Just as they were about to talk, they heard the radio inside the plane start to speak again.

This time it was the voice of the captain. The airport only said a few words, and there was only one theme around it, that is, they will make an emergency landing now, and everyone must wear their seat belts.

Everyone is afraid of death, and they have already fastened their seat belts tightly.

Not long after, the plane began to make an emergency landing, and everyone felt a sense of weightlessness, some screamed loudly, and some were as white as paper.

Zhao Min belonged to the latter category. She clenched her back molars tightly, trying not to make a sound.

This sense of weightlessness is really nothing to Qi Lin.

He looked at Zhao Min next to him with worried eyes.

The time for the forced landing was not too long, it only took about ten minutes before and after.

After successfully landing at the airport, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhao Min also let out the breath that he was holding back.

As soon as she was relieved, her stomach started to work. Seeing Zhao Min's expression, Qi Lin knew that she was about to vomit, so he quickly waved to the staff.

"Excuse me, please bring me a bag."

The staff took the bag to him without saying a word, Qi Lin hurriedly handed it to Zhao Min, and Zhao Min vomited directly with a "wow".

She vomited for five full minutes on the plane, and she didn't stop until she vomited out everything she ate this morning, leaving only sour water in her stomach.

"I can't do it...I really can't do it..."

Zhao Min kept shaking her head, her stomach was uncomfortable and her head was dizzy, it was difficult to even stand up.

"Sit here and rest first, and then go down after you have rested."

Hearing this, Zhao Min nodded with a pale face.

After half an hour, her complexion finally got better. Although her lips were still very white, they were not as scary as before.

"let's go.

Qi Lin didn't stop him, he got off the plane with Zhao Min and several staff members beside him.

Zhao Min originally thought that after such a long time, only the two of them and the staff on the plane would be left here.

It turned out that there were at least dozens of people standing under the plane.

These people are all wearing uniforms, and they stand outside in a line, looking very dignified.

When Zhao Min saw these people, her face turned paler.

"Why are there so many people standing outside?"

"Did I stay in there for too long?"

That's clearly not the case.

The staff said to them with respect: "I'm really sorry, this flight didn't give you a good experience and it surprised you.

"We have prepared a hotel and a hot spring for you. If you don't mind, you can go and have a rest first."

"Of course, regarding your original destination, we will discuss with the local airport and ask them to transfer their plane to us or you can take their flight.

"We will bear all the expenses here."

Zhao Min did not expect their attitude to be so good. In the final analysis, the reason why the plane made an emergency landing was because of weather problems, and it had nothing to do with the flight.

In order to compensate them, the plane also prepared a hotel hot spring for them, which really made her feel a little bit sorry.

Thinking of this, Zhao Min said to them a little embarrassedly: "Actually, the hotel and hot springs are unnecessary..."

Before she finished speaking, Qi Lin directly interrupted Zhao Min: "Let's go. 1"

Zhao Min was dragged away by Qi Lin before she could react. After walking for a long time, she asked Qi Lin, "What's wrong?"

Qi Lin replied to Zhao Min dumbfounded: "You don't think that all guests here can go to the hotel and hot spring?"

Zhao Min stared in surprise and asked, "What's wrong? Isn't it?!"

Qi Lin sighed deeply, Zhao Min is not a little bit stupid than he imagined.

"Look at your own pale face. If you don't take a good rest, I'm afraid you won't be able to go for two days. Don't worry about it. Since they offered to compensate us, then we will suffer.

Zhao Min didn't say anything more, they had already gone so far, it would be too hypocritical to go back and say no at this time.

The two of them were picked up by the airport staff's car. After reaching the hotel entrance, Zhao Min couldn't help opening her mouth. She pointed to the villa in front of her and asked.

“This is a hotel?!”

She couldn't help but began to doubt her cognition.

In her cognition, this is clearly the villa.

She began to wonder if the villas outside were called hotels.

Seeing Zhao Min's stupid look, Qi Lin couldn't help but bend the corner of his mouth and said: "Of course this is not a hotel, this is a villa they specially prepared for us."

When Zhao Min heard this, she breathed a sigh of relief, the perception of the outside world was the same as that in her mind.

After a while, she couldn't help asking again: "Then why did you send us to the villa? This is too exaggerated..."

Seeing his startled look, Qi Lin was even more reluctant to tell Zhao Min his identity.

He cleared his throat, and pretended to be puzzled and said: "I don't know, maybe they sent it by mistake, but since we have already arrived here, let's go in directly.

Zhao Min felt that this was not very good, and Qi Lin, who was a little worried, asked, "Is it not good for us to go in like this?"

After she finished asking, Qi Lin had already walked in.

Seeing that Qi Lin had strutted into the villa, she gritted her teeth at 947, and walked in together.

Anyway, the airport staff sent them here, so there is nothing wrong with them going in.

The villa was brightly lit, and there was no one in it.

Zhao Min visited the rooms of the villa. In addition to a few rooms, there are singing rooms and billiard rooms in the villa, basically everything you need.

Qi Lin didn't look at it at all. This villa is no different from the villas under his name.

"Ding dong~"

Hear the doorbell ring.

Zhao Min immediately glanced at the door vigilantly: "Did they find out that they sent us to the wrong place, and now they want us to go back to the hotel?"

When Qi Lin heard her words, he held back a smile and replied.

"Well... maybe, I'll go out and have a look."

When Zhao Min heard this, she quickly followed and said as she walked.

"Let's go together!"

After opening the door, there was a man wearing glasses and a suit at the door.

"Mr. Qi, Ms. Zhao, the hot spring is nearby, do you want to go there and relax?"

Zhao Min looked at the other party in surprise, and she hesitated and asked the other party: "Did you send it to the wrong place?"

"Aren't you going to send us to the hotel?"

The man bent down and replied: "Because the hotels nearby are not very well equipped, so we selected this place."

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