After Zhao Min heard it, she looked at Qi Lin with some reluctance. She lives in the shop, so she doesn't have to go home.

"Then when will you come back?"

When Qi Lin heard this, he turned to Zhao Min and replied with a smile: "Anytime, I will stay here for about a week."

Zhao Min laughed very happily, she counted the days, and then Qi Lin said: "Then come to my place for dinner tomorrow, and I will make delicious food for you!

The two chatted for a while, and Qi Lin left.

There is still some distance to walk to the road from here, it would be bad if you can't get a taxi when you go back too late.

Back in the hotel room, this letter was quickly put to rest.

He fell asleep until he woke up naturally, and it was already noon when he woke up. He subconsciously touched the phone next to the bed, and after turning on the power button, he realized that it was already one o'clock in the afternoon.

After yawning, Qi Lin slowly got up from the bed. In fact, he originally planned to go to another place, but because he promised Zhao Min to visit her yesterday.

So he planned to go to Zhao Min first.

After leaving the hotel room, he originally thought about eating a buffet in the restaurant, but remembering that Zhao Min said yesterday that he would invite him to dinner, he hesitated for a while, and finally left directly from the hotel.

After setting off, it took him less than an hour to arrive at the beach. He skillfully walked to the door of Zhao Min's shop, and found that there were quite a lot of people at the door today.

He thought that these people were all guests, but when he listened to it, he began to feel that something was wrong.

These people don't seem to come here to eat, but to find fault.

"Your things took up our stall! Move your things back quickly!"

Zhao Min was arguing with these people in the store.

"Your stall is so far away from mine, why am I occupying your stall?"

The group of people said unreasonably.

"Your position is only in your shop, you move things out, how can we attract customers?"

"Besides, no one comes to your store, so what's the use of putting so many things?!"

Hearing these people's words, Zhao Min was very angry. She couldn't deal with so many people by herself.

Just when she was in a hurry, a person suddenly entered beside the crowd.

This person is Qi Lin.

"What are you guys doing?"

When Zhao Min saw Qi Lin, her eyes lit up as if seeing a savior, and she said directly to Qi Lin.

"You came just in time! Help me call the police!"

Qi Lin didn't expect that Zhao Min would ask him to call the police as soon as he came in. After he was stunned for a moment, he took out his cell phone in his pocket.

When the others saw his movements, they grabbed Qi Lin's hand quickly.

"What are you doing? What do you want?!"

Hearing what they said, Qi Lin replied to them expressionlessly.

"Didn't you hear the boss? She told me to call the police."

The others turned their heads and said to Zhao Min.

"Isn't it just a small matter, why call the police?!"

Zhao Min sneered at Dai: "Don't you guys want to argue with me?"

"Anyway, no matter what I say, you don't listen, so let the police speak directly."

When those few people heard Zhao Min's words, they immediately began to curse.

They scolded and pressed Qi Lin's hand firmly, not wanting Ji to call the police.

Qi Lin frowned, and just as he was about to make a move, he heard Zhao Min say: "Be careful, if you accidentally drop my guest's mobile phone on the ground, you will lose money

When the stall owners heard this, they subconsciously let go of their hands. After letting go, they were afraid that Qi Lin would call the police, so they could only take two steps back and shouted at Zhao Min embarrassingly.

"Isn't it just a small matter, as for making such a big move every time?"

"We just want to have a good discussion with you."

Zhao Min narrowed his eyes: "But I see that you don't seem to want to discuss with me, so hurry up!"

"If you really want to discuss with me, who should own the land in front of me, you can call the police and ask the police to tell me.

"If you don't want to call the police, then don't appear in front of me."

The owners of those stalls were so angry that they wanted to do it directly, but they were afraid that Zhao Min would blackmail them, so they could only curse a few words, and then left.

Seeing those people leaving the shop far away, Qi Lin stepped forward.

"Do you need my help?"

……ask for flowers……

Just now, because of the violent actions of those stall owners, all the tables and chairs next to them were overturned.

When Zhao Min heard Qi Lin's question, she shook her head, then walked to the side and helped up all the tables and chairs.

"Where is this going? Don't worry, I can handle it by myself."

"Sorry, I wanted to prepare the meals earlier, but I blame them for delaying my time. I only have the ingredients ready now."

Qi Lin shook his head: "Don't worry, I'm not that hungry."

Zhao Min bent her mouth and nodded, the two of them started chatting one after another, she said to Qi Lin while processing the ingredients.

"Is there any place you want to go shopping today?"


Qi Lin turned his head and asked, "Do you have any recommendations?"

Zhao Min immediately blurted out a few place names: "Although these places are not famous, the scenery is particularly bad.

"When I have nothing to do, I like to go to these places."

Qi Lin nodded, and the two fell silent again. Not long after, he asked Zhao Min again.

"Do they usually come to harass you?"

Zhao Min asked suspiciously: "Why do you ask such a question?"

Qi Lin shrugged his shoulders: "They just said that you have been dealing with them like this before.

When he said this, he couldn't help laughing.

"Actually, I actually wanted to help you, but I didn't expect you to be able to deal with them by yourself."

Zhao Min also laughed: "They did come here a few times before, but don't worry, I won't let them bully me."

"As long as they dare to do something, I dare to call the police, and then they will lose everything.

Having said that, she sighed, and the movements of her hands began to slow down.

"My business was not so bad before. My business was much better than those of the nearby stalls."

"They felt uncomfortable, so they deliberately found someone to come to my place to eat, and put parasites in the seafood I cooked.

"At that time, there was no monitoring in my shop, so I had no way to prove myself."

"No way, I have to lose money."

"Later they spread the matter to seven."

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