Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

273: I'm So Nervous, I Almost Have The Same Hands And Feet

Seeing that Qi Lin finally got up, Zhao Min nodded in satisfaction, and then Qi Lin said, "I've already checked, and it will take half an hour from our side to the airport."

"So we have to set off half an hour earlier, you pack up quickly, and we can go downstairs for a ride after packing up.

Hearing this, Qi Lin nodded, and went to wash up with a look of sleepiness. While washing, he called a car, and the car he called was a large truck.

Since both of them had luggage, they needed help-carrying.

Zhao Min didn't know about this, she waited downstairs for more than ten minutes, and when she saw Qi Lin coming downstairs with empty hands, she froze.

"Where's your luggage?"

Hearing Zhao Min's question, the pair Zhao Min replied.

"I got someone to help me move to the car, and I'll let him carry your luggage to the car later.

"It was too much luggage for the two of us, so I just hired someone else."

When Zhao Min heard this, she opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say a word. This was the first time she saw such a wealthy person.

Once again, she saw the world of the rich.

"Let's go."

Qi Lin took two steps forward.

After he found that Zhao Min was still standing there, he turned his head and asked her to follow. Zhao Min came back to his senses and hurriedly followed.

The two took a ride to the airport, and the two of them arrived more than ten minutes early.

Zhao Min pushed the luggage forward anxiously, Qi Lin asked as she walked.

"Let's wait a bit so we won't be late. I've searched the Internet, and if you fly by plane, you have to arrive an hour or half an hour earlier.

"We only arrived ten minutes earlier, will it be too late?"

Seeing Zhao Min's anxious appearance, Qi Lin smiled and replied to Zhao Min: "Don't worry, there will be time."

Zhao Min asked Qi Lin with some doubts: "Is it really too late?"

Qi Lin nodded, and the two of them walked slowly to the security check area. After all the procedures were completed, they went to store their luggage.

At this moment, it was almost time to board the plane, and Zhao Min was extremely anxious.

But Qi Lin still looked slow, Zhao Min saw him so slow, she couldn't help but took a deep breath and asked Qi Lin.

"Have you always been this slow before?"

Zhao Min had never been on a plane before, so she didn't know if everyone was like Qi Lin. Qi Lin saw the curious and anxious look on Zhao Min's face. He answered her with a smile.

"Don't worry, you can catch up no matter what."

"Even if we are late, they will wait for us."

When Zhao Min heard this, she couldn't believe it.

"How can it be!"

"How could such a large plane be delayed because of us?"

Zhao Min really felt that Qi Lin was bragging. Although she had never been on a plane, it didn't mean she was ignorant.

Now that the Internet is so developed, you can know everything you want to know through the Internet.

With so many passengers on the plane, how could the pilot delay the takeoff time because of a certain passenger?!

Zhao Min said what he was thinking while thinking.

When Qi Lin heard what they said, he just raised his eyebrows and couldn't deny it.

As for whether the plane will wait for them, she will know after a while.

Chapter 333 Check-in incident

Seeing that Qi Lin was still walking slowly to the check-in area, Zhao Min could only worry in her heart. Under the inner anxiety and urging her to make a choice, she finally chose to hang out with Qi Lin.

She didn't want to urge Qi Lin, and it was because of Qi Lin that she was able to come out.

It's just that they are late, and they can't change the plane because of it.

Thinking of this, Zhao Min relaxed. Qi Lin saw through Zhao Min's thoughts, and he silently curled the corners of his mouth and did not speak.

The two walked for another ten minutes before reaching the check-in area. At this moment, they were already five minutes late, and Zhao Min had completely given up hope.

The staff just saw the two of them.

"Hello, are these Mr. Qi and Ms. Zhao?"

Hearing the question from the staff, Zhao Min was stunned for a moment, then she nodded, she thought the staff was here to investigate their lateness, but just as she was about to explain, she saw the staff bending over to talk to them.

"Okay, please follow me, I will take you there now."

Zhao Min was completely stunned, they were the ones who were late, why did the staff behave so respectfully?!

...ask for flowers‥

Holding this doubt, Zhao Min followed the staff forward.

Qi Lin turned his head and saw Zhao Min's stupid look. He tapped Zhao Min's forehead lightly with his fingers, and then asked Zhao Min: "What's wrong? You look stupid."

Zhao Min touched her forehead that hurt from being knocked, and then she replied to Qi Lin.

"I feel like I'm dreaming, aren't the two of us late, why is he treating us so well?"

"God knows, when I just saw her coming, I thought she was here to scold us.

Seeing Zhao Min's stupid look, Qi Lin couldn't help laughing again, she is so cute.

He thought so in his heart, and said so in his mouth. Zhao Min was praised unexpectedly, and her face turned red all of a sudden.

"What's cute? What's so cute about me..."

Just as Qi Lin was about to speak, he heard the staff talking in front.

"It's here, you two just walk in."

Qi Lin nodded lightly, and then walked forward against Zhao Min. It was Zhao Min's first time to fly, and she had only seen other people fly on TV, but she had never experienced it herself.

This is his first time flying [she touched her hand nervously.

"What should I do? I'm a little nervous..."

Hearing Zhao Min's words, Qi Lin couldn't help pinching Zhao Min's cheek.

"If you're really nervous, why don't you hold my arm?"

Zhao Min adopted this suggestion without hesitation, she was really very nervous, her hands began to tremble unconsciously when she was so nervous.

The seat Qi Lin bought for the two of them was business class, and as soon as the two of them entered, a beautiful woman bowed to them both.

"Hello, please come in.

Zhao Min pretended to be calm and nodded, but in fact her hand was holding Qi Lin's arm tightly.

After sitting down, Zhao Min finally relaxed a little.

"Phew! I'm so nervous, I almost had hands and feet just now.

Just as Zhao Min relaxed, she saw the stewardess coming towards them again. She was so nervous that she grabbed Qi Lin's arm again.

"Hi, would you like something to drink?"

The attitude of the stewardess was very good, and Zhao Min's tense mood gradually relaxed. .

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