kind."

The woman's husband snorted coldly and said, "Don't let him meddle in his business. I didn't commit violence against my wife. He must apologize to me."

Qi Lin ignored the other party, he walked out of the house directly, the woman's husband saw him leave the house directly, he followed without hesitation.

The woman's husband wanted to grab Qi Lin's arm to make him stay, but before he could hold Qi Lin's hand, he was thrown over his shoulder to the ground by the other party.

When he lay down on the ground, he still had a confused look on his face.

Because he still hasn't realized what happened.

When he realized what happened.

An exasperated look appeared on his face.

Anyway, he was a big man of about 1.9 meters, with very full muscles. He couldn't believe that he was thrown to the ground by Qi Lin.

He felt that it must be because he was unprepared, that's why Qi Lin pushed him to the ground so easily.

So after he got up from the ground, he attacked Qi Lin again. (bcaj)

When several policemen came out of the house, they saw the woman's husband, Qi Lin, making a move. They subconsciously wanted to catch up and stop it.

Unexpectedly, they saw Qi pin the woman's husband to the ground and beat him up before they could stop him.

They originally wanted to go up to help Qi Lin, but in the end it turned into helping your husband escape from Qi Lin's attack.

"Hey! Brother, calm down!"

After several policemen pulled Qi Lin away, they said in unison.

Qi Lin snorted coldly and didn't move any further. He squinted his eyes and said to the woman's husband: "It's her business that she doesn't want to accuse you, but that doesn't mean you can mess with me.

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left, and several policemen had no choice but to follow along.

The woman's husband wanted to accuse Qi Lin of attacking him, but when the policemen came out of the house, they saw that the woman's husband shot first,

Therefore, the police ignored his accusation and did not arrest Qi Lin.

After leaving the house for some distance.

Qi Lin parted ways with these police officers.

"Sorry for wasting your time."

Several police officers waved to him immediately when they heard his words.

"It's okay, nothing is the best thing."

After parting.

Qi Lin was about to go back to the hotel.

It is not within Qi Lin's expectation for a woman to change her mind temporarily.

But he wasn't very angry.

After all, this was just a hobby he started casually.

If the other party doesn't want him to help, then he won't help.

Just when he was about to go back to the hotel.

He felt his hand being grabbed by someone running up beside him.

He looked back and found that it was a woman.

The other party said to him anxiously: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do this. My husband went to my mother to pick up the child. For my child, I had to do this...

Qi Lin didn't know how the other party chased him down, but when he heard the other party's words, he raised the corner of his mouth and smiled mockingly: "Well, you're right, I won't take care of your business anymore.

When the woman heard Qi Lin's words, she was a little at a loss, and she didn't know what she should do.

Qi Lin didn't pay attention to the woman, he continued to walk forward, one kindness was enough, he was not a saint in the first place.

It was a rare kindness that was let down, which made him impatient with the other party.

Women don't know what to do.

She could only silently follow behind Qi Lin.

Not long after, Qi Lin returned to the hotel.

The woman found that he didn't even intend to talk to her when he returned to the hotel, so she had no choice but to go back.

Qi Lin then spent another whole day visiting nearby attractions.

The scenic spots near here are very popular, and he feels refreshed when he walks near the scenic spots. .

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