Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

276: Are You Misunderstanding Something?

"Are there any dissatisfaction?"

"If this place is not to your liking, there are several villas near us"

Zhao Min interrupted the man before he finished speaking.

"No! We are already very satisfied, thank you.

The man nodded and continued talking to them.

"Then do you want to play hot springs before departure?"

Zhao Min glanced at Qi Lin hesitantly, Qi Lin thought for a while, and then replied to the man.

"Let's go."

After getting in the car, they arrived at the hot spring in ten minutes.

At the entrance of the hot spring is a house similar to a homestay, Zhao Min whispered in Qi Lin's ear.

"It's exactly the same as in the TV series."

Qi Lin didn't speak, he patted Zhao Min's head, after the two were brought in, the man said to them,

"Then I won't bother you, I'll wait for you at the door, call me whenever you need me."

Qi Lin nodded slightly, and Zhao Min spoke with a normal volume when the man left.

"Then are we going to go into the hot spring now?"

Zhao Min had never been to a hot spring before, she was a little curious and excited, Qi Lin took a look, the place had been booked by the staff and cleared, so now there are only the two of them

"Yes, let me see if there is a male soup and a female soup.

Qi Lin went around a few times and found that there was no separate hot spring here, he said to Zhao Min in a bit of embarrassment.

"Well, you go in first, and then go in after you finish soaking.

Zhao Min was stunned for a moment, and she asked suspiciously: "Isn't this place separate?"

Qi Lin thought for a while and replied: "I don't know too well, why don't you ask the staff?"

When Zhao Min heard this, she quickly stopped Qi Lin.

"Forget it, let's soak together, let's not take off your clothes at all."

"It's too time-consuming to soak one by one."

After she finished speaking, she walked directly into the dressing room.

Zhao Min didn't mind, Qi Lin naturally wouldn't say anything.

After the two of them changed their clothes, they walked into the hot spring.

Zhao Min wrapped a bath towel around her body. She imitated the scene in the TV series and slowly squatted in the hot spring.

When the hot spring water completely submerged her arms, she sighed comfortably: "Wow"

Qi Lin also walked in. The hot spring was very big, and they each occupied one side. The two of them enjoyed the hot spring with their eyes closed.

The tiredness of the whole day flies away, leaving only a comfortable feeling.

The two of them soaked in the hot spring for more than an hour.

Zhao Min originally wanted to soak longer, but because her head was already dizzy, she had no choice but to get up and go out.

Going back to the locker room to change clothes, the army of their staff returned to the villa.

After the two of them soaked in the hot spring, they went back to the villa to take a bath and went to bed immediately.

The next day, before they woke up, the staff knocked on the door of the villa.

Zhao Min was the first to be woken up. She rubbed her eyes and went downstairs to open the door, only to find that the person standing at the door was the person who took them to the hot spring yesterday.

"It is you..."

"What's matter?"

The other party heard Zhao Min's question, and he replied to Zhao Min.

"It's like this, we have already communicated with the airport, and we can leave at noon today.

While yawning, Zhao Min took out her mobile phone from her pocket and looked at the time. Seeing that it was half past ten, she asked the other party, "What time is noon?"

The staff replied politely: "At 12:15 noon, we have prepared breakfast for you."

After he finished speaking, he made way for the space behind him, because she had just blocked the door, so Zhao Min didn't see the scene behind him clearly.

After the staff stepped aside, Zhao Min could clearly see the people standing behind him. There were three people behind him, and three people were pushing three cars.

Zhao Min looked at the dazzling array of breakfasts in front of her, she opened her mouth wide and asked them: Are all these breakfasts for us?"

The staff member bowed his head and replied, "Of course."

Zhao Min took a deep breath, and rubbed her temples: "Actually, you really don't need to look like this, isn't your level of compensation too exaggerated?!"

When the staff heard this, he immediately raised his head and said to Zhao Min: "It's no exaggeration, we didn't know you were on this flight, if we knew, we would definitely give you better service on the plane."

Zhao Min was at a loss when she heard that, she felt that the service on the plane was already very good.

"No need...and we are not big people, are you misunderstanding something?"

The staff were even more confused, how could the world's richest man not be a big shot.

"We didn't misunderstand, Mr. Qi is exactly the same as in the photo, how could we misunderstand."

Zhao Min felt that what she and the staff said was wrong, she raised her hand and said: "Wait, why do I feel that we are not talking about the same topic, I don't even know what photo you are talking about..."

The staff replied to Zhao Min: "Of course it is a photo on the Internet, Mr. Qi has a lot of photos on the Internet.

Zhao Min felt as if he had a clue: "So you mean he is an Internet celebrity?"

After she finished speaking, she felt that she guessed it right in all likelihood.

Because ordinary people generally don't have too many photos on the Internet, even entrepreneurs, there are only two front photos.

With money and exposure on the Internet, Zhao Min thinks that Qi Lin's career should be an Internet celebrity.

Now it was the staff's turn to be surprised.

"How could Mr. Qi be an Internet celebrity?! He is the richest man in the world. The word Internet celebrity is completely unworthy of Mr. Qi."

When Zhao Min heard the latter word, she felt that she must have misheard.

"Wait... what did you say?"

"What is the world's richest man?"

The staff was a little at a loss, (No Zhao) he didn't think that Zhao Min really didn't know Ju.

If Qi Lin concealed it on purpose, would he have ruined the matter of the richest man in the world now?!

When the staff thought of this, he immediately panicked, and he replied to Zhao Min with his white hands: "No, I don't know anything!"

Before Zhao Min could ask clearly, she saw the panicked expression on the staff member's face, and she said helplessly, "Didn't you say it yourself? If you said he has an identity, then you tell me what his identity is."

Where did the staff dare to continue talking, cold sweat oozed from his forehead instantly, and when he didn't know what to answer, Qi Lin's voice came from the house.

"What are you doing?"

Zhao Min turned her head and saw Qi Lin standing behind her. She was taken aback for a moment, and then she replied to Qi Lin: "He said that he could leave at noon today at the earliest, let us prepare first, and brought us a lot of breakfast."

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