Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

277: The Biggest Benefit, No Stepping On Mine

Qi Lin gently wiped the corner of his mouth with a tissue next to him.

Zhao Min glanced at the plate in front of him, and then she asked Qi Lin: "Do you want to try my steak?"

Hearing Zhao Min's words, Qi Lin smiled and asked Zhao Min: "Do you want to try my steak?"

Zhao Min frowned and replied, "I was you mind?"

Of course Qi Lin wouldn't mind, he sent his plate towards Zhao Min, and then he said to Zhao Min.

"Then give it a try."

Zhao Min was not polite to him, she directly took a fork to try the steak on Qi Lin's plate, the steak on Qi Lin's plate was more tender than she imagined, it tasted rich and rich in taste.

"I think your steak is better than mine!"

After listening to Zhao Min's topic, Qi Lin replied to Zhao Min: "If you also call it medium-rare steak, then your steak must taste similar to mine."

The two of them ate in the private room for about an hour, and the group left the restaurant.

Before leaving, Zhao Min took a sneak peek at the bill, seeing the several digits on the bill, she was a little frightened, she originally wanted to pay, but now it seems that she is completely incapable of doing so.

When the two of them walked outside, Zhao Min held back for a while and still couldn't hold back, she asked Qi Lin.

"Is the steak at this restaurant set in gold? Why is it so expensive?"

"I didn't see gold leaf sprinkled on top of the steak either..."

Hearing Zhao Min's complaint, Qi Lin couldn't help laughing and replied.

"The high-end restaurants here are very expensive, and this price is actually quite normal."

Zhao Min was still a little dissatisfied. She felt that if it was so expensive, she might as well go to the supermarket and buy two steaks and fry them at home.

After expressing her thoughts, she only got Qi Lin's smile.

The two walked outside for a long time, because the weather was too hot, they didn't want to stay outside, so it didn't take long for them to return to the hotel room.

After returning to the hotel room, the two of them gathered in the suite and began to discuss tomorrow's schedule.

Of course, they couldn't just stay in the hotel room. Qi Lin used to travel alone, where and when he wanted to go, he could do whatever he wanted.

Now it's different (biee), he set off with Zhao Min, he had to be more planned, so he made a schedule.

When he and Zhao Min were discussing the schedule, there was no conflict, because the two of them basically had the same idea.

After resting in the hotel room for an afternoon, they were immersed in the game again, and they didn't recover from the game until it was completely dark.

"Why is it getting dark so quickly?"

Zhao Min looked out the window with a confused face.

There is a floor-to-ceiling window in the hotel room, and you can see the sunset outside when you open the curtains.

Now there is no sunlight outside, only the lights outside are trying to shine.

Zhao Min touched her stomach, she felt that she was hungry, so she said to Qi Lin: "Let's go eat.

Of course Qi Lin had no objection, the two of them found a restaurant with other tastes this time.

Facts have proved that the local restaurants are not to their liking, but this time, they made a strategy before going.

With the Raiders, the biggest advantage is that they did not step on mines.

After finishing their dinner, the two of them strolled around the nearby park.

Zhao Min was blowing the night breeze comfortably. She never thought that one day she would really be able to travel abroad. Even now, she occasionally feels like she is dreaming.

Thinking of this, she turned her head and glanced at Qi Lin, then she was silent for a while, and then she asked Qi Lin.

"I'm not dreaming now, I thought I was traveling outside, but I was actually still in my little bed at home."

When Qi Lin heard Zhao Min talking to himself, he thought for a while, then pinched Zhao Min's cheek with a little force, and Zhao Min let out a cry of pain.

"What are you doing?"

She asked angrily.

Hearing Zhao Min's question, Qi Lin replied to Zhao Min solemnly: "Of course it is to wake you up. Didn't you say that you are dreaming? I am the one responsible for waking you up in your dream now."

When Zhao Min heard Qi Lin's words, she couldn't help but burst out laughing. She hit Qi Lin with her fist, and then said, "You are so bad."

They walked and chatted in the park, chatting and chatting for an hour passed, and the two of them changed from walking to sitting on chairs near the park and chatting.

In fact, they didn't talk about anything, they just talked about some short things about their parents. Now Zhao Min trusted Qi Lin even more, and she told about her family's situation.

"My family members passed away two years ago. They died in an accident. When they passed away, they left me a fortune."

"At that time, the family of the driver who caused the accident also paid me a little money, and I used that money to open the shop."

"However, since our shop does not need to collect rent, I haven't spent that money until now.

When Zhao Min said this, she blinked slyly, and then she asked Qi Lin: "Can I ask how you became the richest man in the world?"

In fact, she has been curious for a long time, but she has not asked it out. Now that the atmosphere is just right, she wants to ask the question that has been hidden in her heart.

Qi Lin didn't know how to answer Zhao Min's question. The biggest reason why he became the world's richest man was actually due to the system.

However, he himself worked very hard. With the gathering of all aspects, he became the richest man in the world.

"Anyway... it's just starting from the bottom. If you really want to hear the story, I won't be able to tell it all tonight."

Zhao Min giggled twice, she didn't continue to ask this topic, she turned to ask a topic that she was more interested in.

"I heard that rich people are more philandering, so are you a philandering person?"

Qi Lin thought about it seriously, his wife couldn't count them with two hands, and he thought he should be more carefree.

He nodded to Zhao Min very readily and admitted: "I am indeed a playful person, and I have many wives.

Hearing this, Zhao Min immediately continued to ask Qi Lin: "So how many wives do you have?"

Qi Lin raised his hands, and then replied to Zhao Min: "Then I'm afraid this one is a bit difficult, after all, I can't count with two hands.

Zhao Min didn't expect such an exaggeration, she thought there were only five or six at most. .

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