Qi Lin didn't plan to stay here for too long, all the things that should be done have been done, and the time for him to leave here has come.

He bought a ticket for tomorrow morning.

Just when he was planning to rest at home today.

Someone knocked on the door at his door.

He opened the machine at the door and took a look, and then saw the picture of the basketball star's wife displayed in the machine.

He hesitated, but finally opened the door.

In fact, they hadn't seen each other since the last time they met at the home of a basketball star.


As soon as Qi Lin opened the door, he heard the other party apologizing to him.

He raised his eyebrows and asked the other party: "What are you doing?"

The woman Qi Lin replied: "I was wrong before. It was because I thought too much, so I almost missed a chance to save myself."

"When he created public opinion to slander you later, I didn't speak out. I'm a very timid person, so I didn't dare to speak out. I just hid at home.

The woman admitted her mistake very quickly, with a guilty expression on her face. After Qi Lin finished listening, he nodded and said to the other party: "Okay, I understand."

The woman seemed a little unbelievable, she couldn't believe that her apology was accepted so flatly.

"Will you forgive me?"

Qi Lin shook his head: "I just accepted your apology, I don't mean to forgive you, I don't have such a good temper.

"You refused when I wanted to help you before, and that was your choice."

"The reason why I shot again later was only because the other party attacked me. I was helping myself, not helping you.

"So you don't have to apologize to me in such a hurry."

"Anything else?"

The woman didn't expect Qi Lin to say that, she opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

In her original imagination, the direction of their conversation was not in this direction. Seeing that the woman was speechless, Qi Lin felt that the woman should have nothing to say.

He nodded to the other party to say goodbye, and closed the door directly.

The woman looked at the closed door in front of her, and she suddenly realized one thing, that there would be no chance waiting for her forever.

She finally left the door regretfully.


The time came the next morning.

Qi Lin left here without hesitation.

The country is very small, and there are very few places to visit.

In fact, he wanted to leave here a few days ago.

But due to a mistake, he stayed here for an extra week.

He plans to go to other places to take a good look next time.

The destination he chose this time is a place with beautiful mountains and rivers.

this sea country.

After he arrived in this country.

The first time is to settle yourself in the hotel room.

In order to prevent encountering the previous problem.

He specifically booked a hotel very close to the airport.

when he passed.

There is nothing wrong with this hotel.

He checked in very smoothly.

It was only afternoon when he arrived.

Because I fell asleep on the plane.

So he is very spiritual now.

Lie on the big bed in the hotel room for an hour.

After realizing that he was not sleepy, Qi Lin tidied up and prepared to go out to eat.

Since this is a coastal country, seafood is everywhere.

There are many markets near the hotel.

He took a look and found that the price of seafood is very low, whether it is a big lobster or a big oyster, the price is very low.

And there are a lot of dealers selling this.

He left after a casual stroll, not intending to cook for himself.

So he turned to the deli instead.

There are not only many markets here, but also many restaurants.

Qi Lin soon found a big hotel.

This big hotel looks quite upscale.

After Qi Lin glanced at the door, he walked in directly. As soon as he entered, the waiter immediately came to greet him.

"Hello, how many people?"

Hearing the waiter's question, the pair answered the waiter.


The waiter nodded, and then let another guy come up to entertain him, and he was brought to a small round table by the guy.

"What would you like to eat?"

Qi Lin looked at the menu.

Then found out that the food here is basically seafood.

After he casually ordered a few seafood.

Sitting at the table boredly waiting for the food.


He didn't have to wait long.

The seafood was brought up.

After he took two bites, he found that the seafood was really fresh.

It doesn't matter if it's big, but the taste of sending keys is not bad.

He eats a lot.

In the end, I ate all my stomach.

Check out.

He was going to go out for a walk to digest food.

There is also a seaside near here.

While walking, he walked towards the seaside.

Before long, he arrived near the sea.

There are a lot of tourists here.

Then he saw a lot of people picking up shells nearby.

Except tourists.

There are still many people catching seafood here.

He feels very fresh.

So he took a second look.


While he was watching the distance.

Suddenly a voice came from behind.

Before he had time to react, his body was bumped forward.

He propped his hands on the sand, stabilized his body, and then glanced back.

The person who bumped into his body was a dark-skinned woman with three-dimensional facial features, looking very bright and beautiful.

At this time, the other party was looking at him with a sorry expression on his face.

"I'm really sorry! This thing is too heavy for me, I lost my balance and bumped into you. Are you okay?"

Hearing the woman's question, he shook his head and shifted his gaze to a large bag in the woman's hand.

He pointed to the big bag (de Zhao), and then asked the woman, "What is this?"

When the woman heard Qi Lin's greeting, she smiled and replied, "This is the seafood we just caught.

"You really have nothing to do. If you have nothing to do, then I'll go first."

Qi Lin thought for a moment, then he stood up from the ground.

He walked over and took the bag from the woman's hand.

"Let me hold it for you."

The bag was a big snakeskin bag, and it was a bit heavy to carry, but he was strong enough to carry the bag without difficulty.

The woman's eyes widened, she didn't expect Qi Lin to help,

"It...it doesn't matter, I can just take it myself."

Qi Lin glanced at her palms, the woman's palms were covered with red marks from the snakeskin bag, it was obvious that the weight of the bag was not what the other party could bear.

"Let me help you."

Seeing Qi Lin's insistence, the woman didn't say anything more, because she really couldn't carry the bag herself. .

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