Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

272: The Game You Recommended Me Is Really Fun

Although the taste of the stuff in this jar was not as bad as he imagined, it didn't mean that he could accept this black and purple stuff to enter his mouth again.

Zhao Min didn't insist this time. After hearing Qi Lin shaking his head and rejecting, she put the lid on the jar and put it in the suitcase.

After the game was downloaded, the two of them lay on the bed and started playing the game.

The two of them were playing online games, and Zhao Minbu had never played this type of game.

Curiously, she followed Qi Lin's instructions to play the game step by step. This game was developed abroad. If they want to play it, they must install various installation packages.

Zhao Min's mobile phone is relatively cheap, and the memory of the mobile phone is relatively small, so it is a bit laggy to play.

Qi Lin saw Zhao Min's mobile phone screen was stuck, he thought for a while, frowning, and gave Zhao Min his mobile phone.

"You play with my phone, I'll play with another phone."

Zhao Min quickly shook his head and said: "No need, I can use my mobile phone to play, in fact, my mobile phone is stuck with some other functions, which is still good.

Qi Lin couldn't laugh or cry, he 933 said to Zhao Min: "But your mobile phone has seriously affected your game experience, you can just use my mobile phone to play

Don't worry about that much.

Zhao Min frowned and said nothing, she still didn't want to bother Qi Lin too much, Qi Lin saw her so entangled, he took out a new mobile phone from the bedside table.

"If it doesn't work, you can use this mobile phone to play. I haven't used this mobile phone yet. You can directly use this mobile phone to re-download the game."

"Then log in to your account for novice guidance like I just taught you."

In the end, Zhao Min accepted Qi Lin's kindness. Her mobile phone was really stuck, which affected the game experience too much.

She herself felt that it didn't matter, but seeing Qi Lin waiting for her, she felt a little sorry.

After re-downloading and playing the game, this time when they went through the novice guidance, everything went smoothly. At the beginning, Zhao Min didn't understand the rules of the game very well, so he didn't have much experience in the game.

Later, when she discovered the fun of this game, she became addicted to it.

Qi Lin felt that she was a novice, so he had been trying his best to play with her, even if she cheated, he didn't say anything.

Later, he found that Zhao Min was not quite talented in games.

A hero can get started after playing a few times, and he is very proficient in skills. After discovering the opponent's game talent, he taught the opponent how to play several heroes.

The other party was very addicted to this game, and they played it from afternoon to night.

Qi Lin suddenly felt very hungry while playing. Generally speaking, his stomach would not be so hungry so fast.

Because his three meals are never fixed, but this time is different, his stomach seems to be hungry for more than 20 hours suddenly.

I was so hungry that my stomach kept screaming.

Zhao Min heard Qi Lin's stomach growling, she smiled and said to Qi Lin, "You're hungry."

When Qi Lin heard Zhao Min's words, he asked Zhao Min: "Is the stuff in your little jar something that can make people hungry quickly?"

Zhao Min nodded and shook his head and said.

"It should be counted. Anyway, after we finish eating the contents of this jar, we often feel a big appetite and can eat a lot of things."

When Qi Lin heard this, he sighed, and then called the room service to bring dinner. The two of them were eating dinner while playing games.

In the end, the phones of both of them started to get hot, so they put down the phones.

Zhao Min said with some unfinished thoughts: "This game is really fun, if it weren't for you," I would never know that there are such fun games in the world.

Qi Lin (bhfi) asked Zhao Min with some doubts: "Have you never played other games before?"

Zhao Min nodded, and answered as it should: "Of course I have. Now that the Internet is so convenient, how can I never even play games, but the games I play are all stand-alone games."

"For example, building cubes, or games like Snake Eating, these games are fun, but sometimes they are too boring, I only play these games when killing time."

When Zhao Min said this, her eyes sparkled.

"The game you recommended to me is really fun, I have never played a game so late.

Qi Lin burst out laughing: "It's a good thing you've only just gotten into this game now, if you get into the game earlier, you'll definitely be addicted.

Zhao Min scratched her head in embarrassment, and the two of them chatted in the room for a while, and they forgot the time while chatting, and when they remembered the time again, it was already past two o'clock in the morning.

"My God, it's already so late, we have to go to bed!"

The next day's flight is at ten o'clock in the morning, which means they have to get up at nine o'clock.

Qi Lin also felt that they should go to bed now, so he nodded to Zhao Min.

"Okay, go to sleep."

Qi Lin helped Zhao Min re-open a suite. Although the suite was very big, it was not good for Zhao Min to share a room with him, so he specially opened a suite.

Zhao Min was very angry after knowing that he reopened a suite.

"I don't need to live in such a big room at all, all I need is a bed, why don't you just open me a single room?"

Hearing what they said, Qi Lin replied to Zhao Min: "That's not okay, then you should go to sleep first, anyway, it's just one night and it's not a big deal.

Zhao Min wanted to say something else, but Qi Lin yawned in front of him, and she couldn't speak.

She knew that Qi Lin was trying to make her sleep more comfortably, but she still felt a little uncomfortable.

After all, she is not the one who pays, and she doesn't want to trouble others too much.

"Don't be like this next time, just book me a single room."

Qi Lin didn't answer her directly, only said that he was sleepy.

When Zhao Min heard this, she had no choice but to follow him back to the hotel room.

At nine o'clock the next morning, Zhao Min knocked on Qi Lin's door on time. Qi Lin was still lying on the bed at this moment, frowning and unwilling to get up when he heard the knock on the door.

He didn't get out of bed until the knock on the door rang intermittently for nearly five minutes.

"Wake up, wake up, really."

He opened the door as he spoke. .

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