Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

264: Overturned, All Public Opinion Overturned

In fact, acquiring a club is not an easy task. Generally, acquisitions require long-term adaptation.

They usually talked for a long time about the price, but because Qi Lin's hand was too generous, the acquisition was successful even within two days.

When the basketball star returned to the club on the third day, he knew that their club had been acquired.

But this has nothing to do with them directly. After all, even if the boss changes, they are still members of the club.

So the emotions of the basketball star did not have any ups and downs.

In the afternoon, they received a notice.

The boss who bought their club will appear in the club this afternoon. In order for the two parties to get to know each other as soon as possible, they gathered in the club in the afternoon.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, they gathered in the club early.

They sat on the chair "763" and waited boredly for the new boss.

Qi Lin was wearing a suit and leather shoes today, which looked very good-looking and imposing. When he arrived at the club, all eyes were on him.

The basketball star didn't expect to see Qi Lin here. When he saw Qi Lin, his mouth opened wide. He subconsciously felt that the other party was looking for him, so he stood up and asked Qi Lin.

"Have you been entangled with our club now?"

When other people heard what the basketball star said, they looked at the two of them in confusion. They glanced at Qi Lin, and then at the teammates next to them.

After a while, they realized that Qi Lin was the one their teammates said was pestering his family.

They were very surprised when they recognized it, because they didn't expect that the person who pestered their teammate's wife was a very handsome man.

As friends of basketball stars, they soon became enemies and decided to deal with Qi Lin.

"What are you doing here? You are not welcome here!"

"Get out!"

When Qi Lin heard what they said, he replied calmly to everyone.

"Who are you waiting for here?"

When those people heard Qi Lin's words, they replied Qi Lin.

"What's none of your business?! Get out of the club!"

Qi Lin bent the corner of his mouth, and he replied to this group of people,

"I mean I'm the one you're waiting for."

When those few people heard this, it took them a few minutes to realize the meaning of this sentence.

They are here to wait for the club's new owners.

And Qi Lin said at this time that he was the one they were waiting for.

That said, this is their new boss.

After rounding the bend, they had incredible expressions on their faces.

They didn't really want to believe it.

But it turns out that apart from Qi Lin, no other boss has entered the club.

After finding out that the person who harassed them was the new owner of the club, they were all silent. They obviously didn't expect things to go like this.

For new bosses, they certainly cannot use their previous attitude.

Who knows if the boss will not like them and fire them directly.

They heard that this new boss made a very generous purchase, and he bought the club directly at a price higher than the market price.

If it weren't for this appearance, the club would not be able to change the owner so quickly.

Qi Lin saw that everyone was being honest, and he nodded very satisfied.

"It seems that you all have a good impression of me, how about this, let me introduce myself again, my name is Qi Lin, and I am your new boss.

"Afterwards, this club will be under my management, and I hope that there will be no disobedient people under my hands."

The basketball star was the one who was shocked the longest. He didn't expect Qi Lin to be so rich, so rich that he could buy a club at will.

He felt that Qi Lin bought the club because he wanted revenge on him.

In a way, he was right.

Qi Lin was about to say a few more words of nonsense when he saw that basketball star walking out of the team.

"Don't you just want to keep torturing me?!"

"I won't make you proud."

"I'm quitting the club!"

"Just be your boss right here!"

After the other party finished speaking, he gave him a fierce look.

Qi Lin was not surprised by the opponent's actions.

The other party was very arrogant, how could he tolerate his respectful treatment of Qi Lin.

The opponent's teammates did not expect to decide to leave the club so quickly. They saw their teammates leaving, and went up to persuade their teammates...

But their persuasion was of no use.

The basketball star decided to leave the club resolutely.

Of course, the most important thing is that he has confidence in himself.

He felt that if he left the club, he would soon be recruited by a strong team.

But soon, he realized that this idea was wrong.

I don't know why, after leaving the club, there must be no team willing to come to him, even the basketball team that lacks players has no intention of recruiting him.

This made the basketball star very suspicious. He searched his contacts and asked. After asking, he found out that someone deliberately prevented these basketball teams from recruiting him.

After knowing this, he ran into the club angrily, wanting to question Qi Lin, but he didn't expect that the club was directly taken away by the security before he rushed in.

Basketball stars have long been on the club's blacklist.

Qi Lin put him on the club's blacklist the day after the other party left, and even hired a few security guards to prevent basketball stars from entering the club.

The basketball star quickly thought of another way. Like before, he posted a tirade on the Internet.

Everyone knew that after the basketball star was deliberately squeezed out by Qi Lin, they were all very angry, and the heat of this matter reached an unprecedented high.

Just when the basketball star thought that Qi Lin would be under pressure, another 1.1 report appeared on the Internet. These ten reports were written by reporters who interviewed his wife at home.

This time his wife bravely spoke out about what had happened to her.

With this report.

The public opinion on the Internet has been reversed in an instant.

Everyone believed what the wife said.

Because the wife is not empty-handed, when she was injured before, she took pictures of her injured parts.

There were many marks of injuries on the face and arms and thighs.

After this photo was posted on the Internet, fans of the former basketball star immediately criticized the basketball star with speeches.

The basketball star didn't expect that he would overturn, he was in a hurry to find his wife to "discuss".

It turned out that his wife had already been well protected by the police. .

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