Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

267: The Newly Opened Stores Are Like This, And The Business Will Improve Gradually

"Then thank you, I will treat you to some fruit when I go back later!"

The woman's shop is not too far from the sea, but not too close either.

The two of them walked for about half an hour before arriving at the woman's shop.

Even Qi Lin, after carrying the bag for so long, couldn't help but feel a little sore in his wrist.

After he put down the bag, he rubbed his wrist.

The woman opened the refrigerator and took out a very large watermelon. She picked up a knife and cut the watermelon neatly. After cutting the watermelon into several pieces, she gave it to Qi Lin.

"I'm really sorry, I bumped into you and didn't let you give me something.

"Hurry up and eat, the watermelon here is very delicious, juicy and very sweet."

Qi Lin nodded slightly, the woman saw that he was still rubbing her wrist, she thought for a while, and took out a bottle of oil from her room.

"Give me your hand."

When Qi Lin heard the other party's words, he glanced at the woman, and then he handed over his wrist.

The woman rubbed the oil onto Qi Lin's wrist, and then began to massage gently.

Qi Lin sighed comfortably.

"Why don't you call someone else to help you?"

When the woman heard Qi Lin's words, she said with a hearty smile.

420 "I made a mistake in my estimation. I thought I could move it by myself, but I didn't expect this time to be very rewarding.

Qi Lin saw the woman's hearty smile, he squinted his eyes, and then asked the woman: "Then you should also ask your husband to help."

The woman looked up in surprise: "I'm not married yet.

Qi Lin asked pointedly: "Don't you even have a boyfriend?"

The woman blushed and replied, "Oh, I'm busy with business now, so I don't have time to find a boyfriend, and..."

When she said this, she sighed: "My temperament is really too careless, I have talked a few times before, and all of them broke up because of my personality.

The character of a woman is really big and careless.

Qi Lin was just acquainted with her, so she didn't mind sharing her emotional experience.

After talking for a while, the woman Qi Lin introduced herself.

"My name is Zhao Min! What's your name?"

Qi Lin also briefly introduced himself to the other party.

After the two sides introduced themselves, they chatted about each other's topics very naturally.

(befb) Listen to your accent, you're not from here, are you?"

Qi Lin nodded to the other party: "I'm here to travel?"

Zhao Min opened his mouth in surprise: "So you are a tourist here, so how can you speak our local dialect?"

"And he speaks so fluently!"

Qi Lin bowed his head and said, "My language talent is relatively good, and I know more languages, and most of them are actually accommodating."

Zhao Min admired Qi Lin very much. After knowing that Qi Lin was a tourist, she couldn't help Qi Lin and asked: "Then besides our place, have you traveled to other places?"

Qi Lin nodded again, and he told all the countries and places he had been to [Zhao Min's eyes slowly changed from envy at the beginning to admiration later on.

"Wow! You are really amazing, you can travel so many places in such a short time!"

Seeing each other's astonishment.

Qi Lin caught the envy of the other party: "You also want to travel?"

Chapter 321 No business shop

Zhao Min lowered his eyebrows and replied: "I have wanted to go out and have a look since I was a child, to see if the outside world is really as vast as it is written in the book."

Qi Lin asked the other party: "Then you can leave anytime."

When Zhao Min heard this, she couldn't help laughing: "How can things be so simple, my parents are here, and my financial situation doesn't allow me to do this."

When she said this, her eyes lit up again.

"But it doesn't matter, I'm already running my own business now, and in time, I'll definitely be able to save some money, and then I'll take a quick trip!"

When Zhao Min said this, she excitedly took out her mobile phone, which contained all the photos she saved.

"I heard that these are all outside attractions. I have always wanted to see them with my own eyes. After I save money, I will close these attractions one by one!"

Qi Lin looked at a few photos, and he found that he had been to all the scenic spots in the photos collected by the other party.

Without hesitation, he directly opened his mobile phone photo album, and then showed the photos he took to the other party.

"I've been to these scenic spots. Here are the photos I took. If you don't mind, you can take a look."

Zhao Min's eyes became brighter, she immediately took the phone in Qi Lin's hand, and then kept saying "wow".

"Wow! This is so pretty!"

"And the video?!"

"My God!"

The time passed by like this.

When the two of them reacted.

It was completely dark.

Only then did Qi Lin realize one thing.

"Why are there no customers in your shop?"

The woman heard this.

She said a little dejectedly.

"Because I'm a new shop here, and all of them are seafood shops. There are so many seafood shops here."

"Most of the customers don't come to me even if they want to eat seafood."

When Zhao Min said this, she hesitated to speak. Qi Lin thought she had something to say, and waited quietly for her words, but Zhao Min didn't say anything until the end.

Qi Lin comforted the other party and said.

"It doesn't matter, it's like this at the beginning of the store, and when some tourists come to you later and find that your seafood is delicious, your reputation will be spread.

Zhao Min felt the same way, she nodded vigorously.

"Okay! I will try my best!"

"You can just eat at my place, anyway, I don't have any guests here, so it's your thanks for showing me so many photos."

Qi Lin did not refuse.

He asked the other party to cook a few dishes for him.

Zhao Min cooked two dishes and one meat, and the rest were all seafood. The two of them ate a meal with relish in the shop.

They chatted while eating, and then they found that their personalities were really compatible, because both of them like to travel, so they talked about travel.

Qi Lin and Zhao Min told the interesting things he encountered during his travels. Zhao Min listened with great interest and even ate an extra bowl of rice.

"Okay, I have to go back."

Qi Lin glanced at the time displayed on the phone screen and said to Zhao Min.

He has been here for a long time, and it is already ten o'clock in the evening. If he doesn't go back, he won't be able to stop the car to go back. .

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