Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

278: I Don't Want To Travel With You Anymore

Seeing the surprised look of the other party, Qi Lin couldn't help rubbing Zhao Min's head again.

The two talked heart-to-heart on a bench in the park. After the chat, they went back to the hotel room and prepared to go climbing the next day.

This is their schedule for tomorrow.

There is a very famous scenic spot in this place, which is the top of the mountain. There are two ways to get there. The first is to take the cable car, and the second is to climb the mountain.

After searching for a guide, they removed the option of taking the cable car.

Because according to the reactions of netizens on the website, there will be a lot of people taking the cable car, and it takes about five minutes for each cable car to go back and forth, and it can only accommodate six or seven people at a time.

There were so many people that if there was a queue, they would have to wait at least an hour.

So under various considerations, they finally decided to climb the mountain directly.

Both of them are people with good physical strength, and mountain climbing is not difficult for them.

Just before climbing the mountain, they need to have a good rest to preserve their energy.

The next morning, Zhao Min woke up from the bed. When she woke up, she didn't know where she was for a moment. When she realized it, she slowly got up from the bed.

It's past ten o'clock now, her usual body clock is eight o'clock or nine o'clock in the morning, it's not bad to wake up so late today, she glanced at the time after washing.

In another half an hour it will be 11 o'clock, and she thinks it is time to wake up Qi Lin.

Without hesitation, she went directly to the next room, and started a series of knocking on the door. The knocking sound lasted for a full three minutes before someone came out to answer the door.

Qi Lin had a serious feeling of waking up. He heard frequent knocks on the door, and couldn't help being angry. He opened the door with a gloomy face and asked Zhao Min, "Why are you knocking?"

Hearing Qi Lin's question, Zhao Min replied to Qi Lin: "I'm going to eat with you, and now we're going to have breakfast and we'll go climbing after building.

Qi Lin rejected Zhao Min without hesitation. He is very sleepy now, and he has no intention to climb the mountain at all. If he wants to climb the mountain, he has to wait until he wakes up completely.

"No! Don't bother me!"

Zhao Min didn't expect to get such a reply, he just froze in place,

When she came back to her senses, Qi Lin had already closed the door of the room. She wanted to keep knocking on the door, but she was afraid that Qi Lin would be even more angry, so she had to put down her hand and go to the restaurant to eat alone.

Zhao Min ate very fast. In less than half an hour, she finished her breakfast. After breakfast, she went back to her room and lay on the bed.

She began to reflect on whether she went to Qi Lin too early today.

Qi Lin looked really angry, Zhao Min lay on the bed tossing and turning, she didn't want to make Qi Lin angry, but she didn't know what to do.

When the time slowly moved to three o'clock in the afternoon, Qi Lin opened his eyes and woke up naturally. He lay on the bed for a while before getting up. After looking at the time, he got out of bed and took a shower.

There was no notification of an incoming call on the phone, and Zhao Min didn't continue to torment him. Qi Lin thought about it for a while, then went to the next room and knocked on the door.

He knocked on the door for a while, and Zhao Min's weak voice came from inside the room.

"Who is it?"

When Qi Lin heard Zhao Min's feeble questioning, he answered directly.

"It's me! Open the door."

Zhao Min didn't expect Qi Lin to come to him, and she hasn't figured out how to apologize.

Although she didn't think about it, it didn't stop her from jumping out of bed and running to open the door as fast as she could.

After opening the door, she looked at Qi Lin with some embarrassment, not knowing how to apologize to Qi Lin.

Qi Lin didn't know what happened to Zhao Min at all, he saw Zhao Min's expressionless face, so he said to Zhao Min: "Do you want to go out and eat something?"

When Zhao Min heard Qi Lin's question, she hurriedly nodded and replied, "Okay!"

As soon as the words fell, Qi Lin turned his head and walked outside.

The weather is too sweltering now, and he has no appetite. He plans to eat local desserts. He heard that the local desserts are not bad, especially the iced coconut juice, which tastes very refreshing.

Zhao Min followed closely behind Qi Lin, she neither stepped forward nor retreated, Qi Lin saw that she was walking so slowly, so he slowed down and waited for her, but unexpectedly she still failed to catch up.

He frowned and turned to Zhao Min and asked, "What's wrong? Walking so slowly."

...asking for flowers......

Hearing Qi Lin's question, Zhao Min quickly chased after him and replied, "It's nothing."

Qi Lin saw that Zhao Min was still in a state of no energy, his brows frowned even tighter, but he didn't say anything, just took him directly to the local dessert restaurant

Dessert shops have been opened in many local places, and most of their desserts are original or local.

Qi Lin doesn't like to eat too sweet things, so he specifically asked the boss not to add too much sugar after ordering desserts.

After the boss finished listening, he nodded to Qi Lin, but Zhao Min didn't have so many demands. After she absent-mindedly ordered two desserts, she began to look at the air in a daze.

Qi Lin sighed, and then he asked Zhao Min: "What's wrong with you? Is it because the weather is too hot? Why don't you have any energy?"


"You weren't like this yesterday..."

When Zhao Min heard Qi Lin's words, she was silent for a while, and after about ten minutes, she suddenly said to Qi Lin.


Qi Lin didn't expect Zhao Min to apologize to him suddenly, he was stunned, he didn't know why the other party apologized to him suddenly.

He paused for five seconds and then asked Zhao Min: "Why are you apologizing to me for nothing? What did you do to apologize to me?"

When he said this, a possibility came to his mind.

"You don't mean to say, you don't want to continue traveling with me, do you?"

When Zhao Min heard this, she replied dumbfoundedly: "Of course I didn't apologize for what happened today. I shouldn't have bothered you so early."

"Because my own biological clock is relatively early, so I take it for granted that your biological clock will be the same as mine. I didn't think carefully, so I hope you can stop being angry with me."

After Qi Lin heard the words, he felt that he was at a loss, and he didn't know what Zhao Min would say at all.

"What are you talking about, what do you mean don't be angry with you?"

"Did something happen today?"

When Zhao Min heard Qi Lin's question, she was very surprised and asked: "Have you forgotten what happened this morning? I asked you to go to the restaurant for dinner at around ten o'clock this morning."

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