Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

263: At Most One Week, Everyone Will Forget

On the third day, an accident happened.

He is a person who doesn't play social software very much.

Especially the local social software here.

Every country has social software that every country is used to.

He's only here for tourism.

But there is no plan to live here forever.

So he didn't download the local social software.

When you start to notice something is wrong.

It was the hotel staff looking at him.

They dare not say anything.

But every time he looked at Qi Lin, his eyes were a little strange.

Qi Lin didn't care at first.

But the gazes of the hotel staff behind were too wanton.

He couldn't bear it, so he called the hotel manager directly into the room.

"what happened?"

Hearing Qi Lin's question, the hotel manager glanced at Qi Lin cautiously, and then Qi Lin asked, "Don't you know what's going on on the Internet?"

Qi Lin looked blank, he didn't go online at all, so how could he know about things on the Internet.

The hotel manager didn't think that he really didn't know. After thinking for a while, he took out his mobile phone and operated on it.

After taking the mobile phone handed over by the hotel manager, Qi Lin briefly looked at it, and then found that he seemed to be famous on the Internet.

The reason was that someone sued him on the Internet, saying that he not only had thoughts about his wife, but also harassed their family repeatedly.

The most extreme thing is that he also called the police to his door, accusing him of long-term violence against his wife. Of course, he himself strongly denied and rejected this behavior.

It's just that this trouble has troubled him for a long time, and he has nothing to do, so he seeks help online.

Logically speaking, such a post would not attract much attention.

It's fine for everyone to read the gossip, but the problem is that the person who posted the help post is a basketball star who is a bit popular in the local area.

So soon, many people paid attention to this matter.

Under the deliberate intention of the basketball star, Qi Lin's identity information was quickly exposed.

Now everyone has a bad impression of Qi Lin, thinking that he is a person who likes to hook up with other people's wives. When Qi Lin saw the help post, he was almost laughed out of anger.

He really didn't expect that when he didn't intend to provoke the other party, the other party took the initiative to provoke him instead.

Since this is the case, there is no need for him to hold back.

Thinking of this, Qi Lin directly returned the phone to the hotel manager.

The hotel manager glanced at Qi Lin cautiously. In fact, he didn't know if the other party really did such a thing.

But based on his impression of Qi Lin, he didn't think Qi Lin was like someone who would do such a thing, so he showed Qi Lin the news.

After Qi Lin simply expressed his thanks to the hotel manager, he went out. He went to the gymnasium this time to find the basketball players who had played basketball with him before.

Because basketball was played in the gymnasium, he quickly found those few basketball options.

He does not intend to clarify himself online, and his stay in the local area is not long.

Most importantly, he knows that everyone has a lot of forgetfulness.

After everyone discusses it, it will take at most a week for everyone to gradually forget about it.

So there is absolutely no need for him to spend time clarifying this kind of thing.

What he has to do now is to find the woman's husband, that is, the manager of the basketball star. He knows from the Internet that the basketball star has joined a club.

His goal now is to find the opponent's manager, and then use means to get the opponent kicked out of the team.

When he found those basketball players, those basketball players were playing basketball, and they also paid attention to Qi Lin's news two days ago.

When they saw Qi Lin, there was an expression on their faces that they didn't know how to describe.

After a while, several of them approached Qi Lin and asked,

"Are you here to see us?"

Qi Lin nodded to them, and then asked them a few questions.

Although he knew the name of the club the basketball star joined, he didn't have the phone number of the club's manager.

In order to be able to contact the manager of the club as quickly as possible, he chose to ask these basketball players questions.

These basketball players didn't answer his question immediately, they looked at each other, and then asked Qi Lin to verify the rumors on the Internet.

Of course Qi Lin denied it. Although he had no interest in clarifying the rumors about himself on the Internet, it did not mean that he would carry the blame.

...ask for flowers...

He quickly explained the ins and outs of the matter clearly. After those basketball players knew about it, they immediately cursed a few words angrily.

It may be because Qi Lin's growth is too harmless, they instinctively believed what Qi Lin said.

After knowing Qi Lin's purpose, they decisively gave Qi Lin the phone number of the club's manager.

With the club manager's phone number, Qi Lin didn't waste any time. He quickly called the club manager and asked him out.

He did not reveal his intentions on the phone.

Because he was afraid that the other party would directly reject him.

So he just invited the other party to a coffee shop in a vague manner.

The other party thought that Qi Lin wanted to discuss cooperation with him, so he took the initiative to meet Qi Lin.

Immediately after the two of them met at the coffee shop, they introduced themselves.

After Qi Lin briefly introduced his name, he explained his intention to come to the other party.

After the manager knew what Qi Lin asked him to do, he decisively rejected Qi Lin's request.

"You don't have evidence, we can't dismiss our players because of something without evidence."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Qi Lin with scrutiny.

"I have also learned about the rumors on the Internet. If I knew that the person who asked me out was you, I would never meet you."

"Please don't pester them anymore, their family life is very happy.

When Qi Lin heard this, he sneered, but he didn't continue to persuade the manager.

Originally, he was just trying this method, but this method didn't work, and he still had more methods.

After the manager said a harsh word, he left the restaurant, as if he didn't bother to say another word to Qi Lin.

Qi Lin didn't mind at all. Seeing that the manager had left the coffee shop, he took out his mobile phone and called his assistant.

His purpose is very clear, that is to buy the club, after buying the club, the next move is of course to kick the basketball star out of the club. .

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