Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

274: The Plane Encountered Turbulence

"Do you have orange juice here?"

The stewardess replied with a gentle smile.


After the two of them got orange juice, the stewardess pushed the trolley to ask other guests.

It was the first time for Zhao Min to fly by plane, so she was unavoidably uncomfortable. She half-lyed on the seat, turned to Qi Lin beside her and asked, "Are all the staff here so good?"

Qi Lin replied with a smile: "Yes, basically the service is very good. You will know when you sit often in the future."

Zhao Min nodded, staring at the air in front of her as if in a daze, after a while, she couldn't help Qi Lin asked: "So...why are they waiting for us..."

"I just did the math, we were at least ten minutes late, and they didn't even mention it."

When Qi Lin heard Zhao Min's question, he tilted his head and thought for a while, and then replied to Zhao Min: "Maybe it's because their company has a little cooperation with my company."

Zhao Min took a deep breath. He knew that Qi Lin was a very rich man, but he didn't expect that he would be able to directly cooperate with the international airport because he was so rich.

This is no longer simply rich.

Zhao Min felt that he had missed the point where Qi Lin was rich, so she squinted her eyes and asked Qi Lin directly: "Tell me, are you a rich man of three generations, that kind of rich man whose wealth has been accumulated by generations of his family?" .”

"Otherwise, why can your company cooperate with the international airport?!"

Qi Lin couldn't help laughing, Zhao Min's guess was outrageously wrong, he started from scratch, and the international airport was asking for their wages, begging to cooperate with them.

However, he didn't intend to tell Zhao Min that he was afraid that the other party would feel pressure because of his identity. Although the probability of this situation was relatively small, he still wanted to be cautious.

So he shook his head to Zhao Min: "It's not as exaggerated as you said, I started from nothing."

When Zhao Min heard this, she asked suspiciously: "Really? Didn't you lie to me?"

Qi Lin was about to swear, and he promised, dumbfounded: "Really! It's more real than real gold. I really started from nothing, and all the wealth was made by myself.

Only then did Zhao Min believe his words, but he didn't believe what Qi Lin said about cooperating with the international airport.

She thinks that Qi Lin should have discussed it with the staff first, so the airport staff will wait for them.

As for the cooperation with the international airport that Qi Lin said, it is estimated that Qi Lin is bragging.

As Zhao Min thought, he took a sip of the orange juice, but he didn't know what Zhao Min was thinking.

He usually puts on the blindfold and goes to sleep as soon as he gets on the plane.

So he directly took out a blindfold from the side, and distributed the other blindfold to Zhao Min.

"Go to sleep, it will take several hours to get there, you can't play with your mobile phone during this time, sleeping is an activity to pass the time.

Zhao Min felt that what Qi Lin said made sense.

So she took the blindfold and put it on her eyes. After the two of them put on the blindfold, they fell asleep not long after.

Both of them went to bed late at night and got up early in the morning, and now they can catch up on sleep, and the two of them fell into dreams without any delay.

When Zhao Min woke up again, the plane was still flying, she yawned, and just as she was about to stretch, she felt a jolt in her body.

Zhao Min was so frightened that he grabbed Qi Lin next to him, and Qi Lin was also awakened by the jolt. He sat up and raised his blindfold, looking at the weather outside.

A few seconds later, the announcement sounded in the plane.

"Ladies and gentlemen, there is a turbulence in front of the plane, and there will be a long period of turbulence. The new mobile phone has been turned off. Please sit in your seat and don't walk around. Check your seat belts. The flight attendants will stop serving you. meal."

"Apologies for the inconvenience caused to you."

The broadcast repeated the same passage in several languages.

Qi Lin immediately understood that the plane was encountering strong turbulence, he raised his eyebrows and thought for a while, and then said to Zhao Min next to him: "It's okay, it's just a turbulence.

Zhao Min didn't expect to win the lottery as soon as she got on the plane. She swallowed hard, and Qi Lin asked, "Are you all right? The plane didn't crash, right?"

She had watched the crash scenes in many TV dramas before, but she didn't feel much when watching them.

When she was really on the scene, she felt that her heart almost stopped.

Just as Qi Lin was about to speak, the plane was turbulent again. He had no choice but to hold Zhao Min's hand tightly, trying to give her a sense of security

The plane is constantly subverting, and Qi Lin can feel that the strong air current they are encountering now poses an extremely powerful threat to the plane.

Except for the two of them, the other guests were yelling, some were yelling hastily, some had already started writing suicide notes, and this was the first time they had encountered such an accident.

The staff tried their best to appease the passengers, because their side was relatively quiet, so the staff did not go to their side.

In just one minute, Zhao Min's face was as pale as a sheet of white paper, Qi Lin frowned and asked Zhao Min: "Are you okay?!"

Zhao Min shook his head: "What should I do...I want to vomit..."

Now that the plane is shaking violently, Qi Lin squeezed Zhao Min's palm: "Hold it first, let's go through this period of strong airflow, you don't want to be covered in your own vomit, right?"

Hearing this, Zhao Min immediately tried to hold back.

At this moment, the captain received a channel from a private airport not far away.

"We are a private airport nearby, we have already vacated all the space, please make an emergency landing now!"

The captain also felt that the airflow was too strong, and they had to make an emergency landing now.

It's just that it was the private airport that issued the order, and he had to notify the headquarters first. Just when he thought so, the headquarters directly initiated a call with them.

Zhao Min has held back for several minutes.

She felt that nausea has gradually disappeared by 0.5.

It was replaced by dizziness, she began to feel dizzy, and she had double images when she saw everything. She shook her head, trying to see clearly, but unfortunately it was of no use.

Qi Lin saw that the blood on Zhao Min's face was getting paler and paler, and his brows were so wrinkled that he could kill a fly. Zhao Min's situation was obviously very wrong, and the plane had to descend immediately.

At this moment, the staff suddenly sat on a chair and motioned to them.

The plane was turbulent violently, so no one could leave their seats, and the staff could only express concern through gestures, actions and shouting.

"Are you all right?"

"Is it hard?"

Qi Lin pointed at Zhao Min and nodded, and the staff immediately understood what he meant after seeing his movements. .

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